Sunday, November 30, 2008

Fit Spiritual Condition

During a recent gathering in which I found myself a bit uncomfortable with circumstances, I found myself cracking jokes to ease my feeling of awkwardness. My remarks hurt someone’s feelings; when it came to my (surprised) attention, I made amends.

Now it doesn’t matter if that other person wasn’t in fit emotional, mental, or spiritual condition herself. What matters is that I keep my side of the street clean. It’s similar to the notion that no matter what is happening around me, I keep my peace.

So my job above all else is to stay closely connected to God. When there is even a faint hint that I have not been loving, it is a signal for me to immediately take a look at my spiritual condition, my relationship with God. From there, I must do whatever is necessary to correct the situation with the other person and to get back on track with God. Therein lies my peace. And, everyone is better for it.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

With Spirit

...Everything is possible for him who believes.” – Mark 9:23-24

The person who has a certain great truth in his mind can never be defeated by anything and will ultimately win victories, though he may have to go through deep waters now and then. That great truth is the belief – the obsessive belief – that God is always with us. When you believe this, you are not alone, never, under any circumstances. When you live with this belief, you are never rejected, you are never forsaken, you never walk by yourself. God is with you – this is the greatest source of strength a human being can have.

Positive Living Day by Day, P. 344
Norman Vincent Peale

In my pre-God days, I used to feel so alone. Since coming to believe, I have taken much comfort in knowing that God is with me always. It truly is a strength that when human beings may not be available or I feel disappointed with them, that I can always count on Spirit to be with me, to love me, to provide wisdom and guidance. Likewise, when I am exuding happiness, bursting with excitement, I can consciously be with God and feel even more positive. No matter the circumstance, God is with me, in me, running through me. God is my Source.

It can still be easy to get lost in this physical world and forget who I truly am and what power I have been imbued with. When I remember that I am first and foremost a spiritual being (having a human experience) and, my Source, I cannot feel alone – I feel inspired!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving Day Reminiscence

Well, it definitely was not anything near a usual Thanksgiving Day for me yesterday as I worked a good portion of the day to get a project done. I had hoped to relax, watch some movies, and simply be with Rog.

How do you make God laugh? Tell Him your plans!

Well, while T-Day didn’t turn out the way I’d planned, I still want to hold a positive, uplifting, attitude of gratitude towards it. We went to Rog’s mom for lunch - I am grateful to G (as she is affectionately called) for her generous spirit. She did a lot to prepare for our visit and meal. It was most appreciated.

I am grateful for the weather here in Gilbert. It wasn’t the usual, as it was alternately cloudy, stormy, and sunny. However, it reminded me of a real autumn day, like I used to enjoy back east.

I am grateful for the specialness of this particular holiday as no other, for it is the one in which my friends - most of who are scattered across the country - and I call one another simply to say “I love you.” Sure, we say that to one another throughout the year, but it’s always a bit more special on Thanksgiving Day. We’re saying something more than “I love you;” we’re saying, “I’m grateful you are alive and you are in my life.” How precious.

This was the 5th Thanksgiving that my beloved life partner and I were together. When planning the Thanksgiving festivities in years past often proved to be emotionally straining as I yearned for the arrival of my true partner, I’m grateful that Rog and I finally found one another and that he has been a loving constant in my life since 2004. And this is something I am grateful for not just on Thanksgiving Day but everyday.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

As We Gather 'Round...

Two years ago I first heard May the Light of Love, written and performed by David Roth at a New Thought Songwriters Tribute performance. Ever since then, I have felt that listening to or singing it as a group would be a great segue to breaking bread at the Thanksgiving Day feast. Alas, it has not happened yet, but I still count it as my special Thanksgiving prayer.

The music is upbeat and folksy, and the lyrics are precious and pretty much say it all for me. I share it here with you now... enjoy, and Happy Thanksgiving!

May the Light of Love by David Roth

As we come around to take our places at the table
A moment to remember and reflect upon our wealth
Here’s to loving friends and family, here’s to being able
To gather here together in good company and health.

