Sunday, October 4, 2009


I love synchronicity, for it is how I “came to believe” and it continues to bolster my faith that there is a loving Something greater than myself that knows about this whole show.

That said, an email about the topic of hurrying has been sitting in my Inbox since Thursday, but I’ve not hurried to read it. How synchronistic that twisting (or whatever) my back yesterday has made me slowed down. Today, being better able to sit in my desk chair, I read it.

Here is an excerpt from my friend’s email regarding the message she received in her role as an author for the Mayan Day Keepers. To read more, you can visit her website.

I realize the message is not a new one, but I appreciate the reminder about what’s truly important.

“… never in your history has there been the need to "hurry" to do anything. What is more important is to be in joy and express love each and every moment. This entails releasing fears and habits that keep you from enjoying a passionate and compassionate life.

“Learn how to maintain a state of calm and peace no matter what storm is brewing around you. Have courage to stand in your truth, no matter who may disagree with what you say or do. Take time each day to go within, quiet your mind and set clear intentions for what you wish to accomplish. Pay attention to what is happening around you, especially in nature and be respectful to all beings who reside on the earth. Fill your heart with gratitude each moment, reveling in the beauty that surrounds you. This is your path to ascension.

“… if you still feel the need to "hurry," we would suggest your quickening be focused "inside" rather that upward. Take time to look at how you can be part of the soul-ution when it comes to creating heaven on earth.”

- Excerpt from Mayan Message, Day 19, Cauac 6

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