Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Shine Through Me

One of the prayers I came across this morning was “Lord, let my words and actions seek to uplift another whose load may need lightening and brightening today.” - Daily Guideposts, March 25, 2010

As I go out into the world today, I already know of some of the people I will encounter and their need for healing. I pray that my presence will soothe their spirit.

They may not realize what is lightening and brightening their day, but I will: God’s love, peace, and presence shining through me. I am so grateful to be such a vehicle for Spirit.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Golden Keying

I am so grateful to have reread Emmet Fox’s The Golden Key yesterday morning at breakfast before I ventured out into the world. I was going to be in the company of a person with whom I’d had a challenging time with last week and was looking to get reminded of and fortified with the awareness of God’s Presence. I did.

Fox’s idea is very simple: Stop thinking about the difficulty, whatever it is, and think about God instead. The difficulty can be something within as well as a situation or person in the outer. You “Golden Key” whatever it is troubling you - person, place, situation - by constantly repeating some statement of absolute Truth that appeals to you.

So as I went about my morning whenever feelings of fear, inadequacy, judgment, etc. crept in vis-à-vis this person and what had occurred last week, I moved my focus back onto God. I got myself out of the way and stayed in the Light. The result was that I once again felt aligned with Spirit and Oneness and that brought me peace.

When I finally had a direct conversation with the person, I felt the issues of our last encounter melt away and all was well again. Thank You, God!

I’m always striving to keep Spirit as my focus, but obviously I do stray. I use the Golden Key to get back on track realizing the One Power, One Presence, One Activity in my life is God, the Good, Omnipotent. So it is and all is well.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Only With God

Once again, this morning I came upon a reference to the poem by James Dillet Freeman called “I Am There.” So I figured it was about time to read it and found it online.

Reading it was perfect timing. Friday had included a challenging client situation, then Saturday and Sunday were full of spiritual nourishment, fun, and laughter (I actually took the weekend off, the first time in a l-o-n-g while). And, now I’m back to Monday, feeling a bit of apprehension in the pit of my stomach.

But as Rog pointed out, that is the way of the world: a roller coaster ride filled with emotional and mental ups and downs; I’ve never liked roller coaster rides. Still whatever is going on is a reflection of what’s inside of me still left to heal - and an opportunity to do so.

As a spiritual being having a human experience, reading Freeman’s poem helped to move the current roller coaster ride towards an incline. In “I Am There” God describes how It is all around and always available. Even when I cannot feel God, or I deny Spirit, in my fear, in my pain, in my feeling alone, God is there. It is only in my mind that I can feel separate from God and I need to get myself out of the way to discover the Oneness and the Power. Of myself I can do nothing, but God can do all. God is in all.

I’m working on transforming the roller coaster rides of life to something more like the boat rides of “It’s a Small World” at Disneyland. It is only with God, Who is always there, that I will succeed and come to peace.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Prayer As Action

“We... seek God’s presence anywhere we are and in anyone we’re with. This is prayer as action...” - In God’s Care, March 28

Today is to be one of those days where I expect it to be quite easy to feel God’s presence where I am and in whom I am with. It’s to be a full day for me at Unity of Sedona: singing in the Mystic Choir, attending two services, joining in fellowship, participating in the annual meeting, and being of service. A time full with the love and joy of my (somewhat) new family.

The latter part of the afternoon Rog and I are going on a picnic. Yes, a real live picnic here in Sedona, here in the delightful springtime! We are the connecting piece of friends from Tucson/Clarkdale who used to work with our new Unity friends. A small world! So the six of us are getting together to get to know one another better, to celebrate, to connect.

As I said, I expect it to be an easy day to feel and fill up on the love, joy, and peace of Spirit. There are some days when feeling God’s presence is not that easy and poses quite a bit of a challenge.

Those are the days when more than ever I need to be not my ‘little me’ but the ‘big me’ that is my true essence. Those are the days that prayer is more important than ever. Those are the days when I need to really be conscious to seek God’s presence right where I am and with whom I am with.

That is prayer as action. And, that is knowing that wherever I am, I am with Spirit, standing together on holy ground.