And may we be released from all those feelings that would harm us
May we have the will to give them up and get them gone
For heavy are the satchels full of anger and false promise
May we have the strength to put them down.

May the light of love be shining deep within your spirit
May the torch of mercy clear the path and show the way
May the horn of plenty sound so everyone can hear it
May the light of love be with you everyday.

And may we wish the best for everyone that we encounter
May we swallow pride and may we do away with fear
For it’s only what we do not know that we have grown afraid of
And only what we do not choose to hear.

May the light of love be shining deep within your spirit
May the torch of mercy clear the path and show the way
May the horn of plenty sound so everyone can hear it
May the light of love be with you everyday.

And as we bless our daily bread and drink our day’s libation
May we be reminded of the lost and wayward soul
The hungry and the homeless that we have in every nation
May we fill each empty cup and bowl.

May nothing ever come between or threaten to divide us
May we never take for granted all the gifts that we’ve received
Being ever mindful of the unseen hands that guide us
And the miracles that cause us to believe.

May the light of love be shining deep within your spirit
May the torch of mercy clear the path and show the way
May the horn of plenty sound so everyone can hear it
May the light of love be with you everyday.

May the horn of plenty sound so everyone can hear it
May the light of love be with you
May the light of love be with you
May the light of love be with you everyday.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

My Gratitude List

I’m grateful for:
  • Skype (online instant messaging and calling program)
  • eBay (online marketplace where I can purchase goods)
  • PayPal (I can invoice clients online)
  • Constant Contact (a fun online program I use to create electronic newsletters)
  • Google (what would any of us do without it?!)

Real spiritual, huh?

Well, you see I’m a computer geek AND a people person – unusual combo, I know. So the aforementioned is the geek coming out in me.

On the other side of the coin, I’m grateful for:

  • Conscious contact with Spirit and our ever-deepening connection
  • Being together with my beloved twin flame, life partner, and husband, Rog, in this lifetime
  • Knowing what’s truly important in life
  • Dear friends
  • Moving forward in my spiritual coaching professional practice
  • Good physical health
  • Phoenix weather
  • Laughter
  • Singing
  • Being a good listener (some times better than other times)
  • Being a trustworthy friend

The ability to hold a sacred place for others and help empower them as they walk their path

The list really could go on and on. It’s always up to me as to how I view this world, my life. I can come from a victim standpoint, or I can seize the moment and look at my entire life as a blessing that has me exuding gratitude every moment. It’s always a choice. Having choices is another thing that I’m grateful for.

I am reminded of the following lyrics from A Course in Miracles, put to music by Jeff Olmstead:

Love is the way I walk in gratitude. Love... is the way I walk.

Hmm... Love and gratitude. Now, that’s not an unusual combination at all!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

About Gratitude

When I was a devout atheist, I felt there was no one to be thankful to. That changed as soon as I came to believe in a power greater than myself. I’m grateful for that, for walking into the rooms of a 12 Step program, which led me to the most important thing in my life: God, as I understand God.

This week is one that I particularly pause to give thought to gratitude.

So it was no surprise (at least not to me, the facilitator :) ) that at last night’s meeting of the Gilbert Spirituality Meetup group, the topic was Gratitude. The shared stories were “inspirational” as one member put it. Yes, indeed.

When a father can get down on his knees after his son has died and the first words out of his mouth are “I am grateful...for the time You gave me with my child” that is inspiring. Recalling that this man, in his darkest hour, offered thanks to God and not venom, will get me back on track when I’m feeling less than grateful because of some minor occurrence that threw me into a tizzy.

Another member made a point of saying that even if you do have negative thoughts but have a semblance of gratitude, your energy vibrates at a higher frequency. That will get the spiral headed upward towards positivity.

I was reminded that every moment is a moment in which I can choose to be grateful. Every moment is unique, will not be repeated ever again, and hence is a sole/soul(!) opportunity to be seized and savored. The expression “Wake up and smell the roses” came to mind.

When I feel gratitude, my heart is full and I am oftimes moved to tears, tears of joy. When Rog expressed a connection between gratitude and joy, I realized he was right. He expounds upon this in his book Choosing Joy at Work.

