Saturday, February 28, 2009

Fit Condition

Rog and I just got back from a walk after having dinner. It’s barely March, but it’s a beautiful 80 degrees and spring is in the air – that’s why folks live here in the Valley of the Sun and put up with the 115-degree summers!

This week I’ve gotten more physical exercise than usual – which anything is ‘more’ since generally what I get is the walk from the living room to my office, to the kitchen, and back again. We spent some of our anniversary day walking on Murphy Bridle Path in northern Phoenix, and now tonight I was the one who suggested an evening constitutional walk.

I like my exercise to be part of some other activity and to be fun. I just don’t like spending time on my body – I’d rather be focused on my spiritual practice, creative work, reading, etc. I take pretty good care of my body, and it serves me well - and there is certainly room for improvement. I know that energy could be flowing better through this vehicle.

If I am to be of service, I need to be not only in fit spiritual condition, but also in fit physical condition.

Friday, February 27, 2009

The People on Our Path

It’s pretty late now. Some new dear friends have just left our home after an evening of breaking bread, laughing, and continuing our getting to know one another.

For so long we’ve been meeting many nice, interesting people. Still there was something lacking. We realized we were missing the like-mindedness that Rog and I share with one another, but with very few others. Of late, that’s changed and we are meeting people that we have a lot in common with vis-à-vis spiritual philosophy and practice, and world view. It’s heartening. We feel a sense of community building and we know that in the coming days, living and working in community will not only be nurturing for all but sorely needed in the world.

We’ve set our intention to meet and thrive with like-minded souls and I’d say that the Law of Attraction is working.

Thank You, Spirit, for the wonderful people You place on our path so that we may share this journey of healing and service.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

You Light Up My Life

Today is Rog’s and mine fourth wedding anniversary. During our ‘courtship’ Rog gave me a music box that played the tune “You Light Up My Life.” It was recorded by Debbie Boone and became the most successful single of the 1970s in the U.S.

So many nights I sit by my window
Waiting for someone to sing me his song
So many dreams I kept deep inside me
Alone in the dark but now
You've come along.

You light up my life
You give me hope
To carry on
You light up my days
and fill my nights with song.

Rollin' at sea, adrift on the water
Could it be finally I'm turning for home?
Finally, a chance to say hey,
I love You
Never again to be all alone.

You light up my life
You give me hope
To carry on
You light up my days
and fill my nights with song.

You light up my life
You give me hope
To carry on
You light up my days
and fill my nights with song.

It can't be wrong
When it feels so right
'Cause You
You light up my life.

- Written by Joe Brooks

In reminiscing about our early days, I got to thinking how these lyrics not only apply to Rog’s feelings towards me and vice versa, but to my relationship with Spirit.

Turns out I’m not the only one who thinks this. Although written by the composer as a love song, Debbie Boone interpreted the song as inspirational and proclaimed that it was instead God who "lit up her life." [Click here for some more trivia...]

Great minds think alike. Actually, me thinks it’s more like One Heart and One Mind. And really, everyone and everything can light up our life, if we so choose.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Anniversary Eve

Tonight is the eve of our 4th wedding anniversary. It is a joy to think back to this time four years ago when I was about to embark on the greatest commitment of my almost 50 years of life.

Rog and I had met on and within two weeks of full-time email correspondence and two face-to-face meetings, we were talking about spending the rest of our lives together. And, only seven months later, we each promised to do our best to always see the Light in the other and to be their perfect shelter, where they could be reborn in safety and in peace. This from the ex-atheist who’d never been in a romantic relationship more than two years!

As I was preparing for Rog to come into my life – The Man Project –, I talked with God and asked for help. While I had yearned to find my life partner for as long as I could remember, I was used to living on my own and enjoyed it for the most part. I knew that I still hadn’t learned all my lessons regarding relationships (really!) and I didn’t want to let that ‘small’ matter keep my good from coming to me. I asked God to help me be ready for The One and help me with whatever I would need to make the relationship a ‘successful’ one.

It’s been a growth opportunity to say the least, and it’s been the most joyful, love-filled, fun time of my life. Being with Rog, my twin flame and ‘bestest-bestest’ friend, is quite the adventure. And, while it was somewhat a leap of faith for me to make such a monumental commitment to someone I knew only seven months (in this lifetime), I knew God was an integral part of this precious, divine relationship. With God all things are possible, and this holy union proves it!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Turning Points

Particularly now, our society is experiencing Turning Points in many sectors and dimensions, and these changes are profoundly impacting our individual lives. Of course, throughout our personal lives we experience profound experiences and changes – that is Life. I think how we handle them is what’s important.