Saturday, March 27, 2010


Earlier in the day I participated in a gratitude circle where I shared some of what I am grateful for. Now, as the day comes to a close, I am grateful that I gave myself the day off (mostly), and I ‘allowed’ myself the luxury of a three hour nap. I am grateful that I honored myself with this gesture; it was a loving thing to do. Spirit is most pleased.

I am grateful for this rich life I have created and continue to create here in the small community of Sedona. I am grateful for the emerging awakening of myself and others.

I love hearing others share about what they are grateful for. And, anytime is a great time to acknowledge Source and all the blessings I am graced with. Morning... evening... any time at all.

I am so blessed, and I am so grateful.

Good night.

Friday, March 26, 2010


Recently a fellow Mystic Choir member asked me why I was becoming a member of Unity of Sedona. You see, she’d contemplated becoming one but was a bit skittish. As was I.

I’d been a devout atheist for many years, and even after 20 years on a conscious spiritual path, I still had my issues around the word church. I associate church with organized religion, which at least these days I can kindly say that I am able to see how it is helpful for some folks. If I could get over being an atheist, surely I could get over my conception of church. I could no longer allow my mindset to keep me from my greater good. states:
“The five basic ideas that make up the Unity belief system are: 1) God is the source and creator of all. There is no other enduring power. God is good and present everywhere. 2) We are spiritual beings, created in God's image. The spirit of God lives within each person; therefore, all people are inherently good. 3) We create our life experiences through our way of thinking. 4) There is power in affirmative prayer, which we believe increases our connection to God. 5) Knowledge of these spiritual principles is not enough. We must live them.” Sounds pretty painless! Well, actually these are ideas that I very much resonate with and believe in.

Unity is a vehicle for instruction, inspiration, and prayer support for spiritual seekers. It is a place of education. Unity of Sedona specifically is where my spirit gets nourished and soars, whether singing with the choir or opening my heart at a gratitude meeting. It’s a place where I can be of service in a myriad of ways. It’s a place where I feel comfortable spreading my wings trying out new things. It is a place of learning and love where awakening happens.

Why become a member when I already can participate in everything, except having a say with a vote on organizational decisions? Becoming a member, I feel ‘more a part of’, which is important to the little girl inside who always felt different, starting first with her family of origin. Outside of my 12 Step family (which is huge), I have never so felt a part of a group of people (it has not been for lack of searching). Becoming a member means I’m making a commitment to something I believe in and am willing to stand up for it. This is “my place” and I want to care for it; I want to support it. This community is my family and I want to protect it, strengthen it, nurture it. I feel as a member I can give with more of a whole heart.

As my family at Unity of Sedona helps me flourish and wake up, together we all awaken to a world of peace, love, and joy.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Powder Room Prayer

Sitting in the bathroom, I started praying for God to remove all the toxins from my body. Then I realized, what about the other toxins that reside in me, not just of the physical nature?...

Dear Spirit-

Please remove all toxins from my physical body. Please remove all toxic thoughts and emotions. Cleanse and purify all within me that is harmful and poisonous to my Self and others. Refresh and renew me so that I can be of optimal service to You. Thank You, thank You, thank You. And, so it is.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I realized during my "Spiritual Evolution in Consciousness" class last night that my morning quiet time is really the only time where I can be alone and in the silence with Spirit. And, what I yearn for in that time and space, and to carry with me throughout the day refers to a painting I see several times a week at Unity of Sedona, a replica of one at Unity Village:

“Peace, Be Still”


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

God Break

As I move from eating lunch and washing dishes to working on e-newsletters, I pause to take a God break.

Now, “break” is not the exact word I’d like to use as it implies a split, and I don’t ever want to feel separate from Spirit. But the truth of the matter is my mind is not always staid on Thee. So when I wake up and remember God consciously, I am grateful.

I take this time to breathe deeply, for it is God who breathes me, a wonderful remembrance. And, I thank God for the many blessings in my life. Finally, (it’s never ‘final’) I ask Spirit in prayer that I be energized, creative, and full of joy and peace as I go about the rest of my afternoon and evening. May Its Light shine through me and my work.

