Monday, May 31, 2010


Today’s Daily Word acknowledges Memorial Day, a U.S. holiday. But, interestingly, it goes beyond remembering the men and women who gave their lives in our nation’s service. Here it is in its entirety:

Monday, May 31, 2010
I lovingly remember others.

Remembering those who have given their lives in service, I reflect upon their sacrifice. I learn from the lessons they taught and from their accomplishments. I also remember the people who have made a meaningful contribution in my life. Because of them I have learned to live more fully.

Just as I build upon the acts and achievements of those who have gone before me, others may build upon my life's example. As I remember others today, others may remember me in the future.

Today I take a few moments to appreciate those who taught me by example, to honor those who showed me the way. Their love and their willingness have changed my life for the better, and I am grateful.

When I remember you in my prayers, I always thank my God. - Philemon 1:4

It’s interesting that during this morning’s quiet time I listened to a meditative, subliminal CD about forgiveness and peace of mind. Several people from the past came into my consciousness. They were folks who I’d been close to for many years but am no longer in touch with. While we’ve chosen to not be in one another’s lives these days, I remember them with love for making my life richer. They helped me become who I am today. I have much gratitude for them - their love, their patience, their wisdom.

There are so many others I remember and for whom I am grateful: School teachers, relatives, employers, co-workers, those who came before me in the 12 Step program, other spiritual mentors, and of course, friends and my beloved life partner and husband, Roger Wyer. All have blessed me with their presence in my life - even if sometimes I hadn’t a clue!

Thank You, Spirit, for all those I’ve met on this journey called Life. Bless them, bless them, bless them.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

God and Your Vehicle

Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire? - Corrie Ten Boom

It’s interesting that this quote popped up this week (although I just read it now). On Friday morning, Rog spied a flat tire on his truck that was gratefully sitting in our driveway. And, I learned yesterday that my dear friend Samara, who for business reasons has temporarily traded her life in peaceful Kauai for the city of Miami, had an angry driver slash three tires on her vehicle.

So this quote piqued my interest; I think it is good food for thought...

Do I connect with Spirit for help with my vehicle - my life - just as rarely as when my automobile needs a spare tire? Or, do I let God guide me as I regularly walk through this life and this crazy world?

Prayer is always available to connect us with our Source. It is talking to The Presence, it’s a feeling, it’s an attitude, it’s a thankfulness.

I’m grateful my car rarely requires the spare tire to be used and I’m grateful for letting go and letting God steer my life.

Saturday, May 29, 2010


Today’s Daily Word is ‘healing” and the affirmation is “I bless my mind and body with thoughts of perfect health.”

As I embarked on my quiet time of meditation, I silently repeated the affirmation like a chant...

I bless my mind and body with thoughts of perfect health.
At some point I realized I was chanting I bless my mind and body with thoughts of perfect peace.

Ah - I like that.

So what about...

I bless my mind and body with thoughts of perfect love.
I bless my mind and body with thoughts of perfect joy.
I bless my mind and body with thoughts of perfect grace.
I bless my mind and body with thoughts of perfect faith.

The list could go on and on and on.

Perfect health, perfect peace, perfect love, perfect joy, perfect grace, perfect faith: blessing my mind and body with such uplifting, affirming thoughts certainly promotes healing.

What a fun gift this affirmation exercise was, and I’m sure I will carry its wonderful energy with me throughout the day. As I affirm these states of perfection, I affirm my oneness with God.

God is perfect and so is my true state.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Doors and Windows

Today’s Daily Word is about the light of God, affirms “The light of God shines through me,” and begins with...

“We have all heard the expression, "God never closes a door without opening a window." Yet at times I may not see any windows open to me. If I'm seeing only lack and limitation, I look beyond appearances to the Truth. I am the conduit, the passageway, through which possibilities appear. I am actually the window that I seek, and the light of God shines through me.”

Yes, there have surely been times in which I felt doors closing but couldn’t see windows opening. Those were times I really needed to let go, trust, and pray for a different perspective.

However, these days God has graced us with an abundance of doors so much so that I find myself considering which to walk through and which to possibly close myself - with Spirit’s guidance of course.