Speaking of work, we can sometimes be self-conscious about expressing appreciation of others to those folks, especially in a business setting. What a stark indicator of our increased separation from our fellows with whom we are One. This group member was going to go ahead anyway and be her authentic, expressive, appreciative self. Yes!

When I surround myself with people who not only feel grateful, but express it – like at last night’s meeting - I feel uplifted. And, for that I am grateful.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Mission Accomplished

I have been blogging for eleven days now.

Originally, I thought I had to write at the crack of dawn and have it be a part of my morning practice.

But the other day when a wrench was thrown into my morning routine, blogging had to wait. And wait. And wait. I felt pressure to get something written before going to bed that night, feeling that I simply could not not enter anything. So I took the time to write. Of course it wasn’t about having to write as it was to consciously connect with Spirit. And, I did - mission accomplished.

The next day I wasn’t quite sure what to blog about but it turned out that my early morning dream was clearly about Spirit and hence, worthy of my blog. I put further thought into what the meaning of my dream meant in the context of my everyday so-called waking life, and blogged about it. I felt the increased nearness of Spirit - mission accomplished.

Yesterday, I simply inserted a prayer for the day’s entry - but not before I read it thoroughly and thought about its message, drawing me closer to Spirit - mission accomplished.

I can still be so boxed in with old ways of thinking. Now it is clear that the main purpose of my blogging - to connect more often and increasingly deeper with Spirit - can be achieved no matter what the time of day, no matter the form of the content.

Any time I blog, is one more time in my day in which I am pausing, contemplating, and more conscious of Spirit. It’s not about the doing: it’s about the being with Spirit. Mission accomplished.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

I am Willing

Dear God,

I am willing to be at peace.
I am willing to look at all things through eyes of love.
I am willing to be everything I can be.
I am willing to be healed.
I am willing to serve.
I am willing to release the past.
I am willing to live full-out.
I am willing to surrender my ego.
I am willing to be illumined.
I am willing to represent Your love.
I am willing to forgive myself and all others.
I am willing to share my abundance
I am willing to love.
I am willing to be all that I am.
Use me, Holy Spirit.
I am willing.
Thank You.

- Ric Beattie

Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Spiritual Waters of Life

I am driving my 2003 silver Camry with Rog in the front passenger seat and an unknown male in the seat behind the driver. I make a right-hand turn to head toward the ocean and I see there is a wall, so I need to redirect. I go back and then make another right-hand turn. The beach and the ocean are visible but I will have to drive through a brief distance of about 2-feet of deep water before I can reach dry land. There are people on the other side of the water who want to cross it, but they are uncertain that they can make it through.

I feel calm. I ask my passengers to help me raise the car off the ground (like Fred Flintstone used to) so that the water won’t ruin the car. They readily respond and we easily make it to the beach to drive along the shoreline, parallel to the ocean. The people who were waiting to see if we could succeed are reassured by our demonstration and feel that now they can do what we have done.

Rog and I sorted out my dream during this morning’s coffee time.

As the driver of the car, I was independent, self confident, and responsible for the direction of my life. Because water can take any shape or move in many ways, how we relate to it indicates how we are meeting our emotions and moods. In the dream, I felt calm when I encountered obstacles. I recognized I needed help, and I easily asked for and accepted it.

I had the sense that the unknown male passenger was God. So it was God and Rog (my beloved husband and twin flame), the two closest beings in my life, that I asked for help. I asked and I received, and all flowed easily.

Throughout my adult life, due to childhood experiences, it has been difficult for me to ask for help. As a child, if I actually did ask for help, I oftimes felt let down. I had also been a devout atheist for about 1/3 of my life, feeling that I could rely only on me. In this dream, my facing obstacles in a calm way and easily asking people and God for help indicates that I’ve made the shift most importantly on the subconscious level.

Thinking of being a demonstration to others in the dream makes me smile. Since coming to believe in God, I have endeavored to be of service. I see that my life purpose to help empower other people is being realized in both the dream and waking states.

I appreciate the confirmation that all is well in the spiritual waters of my life. Thank You, Spirit!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep

Before my head hits the pillow at night, I find it helpful to constructively review my day.