Ahhh. Now onward and upward.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Inner Peace

“I am at peace when my heart and mind are on God.” - Today’s Daily Word, March 22, 2010

Yes, indeed. Ya know the only place I want to be is with God. Of course, I am always with God, and God with me - it cannot be any other way. But I’m not always focused on God. And when my heart and mind are not on God, life is often tough and I do not feel at peace.

It’s like there is this veil, sometimes thick, sometimes thin. I’m on one side, sometimes fairly awake, many times asleep, and God is always on the other side, fully present. I endeavor to get that veil as thin as possible through prayer, affirmation, meditation, sitting in the silence, etc.

I endeavor to keep my heart and mind staid on Thee. There I am in bliss, joy, and peace.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Looking for Love

Today my attention was brought to the metaphysical meaning of the word adulteress: looking for love in all the wrong places. Boy, does that resonant with me! And, I’d say that everyone I know at some time in their life has looked for love in the wrong places. Many, many people continue to do so.

It can take the form of alcoholism, co-dependency, obsession with money, expecting relationships to complete oneself... the list goes on and on and on.

Not knowing I was seeking God, where I looked for love included: food, work, reading, and romance.

I’d say we’ve all been adulterers or adulteresses more than once in this lifetime. But with great mercy and compassion we are urged to move forward and err no more. For after all, if I’m seeking Truth, what other guidance is there?

Today I am so much more conscious of my thoughts and behaviors - and my heart center. I endeavor to follow the words of Emmet Fox and many others: “We must not allow any consideration whatever, any institution, or organization, or any book, or any man or woman, to come between us and our direct seeking for God.” - The Sermon on the Mount by Emmet Fox, Page 136.

So in my ever expanding awakening, I find myself no longer looking for love in all the wrong places. I just look at me inside and there I find God.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Sedona Spring 2010

Yes, it’s Spring! You can see trees blossoming here in Sedona, and the daffodils are still standing strong after snow and wind last week. Red Rock Country is beautiful in all seasons and all kinds of weather - really - but spring just makes everything more beautiful wherever nature surrounds us. Living in concrete cities makes it more difficult to ascertain spring’s arrival, but even there one can experience its budding.

Spring, of course, is about rebirth, and on a personal, spiritual level, spring has sprung in Sedona several times already this year for me. My awakening ‘ah-ha’s’ have been numerous and continue to come forth.

“My personal springtime occurs as I open my heart and mind to the Divine.” - Today’s Daily Word, March 20, 2010

Friday, March 19, 2010

Joy From Spirit

One of this morning’s readings was about laughter and it got me thinking...

Last night was weekly rehearsal time for the Mystic Choir. I experience such joy there. I feel joy not only in singing, but in our opening and closing prayer time, chatting with others before and after the rehearsal, the ‘hello’ hugs and the ‘good night’ ones, and in connecting to Spirit throughout this special time in a special sanctuary.

Laughter is another time of joy for me. I don’t get it on a prescribed, regular interval of the week, but when it comes my way, I grasp it. For laughter, like singing for me, is also a time to connect with others and God. It is a time of being so in the Now that I forget myself and just let me be.

There are times when laughter brings me to tears, tears of joy. And too, when the lyrics and/or the music of a song bring me to tears, my heart has been touched; I feel closer to God and joy.

Dear Spirit -
Thank You for the myriad of ways You open my heart to connect with myself, with others, and with You. Thank You for the joy You grace me with. Help me to be awake to the moments that lighten and open my heart and may the radiance and joy of Your love shine in me.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Holy Prayer

“If you begin to live life looking for the God that is all around you, every moment becomes a prayer.” - Frank Bianco

... and everywhere we are standing, we are in God’s Presence, we are on holy ground.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Eternal Words

“I bind to myself today God's Power to guide me, God's Might to uphold me, God's Wisdom to teach me.” - From St. Patrick's Breastplate

St. Patrick may have lived centuries ago but the above words - so important to him that he had them engraved on his breastplate - are ones that resonate with me today, here in the 21st century.

God is eternal and so is The Great Mystery’s power, might, and wisdom.

May I too use God’s Power to guide me, His Strength to keep me moving forward especially in the midst of challenges, and His Wisdom to help me live rightly and fully.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Time Well Spent

“Today, before I get started on my to-do list, I think I’ll call my friend ____, just to say hello. I know it will be time well spent.