I know that God doesn’t give us more than we can handle AND I still need to take care of myself. That means being well rested, having time for my ‘formal’ spiritual practice, etc.

During these past couple of weeks, I’ve gotten three new clients. And, volunteer work for an organization has impressed the leadership that they’ve invited us to work with them professionally and for money. I’m regularly spending a bit of time with the pooches at the Humane Society of Sedona. There always seems to be one website project that I’m doing pro bono at any given time. Social invitations from the new friendships forming are on the increase, while longer term friendships beckon for more attention. We are surrounded by the offerings of spiritual-focused seminars and events like Sufi dancing. The community we so yearned for is being woven into a glorious web.

With time flying increasingly at lightning speed, I’m not sure how much more I can put on my plate, how much I can stretch me. So much of this is fun, the people are delightful, and The Presence is evident - a part of me wants to do it all.

I’m certainly not complaining - I am soooo very grateful for this rich life. Still, I need to be discerning where I put my energy, for if I don’t take care of moi, I will not be of much use to anyone else, including Spirit.

So here’s my prayer...

Dear Holy, Beloved Presence-
Thank You, thank You, thank You for the many, many blessings you have graced me with. Thank You for the wonderful people and opportunities you have placed in my life to enable me to wake up, love, and be of service. I welcome Your doors and windows and seek Your guidance and power to carry out Your Will. Show me The Way.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

God in the Arts

In today’s Daily Guideposts, writer June Attaway shares her experience about going to the theatre with her fourteen year old daughter. They went to see Henrik Ibsen’s The Master Builder, a play Julia hadn’t read in decades (I don’t think I’ve read it at all). It’s about an aging architect who feels threatened that his young assistant will surpass him.

Julia doesn’t realize until the end of the second act that the real master builder is God. However, her teenage daughter, upon hearing the title of the play, from the get-go had thought it was only going to be about God!

Reading this reminded me of how often I thought the lyrics to a song were about one thing, but then realized God was the subject or God was speaking to the listener.

Take, for instance, “You’ve Got a Friend,” written by Carole King and performed by James Taylor. Here’s an excerpt:

When you're down and troubled
and you need a helping hand
and nothing, whoa nothing is going right.
Close your eyes and think of me
and soon I will be there
to brighten up even your darkest nights.

You just call out my name,
and you know wherever I am
I'll come running, oh yeah baby
to see you again.
Winter, spring, summer, or fall,
all you have to do is call
and I'll be there, yeah, yeah, yeah.
You've got a friend.

I used to think this was about a close relationship between friends. But after I’d “come to believe,” it was suggested to me to think of it as being sung from God’s perspective. I tried it - and I loved it!

Here’s another set of lyrics excerpted from “Follow Me” by John Denver:

Follow me where I go, what I do, and who I know
Make it part of you to be a part of me
Follow me up and down, all the way and all around
Take my hand and say you’ll follow me.

Sounds like Spirit talking to me...

I love hearing God speak to me and since I have such a love of music and singing, I easily embrace and so enjoy hearing God’s messages through the musical word.

Literature, theatre, art, dance, music... God uses artisans as emissaries to spread His Word and to convey to us that we are not alone. How creative, how clever, how enjoyable. Thank You, Spirit!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Endurance or Trust?

“When a man has quietly made up his mind that there is nothing he cannot endure, his fears leave him.” - Grove Patterson

My fears leave me when I remember God - God within, God in all and around all.

My fears leave me when I step into faith. All is as it should be and God is here, now, ever-present to guide me and accompany me on this journey called Life, loving and gracing me along the way.

My attitude makes all the difference. I can look from the standpoint of enduring or I can look from the perspective of everything is a blessing and has a purpose. There is no need for fear or feeling like I’m enduring - that's my ego taunting me. God has a plan and my role is to trust and have faith.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

We're in This Together

Whether I am being paid $15/hour or $50/hour, or I am “volunteering” my time, my desire is always to be in a helping mode. I can’t say that I always behave in that manner.