I think about how I was as a person, i.e., how I treated all those I came into contact with. Was I kind and loving? Helpful? Could I have improved upon my behavior, my thinking? And, I make a list (mentally or in my journal) of the blessings. It is fascinating to look at something that initially seems like a negative and realize that it was really a blessing. There is a blessing in everything if I’m conscious.

This day, I think I was pretty ‘clean’ in how I treated all those I came into contact with. In particular, in a delicate situation, I was gentle and diplomatic as I posed a personal question to an acquaintance, and it was with the idea of helping her.

Ten blessings of this day for which I am grateful:
1. Morning coffee time with Rog where we talk mostly about Spirit
2. Hot shower
3. Receiving a check in the mail
4. Attended a planning meeting for a women’s workshop which further fostered two blooming friendships
5. Coffee with a friend at an outdoor café and caught up on her life and the world of real estate
6. Meditation and quiet time
7. Solo morning drive in which I got to sing to spiritual music, a form of prayer for me
8. Initiated getting together with someone outside of our business meetings in order to get to know one another better – and was warmly received
9. Reliable car filled with fuel
10. Evening dinner date with Rog

Coming up with a gratitude list makes me pause and reflect. It reveals to me that I have much to be thankful for. I find it a terrific exercise for my soul and, anytime I am feeling down, making a gratitude list lifts my spirit.

Now, to laying my head on that pillow...

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Slowing Down

Do this! Do that! Oh, here’s yet another thing added to my plate for today. Do, do, do! What a crazy day this is already.

Yesterday it was worry and fear, today it’s feeling overwhelmed. I hadn’t done my morning readings, meditated, or blogged. But, I did find some nice deep breaths (my dear yoga instructor Mary often asks us to “find a deep inhale”) that centered me so I thought I was good for a while longer.

Then God really got my attention: my front tooth’s crown came off without any prior notice although recent problems with it made it no surprise. The whole day just changed again. That was the last straw - I slowed down, no choice. I called my dentist and arranged for an emergency appointment today, then I postponed one business meeting. And, now I’m blogging.

But was it really God who got my attention to slow down? Or, was it my ego (as Rog suggested)?

Slowing down has two aspects to it, one for peace (God), another for blocking our good (ego). There’s no question the morning has been hectic, too hectic for my liking. So I really did need to slow down, breathe, get centered. I’m grateful to finally be doing that. I can’t say I like the way it came to be.

But to be slowed down as a way to block moving forward is another matter.

Rog and I have been keenly focused on two things: simplifying our lives and growing our business in alignment with God’s will. Professionally, we have turned down contracts and clients so that we could be true to ourselves and Spirit. Several months ago we made the conscious decision to work with like-minded people and to only accept projects that would first and foremost provide us with the forum to creatively express ourselves, what God wants us to do, to be. Earning money was to be the secondary consideration. You know, do what you love and the money will come. With that decision I felt such freedom, and power, and joy; moving past years of angst and stepping into what God and faith were calling to me.

We’ve made great strides in downsizing expenses, material possessions, unfulfilling relationships, etc. It’s been a wonderful time spiritually - and a bumpy one financially. We have been meeting marvelous, new, like-minded people, and, we now have a batch of prospective clients who we know we’ll enjoy partnering up with and who Spirit will use as channels for financial prosperity.

And now, my front crown comes off! Of course, that’s not the only thing that’s happened in recent days to throw me disturb my peace. But, do you know how horribly ugly the gap in the front of my mouth is?! Not to mention the time and expense of the permanent solution that is required? Well, I’m not going to let this or my ego sidetrack me from my good.

I know what’s truly important and what I need to keep my focus on, and it’s not of a physical nature. So, I’m finding a deep inhale again, relaxing, and sticking close to God. All is well – it cannot be otherwise.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Worry, Sworry!

I awoke in a state of fear and worry. I hadn’t felt that way for quite some time, I’m glad to say.

