Friday, June 3, 2011


Please visit my main website to read the latest -as well as past- blogs about you, me, and Spirit.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

My Refuge and My Strength

“Letting go of what is no longer needed makes room for what is fresh and new.” - Today’s Daily Word, July 7, 2010

What do I no longer need in my life? Certain types of work projects? Clients? Friendships?

How about beliefs? After all, my thoughts and beliefs create my life.

These past several days have been a challenge for me, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Letting go of attachments in all forms simplifies my life and the clutter in my brain. And no matter the chaos, the confusion, or the no longer needed thing in my life still hanging out, I must remember always -

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” - Psalm 46:1 (KJV). When I really contemplate the meaning of this statement, I am in awe. I rest in faith and peace.

God IS. I must acknowledge the One Power and One Presence, and affirm it daily. Then I know that all is well despite appearances.

Dear God;
As I wake up to what is needed and what is not, I know You are my refuge, and my strength comes through You. Show me Your Will, show me Your Way. Today I make room for what is fresh and new, knowing You are ever present and all is well.

Monday, July 5, 2010

The Power

“We are the wire, God is the current. Our only power is to let the current pass through to us.” - Carlo Carretto

Thursday, July 1, 2010

All is Well and All is Good

“Blessed is the person who is too busy to worry in the daytime and too sleepy to worry at night.” - Unknown

... And blessed is my morning meditation practice to dissipate the fears that creep into my mind in the middle of the night!

Today I listened to the self-hypnosis CD Peace of Mind (Barrie Konicov) and it enabled me to let go of agitation. And, when I let go of worry, God can more easily get my attention - and I can get His help. The good ‘ol “Let go and let God.”

Today I live a faith-filled day. I know God is in charge, Divine Order IS and it does prevail: all is well. Ahhh.

“Today I claim my Truth. The presence and power of God work in, through and as my life, blessing others and blessing me. I recognize the interconnectedness of all human beings and trust that every situation and person has the potential to contribute to my life in a positive way. I create order in my life and seek only the good, assured that as I seek, so I shall find.” - Excerpt from Daily Word, July 1, 2010

Sunday, June 27, 2010

What's in a Name?

Rumi says, “With us the name of everything is its outward appearance; with the Creator, the name of each thing is its inward reality.” - From The Rumi Collection, edited by Kabir Helminski, published by Shambhala Publications, Inc.

How shallow it seems to be named based on outward appearances, for appearances are illusionary and not real. What is real is eternal and internal, the essence of a thing.

I may be named Joyce, woman, female, business person, singer, volunteer, friend, lover, wife, and much more. But what it really comes down to - the reality - is my essence, the real me. And, that is I am a holy child of God. My inward being is love, peace, joy.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Thank You, God!

My prayer today is: Thank You, God! Thank You, God! Thank You, God! I guess it’s an affirmation as well.

I’m grateful that I feel I made some progress in my daily practice of sitting in the Silence, of quieting the mind. I actually was able to focus mainly on my breath for a great portion of the ½ hour. And by focusing on the breath, one can only be in the present moment, in the Now. That is where Consciousness resides, that is where The Presence can be felt. When I did find myself back in the chatter of the little Me, I was inspired to chant Thank You, God! Thank You, God! Thank You, God! and get back to the breath, to the Now.

I’m grateful that I finally got back to my morning stretches. Ever since we moved to Sedona 7+ months ago, those had gone by the wayside. My morning schedule wasn’t so open any more, the floors are Saltillo tile (beautiful - and hard), and I don’t have my own private space where I can stretch to soothing music; challenges no doubt, but not roadblocks if I am willing and open to change. I finally became willing enough.

So this morning I am b-r-e-a-t-h-i-n-g deeply and I am feeling more conscious and more healthy in body, mind, and spirit. It feels great!

Thank You, God! Thank You, God! Thank You, God!

Sunday, June 20, 2010


“... Only God knows what each of us needs to experience and learn. If we insist on seeing things happen our way, we’re not trusting God’s plan for us. A loving God will see that our needs are supplied without instructions from us.” - In God’s Care, June 19

After 582 daily posts - that’s more than 1½ years - I did not blog yesterday... or the day before. And, that’s okay. In fact, I see that it’s time to make a change, to move on. A new chapter has started in my spiritual life. I no longer need this portion of my spiritual practice and can perhaps make an opening for something new. I can trust God to show me other ways to feel Its Presence each day, each moment.

I started writing this blog November 13, 2008 to jumpstart my daily spiritual practice which had been waning. Guidance said it was a way to help me be in fit spiritual condition and to be of service to others. And it has been that - and more.

I’ve enjoyed writing regularly and developing a style. It’s been a journal at times of events that I was able to easily share with people in my life by sending them a link to a particular daily post. It’s been a way to publicly acknowledge and express gratitude for the people and lessons in my life. It’s been a commitment I’ve kept, showing me my perseverance. On and on the gifts go.

I will continue blogging, less than by routine and more by intuition and inspiration. After all, that is more and more of how I’m living my life these days. It will be a reflection of that change.

And who knows, I might land up blogging everyday as Spirit calls to me. In any case, I am confident and I trust that God will supply me with what I need to stay connected to the Beloved Presence and with whatever I need to experience, learn, and wake up.