Lord, remind me that when I get too busy to spend a moment with a friend, I’m busier than You want me to be." - Gina Bridgeman, Daily Guideposts, March 11, 2010

One of my dearest friends sent an email yesterday to review a monthly transaction we’ve been involved in. Underneath the words and even her signature of “Love, ____”, I sensed a coolness (it was confirmed by Rog without even my mentioning it). It stung and surprised me.

I started conjuring up stories about why she might feel cool towards me, of which any or all could be accurate. I replied in a loving way, but have still felt ‘off’ about it - it is so unlike her.

My unsettledness about it was still with me this morning as I thought about how we’ve not had a lengthy, quality conversation in months. With being in different time zones, her having young children to care for, my increased work load and other responsibilities, it’s been difficult to set a telephone date to connect.

So how synchronistic that this morning I got to read a devotional from several days ago that I feel had God’s hand in it. Relationships are the most important thing, starting first with the one with Spirit. When I find myself too busy to nurture that one or the ones of those dear to me, it is time to take serious inventory.

No matter what my friend is feeling and what the story might be, nonetheless it is true that I have not nurtured our friendship much in recent months.

Thank You, Spirit, for reminding me of what is important in life and to slow down. I will keep those dear to me in prayer, bless them, and endeavor more greatly to connect with them directly despite obstacles. It will be time well spent.

Monday, March 15, 2010

The Last Frontier

“The only way to become permanently prosperous and successful is through the quickening, awakening, and bringing into righteous use all the indwelling resources of Spirit. When we develop our soul and express its talents and capabilities in loving service to God and mankind, all of our temporal needs will be supplied in bountiful measure. We have access to the realm of rich ideas; we enrich our consciousness by incorporating these rich ideas into it. A rich consciousness always demonstrates manifest prosperity.” – The Story of Unity, James Dillet Freeman, page 235.

Like other issues in life, manifestation on the physical plane is the last place in which results show up. First, I go to Source. Flowing from there, I see effects and changes to my mental state, then my emotional state, and finally the physical world. The outer world comes to reflect my inner world. The outer world is the result, not the source. God is First Cause. If I want to change my outer world, I must change my inner world - the kingdom within.

Illness is a good example of this. Louise Hay relates health conditions to states of mind. Constipation is the refusing to release old ideas, being stuck in the past. An earache is about not wanting to hear related to anger and too much turmoil. Foot problems are related to fear of the future and of not stepping forward in life. Harboring hard thoughts and beliefs of bitterness, condemnation, and pride can result in gallstones. The state of mind precedes the state of physical health. That’s why taking a pill, which may provide some relief to the condition, is only a band-aid for a symptom; it does not address cause.

Just like illness is the out picturing of thoughts and consciousness, my financial condition is as well. Now that I’ve gotten myself back on track - in ‘fit spiritual condition’ - and in ever-expanding consciousness, I expect to see manifestation on the physical plane reflecting the richness of my inner life. I hold great expectancy of God opening channels from which money flows with ease and grace, and in perfect ways. The more that flows, the more I give, the more I am of service to God. Once again I am brought back to Source.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Wake-Up Lesson

I thought I had set my alarm clock last night... But ----!, it didn’t go off this morning. I’m 45” behind schedule now. B-r-e-a-t-h-e.

But ----!, I’ve got so much to do especially this day. B-r-e-a-t-h-e.

Let’s first say good morning to God. And, let’s thank God for this extra sleep time you really needed. “Thank You, Spirit, for this extra sleep time.” Ahhh.

But ----!, I’ve got so much to do. Well, then, what a perfect opportunity especially today to turn it all over to Spirit. Yes!

Dear Spirit –
Please run my day today. I’ve much to accomplish, want to enjoy it along the way, I know I must be in fit spiritual condition, and I certainly desire to be of service to you. Show me the way.

Today I turn my will and my life over to the care of the God of my understanding. I envision a day that flows with ease and grace, one in which I accomplish what needs to be done. Spirit provides help and guidance along the way. I am never alone.