“Turning Points: From Personal to Global” was last night’s topic of discussion at the Gilbert Spirituality Meetup. I know that before I came to believe in God (a.k.a. in my life as “pre-God” or P.G.) and was a devout atheist, the way I responded to change was far different than after I had come to believe in a Power greater than myself.

P.G., I was a bulldozer, endeavoring with all my will to make things happen MY way. I wasn’t exactly what you’d call living in a peaceful space, I lived in the future more than in the now, I felt alone. Once I had a belief in and conscious connection with my Higher Power, life became richer and more adventurous, joyful, and love-filled – and I no longer felt alone. I sought God’s guidance and actually asked for help in matters large and small.

In recent years, I’ve gone through a number of Turning Points, including a career change, several relocations and even marrying for the first time at almost 50 years of age. God was in the thick of it - by my side to help me, guide me, love me.

These days I live in the Now more regularly, and feel peace more often than not. And yes, I KNOW I am never alone. Turning Points are part of life – and, so is God, which is The Source of all.

Isn’t that a comfort?

Monday, February 23, 2009

Demonstrating Love

Something awesome happens when you do things out of love, especially toward those who have wronged or upset you. God is love, and every time you demonstrate love, you demonstrate your connection to him. – Creflo A. Dollar

Sunday, February 22, 2009


As I get ready to start a new week, may I keep the awareness that God is my Source and know that all I clearly and emotionally desire will come true.

Through faith I manifest visible good from the invisible Source. - Joel Baehr

Saturday, February 21, 2009

The First 100 Days

100 days of... the new U. S. Presidency? No, we’re talking about the first 100 days of my blog! Yes, I’ve written 100 blogs since November 13, 2008, one every day without fail.

As has been noted, my reasons for writing it and doing so on a daily basis were: to feel less isolated, to make myself available for service to hold a sacred space for others, and to place me in a regular daily practice of connecting to God.

I’m glad to report that the blog has been achieving what I’d hoped for. There have been additional benefits too, gifts actually. In allowing myself some time to research online, I’ve gained knowledge and have discovered some wonderful websites revolving around spirituality. It’s been fun, fun, fun! And, my writing voice and style have been developing.

I’m grateful for the inspiration that was given me to start this creative endeavor and for its moving me further into my real work of spiritual counseling and companionship.

Here’s to the next 100 and the myriad of blessings they will bring me, and hopefully others.

Friday, February 20, 2009

God's Delivery

Last night I attended a service at The Little Chapel in Paradise Valley here in Arizona. Sara O’Meara and Yvonne Fedderson, the co-founders of Childhelp, officiate at this place of serenity where people of all faiths join together in worship and to receive healing.

During the healing portion of the service, Sara walked over to a woman sitting behind me, who I’ll call Janet. Sara had intuited that Janet believed that God had left her out of His healing grace. Sara stated that Janet had difficulty trusting God because of past experiences with people around the issue of trust. Sara reassured her that God had not left her out – she just needed to trust Him a bit more.

My heart resonated with what Sara was saying to Janet, and as Janet got teary-eyed, so did I. I did not grow up in a trusting environment and I can see how that could carry on into my conception of God, especially with the way things are in my life right now. I need to trust in God more, to have more faith.

The issue of physical vision came up for a number of people and it seemed that all of them were healed instantaneously. I know that my spiritual vision has been impaired, showing up in my attitude and affecting my relationships. God is The Source of all my good. I may not know what the channels of delivery are, but I must know and keep the spiritual vision that God wants me to have all the riches of His Kingdom. My job is to keep my mind and heart open to receiving and leave the ‘how’ up to Him.

Many who come to The Little Chapel are ostensibly seeking healing on the physical plane. As for me, I know I needed some spiritual cleansing and healing. And, I know that God delivered it through the channel of Sara and others who were gathered last night at TLC. I am grateful.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Time Well Spent

My prayers are often to thank God for the blessings of my life. Lately they’ve been heavily concentrated on asking for the removal of blockages to receiving my good, and for forgiving others.