I found myself yesterday thinking in terms of money and disturbance when called ‘off hours’ to help a client of a client. Gratefully, my conscience quickly got me to want to help this person even though it “wasn’t my job.” After this decision was made, it turned out the person was able to solve the problem herself. Ya think my decision influenced the Universe?... Perhaps.

Wouldn’t it be nice if each of us knew, really knew, that there’d always be help available? And, when we gave assistance, we’d get ‘paid’ with knowing we’d receive help too whenever we needed it? ...that we were never alone? Of course, Spirit is always with us to guide and help, but often we need a real, live human being to carry out the work.

The current money economy is such a separator of people, to one another, to themselves, to God. Well, that’s changing and I’m so glad. A new earth is coming where people live from the heart, in community, bartering and helping one another in all aspects of life.

My prayer is to continue opening my heart in service to others. We are all part of The One, giving and receiving. What I give returns to me, returns to us. Let I not build barriers to healing the separation, but be part of the solution to our return to Oneness.

Monday, May 24, 2010

True Love

As I wake up, I’m learning more about love, true love.

True love, unconditional love, is not about limitation, judgment, or comparison.

True love accepts beings as they are and offers compassion and mercy. It extends itself out. It is awareness. It is present.

It is Presence.

Thank You, Spirit, for the dissolution of the old earth that obscures love, and for the new earth arising in which waking up reveals our true love for all.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Director

“When you talk about what you want and why you want it, there's usually less resistance within you than when you talk about what you want and how you're going to get it. When you pose questions you don't have answers for, like how, where, when, who, it sets up a contradictory vibration that slows everything down.” - Abraham, Excerpted from the Saturday, 01.29.05, San Antonio, TX #448 workshop

In this vast universe of myriad possibilities, I cannot possibly figure out the ‘how’ of anything. In God’s kingdom, all things are possible.

So, I leave the ‘how’ up to Spirit, who has a Divine Plan and is running the show. I open myself up to God’s Will and Grace to receive what God wants, and let God handle the ‘how’ too.

“Help us to understand that You, Who knows the end from the beginning, are always in charge.” - Isabel Wolseley

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Divine Dance Connection

Last night I went Sufi dancing - and what a divine experience it was!

This was not the whirling dervish variety developed by Rumi in the 13th century; it’s more like a moving meditation with singing.

Heart-centered Sufi dancing is a practice, a meditation of Divine Light and Bliss. One moves around the circle from partner to partner, allowing their thoughts to fall away as they experience the Divine in each other. As we connect with our eyes, we do simple, graceful movements while focusing on the positive words of powerful chants and songs.

Our humble, gentle, loving leader, Sydhasa, gave us instructions before each dance and taught us the words to contemporary songs of love, spirit, devotion, and peace. But it is not so much about the dance as it is the Divine connections we made with each other... so much from simply gazing into the eyes. I got to connect with spirits new to my acquaintance and strengthen connections already known.

Here is another form of spiritual practice that I can easily see incorporating into a (somewhat) regular part of my life. While I’d had some exposure to this practice before, last night’s gathering immersed me into it, bringing me joy, peace, and love. And, it was fun!

There are many ways we can connect to Source through other beings. This week God had me experience some ways that were a bit unique for me: socializing with a pooch, helping a child, and meditating with others through Sufi dancing. I am grateful!

Friday, May 21, 2010


“In loving others, I am doing that which brings me closest to God, for God is love.” - Excerpt from Today’s Daily Word, May 21, 2010

My loving others took some novel forms for me yesterday. In the morning, I did my first volunteer session at the Humane Society of Sedona. I got to be with Beeker, a canine who’s been living there for about two months.

He’s still a bit wary of humans, but when my mentor told me he loves affection, I exclaimed, “We’re a match!” Beeker enjoys his new temporary home and doesn’t like to go very far from it. Hence, my walking him turned out to be a bust but that simply gave us the opportunity to just socialize.

I spent about 30” with Beeker, keeping him company, petting him almost continuously, talking to him and telling him he was a good boy. I was simply loving him. I opened my heart and poured out to him kindness, caring, compassion, and hope for a better life in the future than what he’d lived in the past.