Thank You, Spirit, for the extra sleep this morning, for the perfect use of my time, and for the unfolding of a perfect day according to Your Grace. Thanks for helping me turn lemons into lemonade. Above all, thanks for waking me up.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Icing on the Cake

My life is rich. It didn’t take much to get it that way. I just needed to come back to me and to recommit to my #1 relationship – you know, the one with Spirit.

Now my heart is full. I’m enrolled in a spiritual psychology class, which being experiential allows me to get to know these other souls traveling on this particular path, and they me. I’m singing in a choir in which all members are walking a conscious spiritual path and actively engaged in the awakening process. I participate in a weekly circle of gratitude, where we each share from the heart and to the heart. I’m giving service to an organization that nourishes my soul.

My life is rich again because I am back in a heartfelt spiritual community. God’s presence is evident and It nourishes me.

And as I attend meetings, workshops, and events, getting to know the loving people God is putting on my path, I feel like I did when my life was rich as a single woman. In those days, I was extremely busy in my service work and spent more time alone with God than I have in recent years.

Things changed, and I moved from being single to being married – yes, after 49+ years on the planet this go around, I met my life partner 5+ years ago. I’ve had to learn to balance the three most important relationships in my life and it’s only recently that I kind of ‘got it.’

My life is rich with these relationships flourishing: Me and me, me and God, me and my husband. And, being part of a spiritual community brings these all together to make a most joyful, loving, meaningful life.

I recently wrote (blog of 03.11.10) “We are each individuals and the work we do to awaken to God’s grace is truly an inside job. Only I can do it for me, and having a loving partner along the way is icing on the cake. But I must remember that God is the cake and has to get baked first.”

On this day of my gratitude circle, I am grateful for this rich life which now includes the icing on the cake – my beloved Rog.

Friday, March 12, 2010

The Road

“God made the world round so we would never be able to see too far down the road.” - Isaak Dinesen

I’ve no need to look far down the road because Now is the only time there is. The Presence is my focus and fills my vision. I am at peace; all is well.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

It's Between Me & God

“We must not allow any consideration whatever, any institution, or organization, or any book, or any man or woman, to come between us and our direct seeking for God.” - The Sermon on the Mount by Emmet Fox, Page 136.

In this time of accelerated awakening and change, yet another soul I know is stepping out to take care of herself. Being in a committed relationship, she found herself cooperating to live a life together with her honey. But her cooperation moved into compromise, a compromise too great and not in alignment with her true being. The divine spark within was dying from lack of spiritual nourishment, her connection to Source faltering.

When one reaches that point, the spiritual being having a human experience cannot continue without some significant change. And when in a committed relationship, the change required can be quite drastic.

I know what my friend is going through and the choice she had to make, for I went through it myself very recently. For now, she is relocating back to her home town without her husband for that is where her spirit is nourished in so many ways and her connection with God is strong. Without doing so, she’s not the person her partner knows anyway, and if the situation continued in the same vein, he’d be left without her anyway.

Like my friend, I’m relatively a newlywed (five years for me, three for her). Unlike her, I did not have to physically relocate to get back on track in my seeking of God; in fact, my husband and I recently relocated to a place that fosters this. But what I had to do was come back to me. I had to finally make the decision to put my relationship with God truly first (not just pay lip service as I had been doing), and the relationship with my husband, second.

In so doing, my spirit is joyful and my relationship with God is thriving. And, you know what? My husband got back the true person he’d married. A blessing to us both!

We are each individuals and the work we do to awaken to God’s grace is truly an inside job. Only I can do it for me, and having a loving partner along the way is icing on the cake. But I must remember that God is the cake and has to get baked first.

Here’s to Spirit! Here’s to Joy!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Amazing 20 Years

Today I celebrate the most important day of my life.

It was on Saturday, March 10, 1990, at 10:15am, on the upper side of Manhattan (NYC) that I first walked into the rooms of Overeaters Anonymous (OA), the 12 Step program based on Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). It is there where I found Home, my family of choice, and commenced my conscious spiritual journey. It was the beginning of transforming my entire way of living via changing my world view.

This day 20 years ago was the start of my coming to believe in a God of my understanding. And, having been a ‘devout’ atheist, that was no small feat! After all, I’d known about The Program for five years but had declined attending a meeting because I knew the word “God” was going to be uttered.