I know the answer to prayer happens in God’s time, not mine. Last night my prayers as I lay in bed were about forgiveness; awakening this morning, I felt that forgiveness had occurred on my part. I’m grateful for the quick positive response, since I really dislike walking around with resentment and the like in my heart and mind.

Regardless of the response, however, there is always a gift contained in prayer that I am blessed with. For whenever I pray, it is time that I am focused and clearly connected to Spirit. And, no matter the answer that shows up, it is in and of itself time well spent.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

We Are One

Spurred by news received in some personal emails and today’s entry in Science of Mind Daily Guide, I am reminded to see the face of God in everyone and everywhere.

I still have my logical streak in me, so here goes:

If God is all there is, then everything is one.
If we are one, then all that we encounter is part of the One.
Our neighbors, our children, our pets, our computers, our work, our gardening, our car accident, our refrigerator, our house, our drinking issue, our peace, our joy...
These are all part of the One and each of us owns them, for we are them and they are us.
There really is no separation, only Oneness.

We are all one. And, so we are all in this gig together. May I remember this so that I am always reaching out my hand and heart to my fellows, whether they are in pain or in joy. I’m reaching out to me too at the same time.

Let us share all of Life – together, as the One we truly are.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I am Love

I am Love, responding to other beings with kindness, caring, and respect.
I am Joy, living enthusiastically, vibrant in all activities.
I am Peace, walking in calmness and exuding serenity wherever I am.

I am as God would have me Be.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Morning Prayer 02.16.09

Dear Father;

Please show me the channels through which we should expect Your abundance to flow through us, and please remove any obstacles within in me that prevent me from receiving Your good.

I ask that You remove all defects of character that stand in the way of my usefulness to You and to my experiencing peace. May I forgive all who I think have trespassed against me and shower all with love so that we can all go Home to You together.


Sunday, February 15, 2009

Cherished Times

Dear God;

It’s been a long day.

It felt great being at Unity this morning, going into the silence, singing, and listening to a helpful lesson. I cherish that time, especially since the rest of the day, while with loving people, was hectic.

I so enjoy being by myself or just Rog and me – and of course, with You; I get fueled up. My challenge is being with a lot of people for a long chunk of time, especially when the conversation is focused on worldly things rather than on You.

May I feel refreshed after tonight’s sleep, knowing that tomorrow is another cherished day with You. [Of course, I know that You will be with me throughout the night.]

Thank You.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day 2009

I’ve long looked at Valentine’s Day as a day to celebrate not just romantic partners but platonic friendships too. This viewpoint may have originated at a time when I wasn’t involved in a romantic relationship, as a way to feel a part of this holiday. – ya know, maybe receive some cards! But truly, I was on the mark with this notion despite what my level of consciousness might have been in those days.

Today I celebrate and am grateful for my dear friends. And these days, I have in my world my Life Partner, Twin Flame, and Husband (ooo-eee!) –yes, all in the same fella- in the form and spirit of Rog. What love and joy and healing he has brought into my soul, or perhaps awakened what was there in the first place. I love him and our life partnership dearly and am so very blessed and grateful that Spirit hooked us up together 4½ years ago.

Today’s a great day (every day is of course) to take the time to acknowledge outwardly and/or inwardly our love and gratitude to our fellow travelers - we are all part of the Divine One.

Here is an excerpt from today’s Daily Word to help get our thoughts together:

Having a special day that reminds us to love and be loved is wonderful.
Divine love is its own reward, for the more of this love we express, the more love we have to give. The more open we are to being loved, the more love we receive.
Being love in expression, we are patient and kind, considerate and thoughtful. We communicate how much we care for others and how thankful we are that they are a part of our lives--not just on a special day but every day.

The following is my adaptation of today’s Science of Mind Daily Guide:

“Won’t you be My Valentine?” I hear my Beloved ask.
“Will you let Me into your heart that I may fulfill your every desire?” God whispers in a still, small voice.
“Will you allow Me to inspire you, guide you, direct you, maintain, and sustain you?” God offers, as I catch my breath in awe of the scope of the offer.
“Will you allow Me to share My universe with you and to give you all that I have—all that you see and what remains in the unseen?” God beckons.
“May I love you through your mate, your children, your family, your friends, your co-workers, the strangers you meet, and even those who appear to be your enemies?” the Creator-of-All invites, as I slowly nod my acceptance of my Beloved’s generosity.
“Will you ‘Be Mine’ and keep your attention only on me when your world seems to fall apart?” the Divine One beseeches.
Yes, yes, yes my heart sings back.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Spirit and Love

When I was a young girl living in the family that I was born into, I thought there was only one kind of true love: romantic. My heart yearned for someone to understand me and love me (in whatever way that meant at my tender age). Of course, I eventually came to see that there were other forms of love.