Worried about finances, worried that I didn’t yet send out an anniversary card, worried that I still needed to respond to emails, worried that a contract wouldn’t come through, worried that the contract would come through... You know, Worried with a capital ‘W’. So silly of me – I should know better (I still have a little ‘shoulding’ work to complete). And, I do, intellectually.

Well, intellectually doesn’t do it for me. So what then does? Replacing worry and fear with faith. Faith with a capital ‘F’. So, I straightened out my desk! Okay, I know that’s not what’d you’d think of vis-à-vis faith, but I did feel better getting organized and seeing a lot more desk surface!

Moving on, I wrote an email to a person going through her own doubts and concerns and felt better connecting with another soul and being of service. I wrote in my email about knowing that Spirit was in charge and when I stay focused on that, I know and feel (ah, here we go now, getting to the heart) all is well. And, of course, that’s true.

Next, I picked up my morning inspirational readings and one of them hit the nail on the head:

In Daily Guideposts 2008, Dolphus Weary included in his story: “Peace grew in my heart from knowing that God is in control and that He provided all that we had and all that we would need.”

[A little synchronistic, you think?...]

And, I meditated to get to the silence within, where there is truly peace and I am at one with God.

These are but a few ways that I can get back to the Truth (with a capital ‘T’). There are many ways for me to get caught by my ego and let worry and fear run riot. But the ways to get back to the Truth are far more powerful than they and at my fingertips always. I just have to remember to ask God for help and take the steps that I can.

Thank You, Spirit, for always uplifting me when I call out to you.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

God's Plan

I didn’t send her a birthday card this last year for I thought it was time to part ways and not continue the petering out relationship. But God had other plans. Once again it looks like this friend is to play another important role in my life, this time to help me big time in my emotional and spiritual growth.

It seems like I don’t know who I should keep in my life and who I should let go. In this minute-by-minute, super-fast changing world where I am shedding people, things, and old ideas to lead a simpler life that leads me closer to God, I still don’t know what’s best for me at times.

But I do know that each and every encounter can be a holy encounter when I choose it to be. And so I choose it once again.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Keeping an Eye Out

Dear God, I am grateful for many things in my life. Please help me to be aware of and focus on all of the synchronicity and positive things that I encounter each day. Let me be mindful of others who might be in pain or who concentrate on the negative and offer prayers or words of encouragement to help them see beyond the illusion. Amen.

Coming upon the aforementioned prayer this morning was synchronistic itself! It is from the website of Christel Nani, a medical intuitive.

Weeks ago, a friend forwarded Christel’s September article on Energetic Patterns of Breast Cancer. I read it just this morning, was led to check out Christel’s site, and found her prayer list page. This was the prayer for this week.

It had meaning for me – synchronicity is ‘in the eye of the beholder’ – because the topic of last week’s Gilbert Spirituality meeting was synchronicity, I’ve been writing about synchronicity in this blog, and now, this day, I “just so happen” to read the old email that led me to a weekly prayer that “just so happen” to be on synchronicity - that’s how it works!

I am grateful for another occurrence of synchronicity and to be reminded to keep an eye out for it throughout my day, which means keeping a lookout for God.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Signs of God 1

On Friday, my husband, Roger Wyer, and I were headed to our standing Friday morning healers meeting. We were running late and, since I was driving, Rog used his cell phone to call our hostess to give her an ETA. We had a wonderful meeting, sitting outside overlooking the lush golf course, and enjoying the 75-degree November weather – hey, that’ why we live here in Phoenix and put up with 115-degree day summers!

As we were about to depart, our hostess remarked that when Rog’s call had come in, her phone caller ID displayed his telephone number accurately, but the caller was displayed as “Jay Wyer”. She showed it to us to prove it and said that Rog’s number had never shown up that way before.

Rog’s middle name is Jay, but he doesn’t use it much. But of course he and knew the name didn’t refer to him – it was his dad’s, who had passed on a couple of years ago. Seemed like Jay Wyer was trying to contact his son, which was not the first time. Doo-doo-doo-doo...

I doubt there is no real way to explain this phenomenon. However, I like to think that it is God’s way of making His Presence known and that is comforting to me. I also think it shows us that those who have crossed over are still with us, that there truly is no death. And, that’s a comforting thought too.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

My Story Continues...