In the evening, during choir practice, one of the members’ children was playing outside and scraped her knee. Somehow I got involved in taking care of her wound, but I certainly didn’t mind. Tara is part of our Unity family and so it’s natural - and an honor - to pitch in and help. She appeared fine emotionally, but still I opened my heart to her as I gave first aid.

It’s “interesting” that yesterday God’s plan was to open me to two populations - both vulnerable ones - I’ve not had as part of my regular life, both in the same day. It was an adventure and an opportunity for me to love others and bring me closer to God.

And, it is not lost on me that it was also a way of loving the little girl within. We are all wounded in some way, but God’s love shining through other beings brightens our life and helps heal us all.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Unconditional Love

This morning is to be my first as a volunteer at the Humane Society of Sedona. I am so looking forward to hanging out with the doggies (mostly), walking them and socializing with them.

I’ve always done service work to help people: 12 Step members, nursing home residents, children in inner city schools. Hence this is a big switch, especially since I’ve not had a dog in my household since I was a child many moons ago and so consider myself inexperienced.

So what prompted this? After all, I still plan to find a service position helping humans... Well, of late I have found my heart cracked so wide open to animals, especially pooches, and a yearning to be around them and help them.

I suppose this was preceded by my immersion back into increased spiritual work on my part once we left our world in Gilbert, AZ and got started in our new life in Sedona. Since then my heart has been opening and opening as I surround myself with the love and compassion of like-minded travelers waking up to a new earth and Spirit.

God is unconditional love, always seeking to give to His children. And dogs are unconditional love too. It was not lost on me when someone pointed out years ago that the word “dog” is “God” spelled backwards. God has many emissaries.

So I’m looking forward to this novel opportunity of spending more time with God, in the form of canines, exchanging love and service, giving and receiving.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


These days I am quite content with my life.

My relationship with Rog (my life partner and husband) continues to blossom (and be meaningful and fun). Working my computer-related business is enjoyable and my client base is growing. I’m a member of a choir that is so much more than a group of people singing.

Spiritual classes, meetings, and events nourish my soul and expand my knowledge of people and the world. Many new friendships with like-minded spiritual beings are flourishing. I’m doing volunteer work with pooches as well as people.

Life is rich. Life is good. And, the best is yet to be.

“We are not here without purpose. We are being called to fulfill a destiny. We have work ahead of us, work that we don’t want to turn our back on. We know this work is God’s will for us and is meant to bring peace, joy, and gratitude.

Today I will remember that I am necessary to others, that my life is not an accident, and that God has a purpose for me.” - Excerpted from In God’s Care, May 19

I don’t feel I’m being complacent - simply content, satisfied. It feels peaceful. And, I feel patient. It’s a great place to be as I await notice from God about what my true work and life purpose are to be and when it’s time to move into gear. I’m being prepped for what is to come. I’m waking up so that I will be of greater use and power when the big changes arrive.

In the meanwhile, I will just keep on keeping on, staying attuned to Spirit’s messages.

Thank You, Spirit, for this life rich with waking up and Your plan for my life purpose and how to best serve.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Who I Am

I’m aware that more and more I am exercising my right to choose, to change my mind, to be and act more consciously from a higher ground. I’m stepping more and more into who I truly am.

Recently, some requirements of the volunteer work I was thinking of doing came to light and I found myself having a charge around them. After a bit of soul searching, I realized that, while the organization was doing meaningful, wonderful work for its clients, I could not be a part of it because of some philosophical differences.

Now I’d have to tell the volunteer coordinator. Oh. I’d have to stick to my truth, be diplomatic, and not feel like I’d killed someone because I’d changed my mind - even though I’d not even filled out an application yet!

When this person returned my phone call, I took a deep breath, said a very quick prayer, and took the call. I was diplomatic, focused, and complimentary. I blamed no one and offered encouragement. I stood in my truth, confident with God.

There are other places where I can serve and not have to sacrifice my integrity. I’m sticking with those. I’m standing my ground, open to God’s will for me.