There are three principal Greek words which can be translated as “love” in English, each with different connotations. The two most common are “eros”, which refers to sexual love, and “philos”, which means friendship or brotherly love. “Agape” has been the least used in Greek and least specific in its meaning.

Agape is the main word used for “love” in the New Testament since, for the early Christians, it held little philosophical or theological baggage. But its concept is no longer limited to just God’s love of humanity; it also is used to describe the love one person has for another. In contrast to the sexual love of eros or the friendship expressed by philos, though, agape is described as selfless kind of love that involves giving without expectation of anything in return. [From a website about agnosticism and atheism.]

So was the foundation for inspiring discussion laid at this week’s Gilbert Spirituality Meetup. As one member said it, “...the conversation was extraordinary.” I know many of us are still processing what we heard.

I was deeply touched by the story of a member who said that she’d been in many romantic relationships that had not worked. When she became a mother, she was taught unconditional love from her daughter. This feeling impacted her tremendously, so much so that she started applying what she’d learn to her adult relationships. She attracted her beloved and has been happily married for 10+ years.

Love is not a feeling but a state of awareness. And, it really is something we choose. In fear, there is no place for love. Love is a force, the glue that holds things together, it is “what works.”

Love and God go hand in hand, and much conversation revolved around God’s unconditional love.

Dogs too love unconditionally. So, I guess it’s no surprise that the word “dog” spelled backwards is “God”. A little bit of Spirit and (perhaps) humor in our discussion of Spirit and love.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Invocation to the Dawn

I read the following Sufi prayer this morning on the Beliefnet website. What a great way to start the day!

Invocation to the Dawn

Look to this day, for it is Life, the very life of Life;
In its brief course lie all the verities and realities of your existence...
the bliss of Growth, the glory of Action, the splendour of Beauty.

For Yesterday is but a dream,
and Tomorrow only a vision;
But Today well lived makes Yesterday a dream of Happiness
and Tomorrow a vision of Hope.

Look well, therefore, to this day.
Such is the salutation to the Dawn.

- Kálidása

Source: Sanskrit text

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The One Constant

I sold some of my office furniture today, part of a set of several matching pieces I bought when I first moved into this home. I’d never had a new office set and, in part, it’s a reminder of my now deceased dad’s generosity. The sale happened so quickly I didn’t have much time to digest its departure – and loss. Then, I had to reconfigure my office and set up all my computer equipment. I still have items to organize and some to give away. Change. As Rog and I strive to lead a simpler life, I’ve been getting rid of some things that I’ve had for almost my entire life. It feels weird – like we grew up together and now they’re leaving me. Change.

Antonio, 18 years old, departed the earth plane at full moon time this month, leaving my dear friend without her feline friend for the first time in 13 years of being together. She’s tired from helping him make his transition and now is entering the grief stage. Change.

We have friends and business colleagues who just sold their home and moved from Gilbert back to Ohio, where the wife grew up, to help with the care of her aged parents. Change.

One of Rog’s daughters secured her dream job, which also will now allow her to be near her love. Change.

I got an email from a friend telling me that she and her longtime partner have separated. Change. And, she’s in Nebraska now visiting with her terminally ill brother. Change.

Government... the economy... Mother Earth... and on and on.

Change. Change. Change. It’s just part of life and it can be quite unsettling while also being a wonderful growth opportunity.

Still, it’s comforting to know that Spirit is always with us, the one constant in life, and the One that we can rely on to bring us peace when so much else around us is in flux.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Greeting Cards and Spirit

Finally, I am spending some time with Spirit now after a challenging day. I didn’t spend a lot of time alone with Spirit this morning, and I haven’t taken much additional time until now, except for a little bit of praying here and there.

Writing Valentine’s Day greetings this evening was a somewhat unique way to connect with Spirit, one that I appreciate. [That’s another method to add to the list I jotted down a number of weeks ago...]

With the celebration of love and friendship, for me Valentine’s Day is kind of like Thanksgiving and Christmas and Disneyland: I just have to smile and be filled with joy and gratitude!