[Continued from Yesterday’s Blog]

The day I departed for my first trip to Europe with six weeks of sobriety and 12 Step recovery under my belt, I had planned to work a good portion of the day and then leave directly for the airport from my office. I was delayed (ya know, just one more thing...), and rushed out of the World Financial Center in lower Manhattan hoping I would not miss my flight; I did not.

The plane was boarded, an older gentleman sat down next to me, and then he started making a fuss about the luggage under our seats. Nonetheless we settled in, the plane took flight, and before I knew it, my fellow traveler was placing a copy of the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous into the pouch in front of him! Excited and feeling an instant connection with him, I turned to him and told him I had a copy of the Big Book with me too. Thus a dreaded 7-hour flight to Rome sped by as we talked in the same language about the Program, our feelings, and our experiences.

This was synchronicity at work for numerous reasons and I chuckled that:
. In this plane with 300 or so passenger seats, a member of a 12 Step Fellowship was assigned to a seat next to me
. His unmistakable membership in this anonymous association was revealed to me (and early in the trip)
. Peter was an American (like me) from the northeastern United States (like me) in a planeload mostly full of Italian-speaking Romans
. Last, but certainly not least, Peter was a Christian missionary stationed in Rome!

The significance here for me was strong. I was not left alone, new in my sobriety and new in my traveling to Europe. I got to enjoy the company of a ‘man of the cloth’ whereas up until this time, I had looked askance at ‘such people.’ Also, this came at a time when I was actively searching for a higher power. I walked off that plane onto another continent with a new attitude, my perspective shifted.

Upon hearing this story, my dear friend Jay (a member of the AA Fellowship) said to me “Even you, Joyce, have to admit this had to be more than a coincidence...” Indeed, even I. I chuckled, knowing (and glad) that my evolving conception of a higher power had a sense of humor.

Friday, November 14, 2008

My Story Begins...

The Gilbert Spirituality MeetUp Group met the other night and the topic was God Stories. We mostly focused on sharing incidents in which events happened which could not be a coincidence – or at least the person involved thought so, which is all that matters.

The idea of synchronicity was developed by Carl Jung and has special meaning for me. It was the way in which I came to believe in God. One of my first conscious “encounters” – after all God is always making Its Presence known but I often am not paying attention – occurred when I was newly on my path.

I walked into the rooms of of a 12 Step program of recovery for eating disorders in March 1990 in New York City, bringing with me 19 years of ‘hard core’ atheism. I held a strong belief and daily practice based on Ayn Rand’s philosophy of Objectivism where reason and logic were the answer to everything and self-sufficiency, along with perfectionism, was extreme. I had a great disdain for organized religion, and would barely give a member of the clergy the time of day if asked to. But, I considered myself a ‘free thinker’!

Six weeks later, abstinent (sober) for that period, I was on my way to Europe for the first time. Being so new to the OA program and traveling into unfamiliar territory, I was concerned about my ability to remain abstinent. I endeavored to get a copy of the Big Book, the ‘bible’ of the program Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) on which my particular program was based, and secured a copy in the nick of time. Reading this, indeed just having it with me, was to help ‘protect’ me from my disease of compulsive overeating. I had not yet developed a conception of a higher power to help me. I was about to get a clear demonstration of Higher Power at work.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Time Has Come

Well, it seems that it is time to really start reaching out to others (and myself) to help with connecting to Spirit. Every time that I do, my soul is enriched, my heart expanded, and I am of service. Surely this is good, this is a “God thing”, this is God’s will.

This spiritual being having a human experience so very much needs to be reminded that it is a spirit first, God first. It too often and quickly gets caught up in the matters of the outside world, the physical “stuff.” I know that there is so much more to life – to being – than the physical and oh so want to be focused on that and in the flow.

If you need someone to talk to about matters spiritual, I am here. I am an ear that will listen whilst I hold a sacred space for you to be. Together we will meet God and commune. It will be a privilege and honor to share this time with you. Thank you. You can leave a comment or email me.

Namasté (I respect that divinity within you that is also within me.)