I had no idea what I was getting myself into and how much my life was going to change by finally taking that fateful step of going to my first meeting - I actually landed up attending three that very first day!. But I had reached bottom, knew that something was ‘wrong’ with me, and also knew that psychotherapy, while helpful with other issues, was not sufficient to address this issue of my eating disorder.

I am grateful to OA in more ways and for more things than I could ever recount. My life and relationships would not be what they are today if I had not adopted the 12 Step way of life and had a personality shift of huge proportion. Over the years of practicing the principles and relying on a Power greater than myself, my life has become rich in a myriad of ways and my journey of awakening has become more adventurous.

Today I celebrate: having conscious contact with the Great Mystery who I know is my Source; the love of other spirits having a human experience; knowing peace and serenity are mine any time I choose despite what’s going on in the outer world; knowing my life has a purpose and being of service – the list goes on, and on, and on.

It’s an extra special day of grace and blessing! Thanks be to Spirit, and to all of you friends of Bill W. whose paths have crossed mine, where together we are living in the solution. God bless.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Nothing comes to mind about what to blog about this morning despite reading several pieces of spiritual literature. Have I nothing to say to God this morning? That is surely something to place in my blog.

Dear God -

Thank You for this day. As the early morning coffee brews and I move into my special time with Rog, I think of You and Your Grace. I thank You for Your many blessings.

As I go about this busy, exciting day of adventures, may I keep You in my mind and my heart. May I pause and take a deep breath whenever I want to get an extra stronger dose of Your Presence.

And, please help everyone to appreciate that all in this life is a blessing because all in life emanates from You, and You are indeed the greatest blessing of all.

Love, Joyce

Monday, March 8, 2010

True Power

“True power springs from the understanding that I am co-creating at all times with Spirit; that at any moment, I can step into the all-ness of being. When I am in touch with my true spirit, I am bursting with energy and enthusiasm. I know that the One Power is within me and I can draw on that power at any time. In truth, I AM that power.” - Excerpted from Today’s Daily Word, March 8, 2010

I AM bursting with energy and enthusiasm. I appreciate the confirmation that it is due to me being in touch with my true spirit.

Since the beginning of this year, I have felt re-activated and re-energized. My personal and spiritual growth has taken off steeply (and rather quickly) and I’ve been feeling more and more empowered. And, that feeling springs from more deeply understanding that God is always with me and we are co-creating at all times.

Of myself I am nothing; with Spirit I have true power. I have been, and continue to be, touched by Grace. Thank You, thank You, thank You!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Where's My Focus?

“If you intend to be of assistance, your eye is not upon the trouble but upon the assistance, and that is quite different. When you are looking for a solution, you are feeling positive emotion — but when you are looking at a problem, you are feeling negative emotion.” – Abraham, Excerpted from "The Law of Attraction, The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham" #366.

This of course is the concept that what we put our focus on becomes our reality.

And, this reminds me of the W.I.L.D. (Women In Love with the Divine) meeting I attended yesterday. Its focus was Emmet Fox’s concept of the Golden Key.

God is omnipotent, and we are God's image and likeness and have dominion over all things. Every individual has the ability to draw on this power.

Drawing on this power through scientific prayer will enable you to get out of any difficulty. In scientific prayer it is God who works, and not you, and so your particular limitations or weaknesses are of no account in the process. You are only the channel through which the divine action takes place, and your treatment will be just the getting of yourself out of the way.

It is very simple: Stop thinking about the difficulty, whatever it is, and think about God instead.

So once again, regardless of what is going on in my life - my business, my relationships, etc. - if I want to live in peace, joy, harmony, and love I must keep my eye focused on Thee.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

In An Instant

“The amount of time it takes you to get from where you are to where you want to be, is only the amount of time it takes you to change the vibration within you. Instant manifestation could be yours if you could instantly change the vibration.” – Abraham, Excerpted from the 08.23.03 San Diego, CA workshop #370

The aforementioned is a reminder to me that it only takes an instant to change my mind and my attitude. It is simply a matter of choice, my choice.

However, it doesn’t always seem so simple. But, I know that with God all things are possible. Again, by choice, I can ask Spirit for help.