It feels good to say “no” in whatever form it may take, instead of trying to people please and hurting everyone in the process anyway. With Spirit an integral part of me, I can be and act - and serve- as the holy child of God I truly am.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Resting in God's Peace

Dear Spirit-

Another morning in which my mind continued to chatter away as I sought Your Peace, as I sought to just be still and in the silence. I so yearn to experience the gap between thoughts so that I may rest and feel Your Oneness.

As I go through this day, may I feel Your Peace and be refreshed even whilst I am in the middle of busyness. I know You are always with me as is Your Peace - may I experience it now.

Thank You, thank You, thank You. And so it is. Amen.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

God Provides

Today’s Daily Word begins with “I trust in the presence and power of God to provide whatever I need today.” Further along it continues with ”I anticipate the fulfillment of my needs with eagerness and joy.”

For the 20+ years I’ve been on a conscious spiritual path I have often read and been told by others that Spirit will always provide for my needs. And also, I will receive what I need even though it may not always be what I want.

So I had an epiphany with the aforementioned reading this morning: of course God will provide for my needs, but not necessarily my wants. I surmise this is because wants are of the ego, and Spirit is not looking to strengthen the ego. Spirit and ego don’t mesh - ever hear that ego is an acronym for Easing God Out?

This epiphany strengthens my faith that I am in God’s care. And I may not always like what I get, but I rest assured that I will get what I need - lovingly and with grace and mercy.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Ways of the Ego

I know that when I am anxious, angry, or in some other state of negativity, my ego is fueling the feeling. Peace cannot come from this place.

The feeling of peace comes from my Higher Self. It may involve action, but the action is not a reaction but a response. It is not ‘charged’ as the ego would have me be. The ego is not patient, the ego is not kind. That make me think of the scripture from Corinthians about love -

1 Corinthians 13:4-13 (New International Version):
“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.”

Most definitely this cannot be said of the ego!

I thank God for more and more moments of peace, love, and kindness.

Friday, May 14, 2010

The Two "F's"

I have been offered a large work project which will stretch my knowledge a bit. It is a wonderful opportunity in many ways, yet I find myself in fear. One part of my mind knows I can accomplish it - that I have the skill, the talent, and access to learning resources if they are needed. But the other part of my mind is chattering away saying the opposite, being negative.

You know that other part of the mind - the ego, the ‘little me.’ It will always try to shoot me in the left foot, tell me I’m not good enough, and take me out of the Now, down the road to the future.

Fear lies in the future. Faith is here, now. Faith brings my consciousness back to the One Source from which all parts of me flow.

Today I will remember to stay in the Now, to stay in faith. God is with me always, blessing me in every situation. All is for my highest good.

Dear Spirit-
Bless me with staying in the moment and not projecting into the future. Replace any fear I may have with faith and keep me focused on Thee.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Service of Waking Up

Our greatest service to the world, my greatest service to the world, is to wake up. There is no greater one.

The world of the ego is ending, and with it a new earth is coming, in some cases is already here.

“Ego-identification with things creates attachment to things, obsession with things, which in turn creates our consumer society and economic structures where the only measure of progress is always more. The unchecked striving for more, for endless growth, is a dysfunction and a disease. It is the same dysfunction the cancerous cell manifests, whose only goal is to multiply itself, unaware that it is bringing about its own destruction by destroying the organism of which it is a part.” - A New Earth, Eckhart Tolle, page 37.

I can easily see this is the truth by observing what is occurring in the world of form globally: the dissolution of a myriad of social structures and the insanity of the financial industry, war, etc. It is indeed time to wake up! It is time to observe my inner thoughts, beliefs, behaviors - which, of course, I’ve been doing for quite a number of years. However, now, everything seems very much accelerated.

For the last two years or so, Rog and I have been simplifying our lives, releasing things, be they household furnishings, books, ideas, our home, and even relationships. We have been getting unattached to that which does not serve our highest good, and in turn cannot serve our fellows’ highest good either. We are one and what happens to each of us impacts the rest.

With clutter in my physical world and in my mind, ego keeps me from seeing what is real - and it keeps me in suffering. Well, I choose to not suffer, I choose to wake up, to be at peace. As I wake up, my increased consciousness impacts the higher good of all. And, that is why it is the most important form of service. The real world of peace, and love, and community is coming into view.