It is one of those concentrated times when I reflect upon the people who are dear to me and then express how I feel directly to them. It sure is sweet.

And, tonight it was an extra special time since doing so got me back to focusing on the many blessings in my life – and, subsequently, Spirit.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Questions for God

God, I have some questions for You…
Do you exist?
What about you … do you exist?
Of course I do.
Then so do I.

Where are You?
What about you … where are you?
I am here.
Then so am I.

I cannot see You.
Look in the mirror.
There is only myself.
Then you can see Me.

I cannot hear You.
Listen carefully.
There is only silence.
Then you can hear Me.

Do You love me?
What about you … do you love yourself?
How can I know? You are Love.
So are you.

Who are You?
What about you … who are you?
I do not know. I am what I am.
Then you know.

Why do You answer with so many questions?
Why do you ask?
Because you are God.
So are you!

“In the depths of silence you will hear my Voice
in answer to your thousand questions.”

- From A Rainbow to God

Sunday, February 8, 2009

That Tall Redhead

I just came back from driving my dear friend, Karen to the airport. She was visiting us here in Phoenix from Baltimore - just for the weekend. That’s quite a schlep for a two-night stay but we pack a lot of love and laughter into such short times together. You know, quality not quantity.

We last saw each other about 10 months ago, but when I picked her up at the airport on Friday afternoon, it was like we’d just seen one another the day before. That’s just how it is with some friends.

Karen and I will celebrate our 25th anniversary of friendship next month. We first met in New York on my very first day of a job at an international banking corporation – her laughter across the entire 18th floor of the building announced her presence.

We’ve shared wonderful U.S. and European travel adventures together, and supported one another in times of joy, grief, sadness, frustration, denial, etc. – especially where men were concerned! She stood by my side when, as an atheist, I at times ranted about the lack of proof of the existence of God; she would gently comment that she thought “the lady hath protest too much.” She stood by me when my communication skills as a friend were lacking. She stood by me in love. And, I was so grateful that four short years ago she flew from Dallas to attend my wedding, joining in the celebration of love and reunification in this lifetime of Rog and me.

Karen has been a role model for me of love starting at the very beginning of our friendship, and in more recent times, has been a role model of deep faith and trust. We often say, “If only we lived nearer to one another...” But we both know that we are in one’s another’s heart, and in that place with God, we are always near.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

For My Friends

Some of my dearest friends are visiting this weekend. All three live out of town so we don’t get to see each other anywhere as much as I wish we would...

In dedication to them, here is a prayer, taken from a greeting card website:

Dear Lord,
With my whole heart I ask,
That you look after my friends,
Guide them in troubles,
Lead them when lost,
Give them your ear,
When they just need to talk.
Lend them a hand,
When they've nowhere to turn,
Show them a new road,
When a bridge has been burned.
Teach them to smile,
When everything seems bad,
And show them there is happiness,
After all that seems sad.

Dear Lord,
This is my prayer,
I hope that every word You can hear,
This message is from my heart,
For my friends are so dear.


Friday, February 6, 2009


Amidst the excitement and preparation for dear friends visiting this weekend, I asked Spirit this morning in meditation for any messages. What I received was “Enjoy the day!”

Coupled with a reading “Our primary purpose today is to know and give love” (In God’s Care, February 6), I expect to have a pretty nifty day!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Today's Accomplishment

Dear Lord;

As I come close to ending my day, please grant me the grace to feel that I ‘did enough' today. All was as it should be and it was a beautiful day no matter what I accomplished or not on my "To Do" list.

The most important accomplishment really was remaining conscious of my interactions with Your other children and my responses to situations. I have no amends to make this day, and so this was a day well-lived.

I am grateful.

Thank You.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

In the End...

Over breakfast this morning, Rog likened Life to a puzzle. You work on a little section here, then move on to putting a little section together there. Sometimes you have to remove a piece as it seems like it’d fit better in another place. But you keep working on sections, and eventually all the pieces fit together correctly, revealing a beautiful picture.

I thought of how I used to work on jigsaw puzzles with my elderly father – I’d simply form the small, irregularly cut but straight-edge pieces in the outer frame first and then the rest of the puzzle pieces seemed to fit pretty easily. I realized that we played with only 50 or 100 pieces but Rog had been thinking more in the 5 million range – after all, this is Life we’re talking about!