I am never alone or without resources. God, my Source, helps me to change when I am willing and ask for help.

Friday, March 5, 2010


As I look back on my life these past several months, I have been reborn again and again. It’s obvious that this notion of being reborn is no longer a once-in-a-lifetime experience as I’d sensed it was. Yet its increased frequency doesn’t diminish its significance one bit.

So what do I mean by being reborn? My working definition of “being reborn” is: “a significant inner shift of a positive and spiritual nature that alters my sense of self and others thereby transforming my world view followed by a change in attitude and action.”

Sounds a lot like a miracle to me.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


“Desire summons Life Force. If we must continue to be alive, we must continue to have new desire.” - Abraham (Excerpted from the Chicago, IL, 04.24.99 #368 workshop)

New desire came into me at the beginning of this year when new energies filled me and reactivated that divine spark within. It has been an especially exciting trip since then, filled with ever-accelerating spiritual growth and understanding. I feel more alive, balanced, and enthusiastic. No doubt I feel God’s presence more, and am assured once again that I am never alone.

Perhaps I needed to ‘reach bottom’ to have my past life ‘cracked open’ and begin anew. No matter the reason, I am grateful.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

This Day

This day my prayer is really the one I have every day but I realized that I’ve not given it expression in a while. And since there is power in expressing, it is time that I do so again.

This day my prayer is to clearly hear Spirit’s guidance and to follow it. My prayer is to do God’s will, and to do it in peace, and love, and joy.

And whatever is God’s will, I know the Great Mystery is with me to accomplish it, to give me the ability and strength to carry it out. I need only ask, be open, and be willing.

This day may I be all these things and more.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Patience and Faith

“Patience, patience, patience, is what the sea teaches. Patience and faith. One should lie empty, open, choice less as a beach – waiting for a gift from the sea." - A Gift from the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh

“Patience” is the word that Spirit whispered in my ear as I came towards the end of a conversation with Rog last night. Patience for what? Patience with him and for the spiritual journey he is on, patience with my own spiritual path, and patience with my ego.

There’s that part of me that wants answers and solutions immediately. And, that part would gladly dive into a quick-fix without weighing future repercussions.

Being patient with my ego, treating it kindly like a little kid, gives me a chance to breathe, slow down, and be in the now. I am able to open up what was a closing heart and enjoy some peace.

Inherent in this patience is the faith, the knowing, that Spirit sits with me while I wait and seek a solution that flows with ease and grace and is for the highest good of all.

Monday, March 1, 2010


Today’s Daily Word - Monday, March 1, 2010
I walk by faith, not by sight.

Today I stand firmly in my faith. I meet life courageously and confidently, seeing beyond appearances to the underlying good. Through faith I overcome every limitation. I know that God's power in me is greater than any situation I may have to meet or overcome; God is greater than any condition or circumstance.

Through faith I am fearless and free. Faith dispels fear, for faith knows the nothingness of fear. Faith reminds me that God is the only presence and power in my life.

Through faith I am steady and strong. I am assured that with God there is always a way, with God there are always right answers.

Through faith I walk in the light. I am shown the way of my highest good. I am healed. I am blessed.

We walk by faith, not by sight. - 2 Corinthians 5:7

Of course after this past weekend of spiritual nourishment and enlightenment, it’s synchronistic that Today’s Daily Word and Daily Guideposts Devotional both had faith as their topic. And, my other usual morning reading from In God’s Care was about the three words “Came to believe” referring to coming to believe in a power greater than ourselves that could restore us to sanity.

For it was in coming to believe and developing faith that I now find my joy in life. Being in community with other spiritual beings having a human experience, I easily have faith in God’s existence – and more.

I have faith in God’s love, compassion, mercy, and wondrous power. I have faith that this power greater than myself that I came to believe in is always with me. “And when we experience that insanity, it isn’t that God has moved, but that our faith has wandered and shaken hands with the craziness of self-sufficiency.” (from In God’s Care).

These past few days my soul has been fueled with faith in part via psycho-spiritual inner work. The other part has been through being with others who are also doing their inner work to awaken. We come together as One in loving, compassionate, faith-filled community.