It is not always easy to wake up, but of course I can always call on Spirit to help me get through the rough spots, to help me see the light. It is another opportunity to detach from the ‘little me,’ to detach from the human being having a spiritual experience, and step into fully being the child of God who I truly am.

“Anytime a situation seems confusing or hopeless, most likely I am viewing it from a perspective of human limitation. Instead, I have the innate power to see any circumstance from a spiritual perspective by turning to God...” - Today’s Daily Word, May 13, 2010

What an exciting adventure it is, coming to live on this new earth with all of you and God!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Yesterday it was pointed out to me that I’d made an error in uploading some files for a client. It wasn’t a life-and-death serious error, but for the perfectionist that I can be, I could have beat myself up badly. But I did not.

Once again another shift of consciousness is solidifying inside me. As a spiritual being having a human experience it is inevitable that I will not operate perfectly. Nope, not 100% of the time. Wearing this spacesuit of humanness, perfection is simply not possible. Hence, it’s pretty silly to badger myself when I fail to do something in a perfect manner.

This does not mean I intentionally stop trying to do my best. What it does means is that I do the best I can, then let the results go. Whatever happens - happens, and I trust that all is well.

Throughout it all, God is with me and all is in Divine Order. I may not be perfect as a human doing, but as a spiritual being, I am. And, that’s just fine with me.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

We Are One

I just read a story about a gifted, delightful high school student who was diagnosed with cancer in the beginning of his senior year. Even as the disease rapidly advanced, he continued to attend school and do all his work, with the goal that he’d graduate with his class. He didn’t make it; despite Jeff's effort, he died just two months short of graduation.

It always saddens me when someone succumbs to an illness like cancer, especially a young adult or child. I have my views about the causes of sickness and how to remedy them - not of the western conventional nature - and so I often feel frustrated and angry too because of the failure to cure.

But this morning my usual feelings were quickly replaced by remembering that we come here to planet Earth to accomplish something, to be of service. So anytime a person ‘checks out,’ it can only mean that they’ve completed their mission. It’s time to shed the current physical body, which is not who they really are, and have their spirit go Home to God.

This is not a new idea for me but it still pains me when someone I know makes their transition, for after all I can’t hug a spirit (not yet anyway) and communicate with them in the same way as when we are both in physical form. But I’m internalizing that our spirits are eternal even whilst our physical bodies are temporary, and we are truly One.

God is in each and every one of us - it can’t be otherwise. In fact, all of us are God and nothing can separate the parts we seem to be divided up into.

I feel I’ve made a big shift here in my heart, a peacefulness. We are all connected no matter whether we’re still working on our mission on planet Earth or we’ve completed it and moved on to the next one.

We are all One, there is no time and no space, and we are always together.


Monday, May 10, 2010

Never Alone

Yesterday, Mother’s Day, I had the honor of serving as worship assistant at Unity of Sedona. Of course the Daily Word reading focused on mothers and I knew it was possible I might have difficulty reading some of the text. It didn’t matter though because I felt God had a plan and knew that with whatever would transpire, Spirit would use me as a vehicle to help others; that was AOK with me.

The reading was:

I give thanks today for my own mother. If I cannot speak with her or be with her, I send her my loving thoughts. I give thanks for the arms that embraced me, for the nourishment of my body and soul, and for the encouraging words that inspired me to aim higher. - Excerpt from Today’s Daily Word, May 9, 2010

You see, I still hold pain around what my parents were not to me. And, while I’m making progress in my healing, as the onion gets peeled, more is revealed to be forgiven. It is times like these that I pay extra attention to focusing on God. The pain subsides, I know I am not alone for God is always with me.

And early this morning I awoke from a dream that left me feeling ‘off’. It wasn’t a “bad” or violent dream, but I just didn’t feel quite right and was a bit discombobulated. I quickly remembered to focus on Spirit, and started repeating a prayer. It soon got me back to feeling on solid, higher ground. And, not feeling alone and disoriented. God is always with me.