Perhaps Life is like a tapestry, “a heavy hand-woven reversible textile used for hangings, curtains, and upholstery and characterized by complicated pictorial designs.” Weaving one might be intricate and complicated, but in the end, a beautiful design is revealed.

And, what about Life being like a quilt, “a bed coverlet of two layers of cloth filled with padding (as down or batting) held in place by ties or stitched designs”? Perhaps a patchwork quilt, composed of miscellaneous or incongruous parts? The end result is a beautiful design.

Whatever your preferred analogy, what they have in common is that each has been planned in advance, with a complete picture sketched out in order for it to come out right. Each is full of details, richness, and beauty, and despite some snafus along the way – a misplaced puzzle piece, some material needing re-stitching – all works out well in the end.

I cannot say that I’ve consciously planned much of my life. Still, when I look back on it at 53 years of age, it has been and continues to be rich and colorful in a myriad of ways. When I realize that God is the Master Planner of my life, I know when all is said and done, everything is working out perfectly and beautiful – just like a puzzle, a tapestry, or a quilt.

That's a peaceful, comforting feeling.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Ponder This

"One of the driving forces of those newly in love is the desire to be with their beloved every minute of every day. Their desire is to so occupy their lover’s space, time, mind, and body that life separated from their partner seems all but unbearable.

"Could God love us in such a way?"

- Science of Mind Daily Guide, February 3, 2009

Monday, February 2, 2009

Filling the Vacuum

In asking God to remove my blocks (yesterday’s blog), I realized that Nature abhors a vacuum.

Florence Scovel Shinn talks about a person bringing into his life, through his every thought and word, “"every righteous desire of his heart" – the square of life: health, wealth, love and perfect self-expression.”

So, following my prayer asking for the removal of all that blocks me from God and my good, here’s my next prayer:

Dear God –
Please fill any empty spaces within my soul with health, wealth, love, and perfect self-expression. And, when my thoughts, words, and deeds need correction, please give me clear direction and strength to do so with Your Love. Thank You. So it is.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

My Blocks

If I am in full alignment with God, then I am at peace and in a state of joy. And then, God is ALL that matters. It’s bliss. Nothing going on in the external matters in the least bit. In fact, it barely exists as I am so enveloped by God and His Love. This wholeness, this completeness is what I strive for but let it be known that this blissful state is not a continuing or even very regular occurrence for me. It pains me to say this but even more so, it pains me that it’s not my everyday existence.

When I’m not in total alignment with God, it means my ego is interfering. Then, my wholeness and Oneness can not be. It’s like this wonderful cocoon filled with God has a tear in it and that one tear acts like a rotten apple that spoils the entire barrel.

Obviously, there are blocks to my actualizing wholeness and Oneness with Spirit. The stronger my ego is, the more splintered is my peace and joy.

So what is it that gets my ego to start acting up, to break my peace? Ya know, often it just seems to come out of the blue, with no trigger. I know that, in part, it is due to my not being loyal to my soul, that is, not giving it the nourishment and attention it needs, i.e., sacred time and space. But, it’s more than that.

If I could just find out what that switch is that turns me from moving towards God to veering away... What is it inside me that does not want to fully bask in the “Sunlight of the Spirit”? What happened in my childhood? What ‘thing’ has festered in me over the years in this lifetime (or perhaps another one) to keep me from fully being aligned with God and at peace? This includes: being all that I can be, right thinking, perfect self expression, giving in service, receiving my good, enjoying rich relationships – all the gifts that God wants me to have in His Kingdom on earth, now.

Well, I think I’ve got the solution to this problem. Instead of me trying to figure out what is the piece in this puzzle that keeps me from my Oneness with God, I will ask God for help. I will ask God to shine the light on what it is I need to know and heal it. And, I will ask God to heal that which I do not need to know or understand, and for me to be okay with not knowing. I will ask God to pluck it out, do the surgery, and heal me once and for all.

Yes, with God all things are possible. Away with the old of having to analyze and to know, and in with the new of going to God for help and letting Him handle things. I cast the burden. I surrender.

Dear God –
Please remove all obstacles within my being that keep me from my good and from realizing You fully. Where it is helpful to You for me to know causes and experiences, then provide me with that knowledge. And, where no understanding is needed on my part, simply heal me and make my way clear. Thus may I reside in Your Kingdom now, and, being in alignment with You, may I be of help to others. Thank You. So it is.