Throughout my waking hours I often repeat prayers to instantly focus on God’s Presence so as to not feel uncomfortable or alone in this vast, crazy world of personalities and situations. God is my solid rock and foundation - loving, nurturing, all embracing. I am never alone (even when I have a lapse in memory). Peace settles in and I relax. All is well.

Oh yeah, I did get a bit emotional reading the aforementioned excerpt, but God used it for good. Several people told me afterwards they were touched by my reading of the passage. I know I was touched by Spirit to help others, even if through my own pain. I am happy to serve my one true Parent.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Come Sit With Me...

Dear God, my angels, guides, and other beings interested in my upliftment-

Come sit with me in peace, in the silence, as I am renewed and refreshed.

With You by my side, I take the time to breathe, to pause, to stop the busyness.

I am still and allow Your loving energy to flow through me.

May I take Your Peace, Your Love, Your Freshness, and carry them throughout the day. And, may I pass them on as I shine my light, Your Light, onto to all whom I meet.

Thank You all for Your loving, holy, blessed Presence.

And, so it is.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


As was pointed out to me in a morning reading, when I was practicing my addiction (food binging), my life was full of uncertainty. But I seemed to have trusted that my addiction would see me through any trouble, anything in life I might encounter. And to add to my particular case as a devout atheist, I surely only had me to rely on. Still, uncertainty didn’t seem to be that much of an issue even though being in the fog of addiction, ego, and unconsciousness I was not able to make healthy, loving choices.

But coming to believe and slowly waking up, I started looking for guarantees, for certainty. God provides that certainty but only if I trust and have faith. These days I think I’m really starting to internalize that God is taking care of me. It may not always be evident to me, it may not always be the way I’d like it. But when all is said and done, God’s plan is always far better than mine could ever be.

These days I think I’m ‘getting it’ sooner - not after the fact, but before the plan is revealed - that God is taking care of me and to trust The Plan.

The certainty that God provides is that whatever I might go through, Spirit will be with me. Some of the other certainties I believe in are:

- God loves me no matter what - Its love and grace do not have to be ‘earned.’ That love means that only the highest good is meant for me.
- All that occurs is a blessing and for my upliftment (there’s no losing here).
- The more I put into my relationship with God, the better my life will be, the more joy and love I will feel.

As I heal and wake up, I am better able to be an instrument for God, to help others see what is important and certain in their life.

Friday, May 7, 2010


Yesterday was another, rich, abundant day.

Reviewing it - and others - it becomes clear what ingredients are needed for me to make a fulfilling day. It is a very rich recipe for a joyful life.

- Start the day in quiet time with Spirit
- Read inspirational literature in the morning
- Blog about spirituality
- Meet with Rog for prayer followed by our morning ‘coffee vacation’
- Help others in computer-related projects
- Be open to service opportunities in the moment
- Examine my behaviors, thoughts, and feelings
- Connect with Spirit throughout the course of the day
- Take care of my physical and mental bodies
- Listen to music
- Shine my light wherever I am, whoever I am with
- Meet with Rog for prayer followed by our afternoon ‘coffee vacation’
- Breathe deeply
- Take a walk
- Take time to pause
- Spend time with my Unity of Sedona family either in a seminar, at choir rehearsal, or otherwise
- Read spiritual literature in the evening
- Go to bed at night, snuggling up to Rog and thanking God for all the blessings and abundance in my life.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Win or Lose

“... If you think you have nothing to lose, you win. If you think you have something to win, you lose. Life is not about win-and-lose. Life is about being or not being, expressing or not expressing, who you are.” - Neale Donald Walsch

How I frame a situation makes all the difference in the world as to whether I am feeling at peace, being my authentic self.

And, having attachment to things and outcomes keep me from that peace. For it is only in the world of form that the notion of win or lose arises.

Everything that happens in the world of form is for my upliftment. Hence, it’s always win-win.

As I release my concerns, judgments, and attachments to Spirit, I find myself in a “win” position. For I am at peace, resting safely in the loving arms of God.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Gratitude and Abundance

I’ve heard it said that gratitude releases energy, which leaves a vacuum. Like any vacuum, it must be filled, and it is abundance that fills it. Abundance gives rise to more gratitude, which in turn releases energy, creates a vacuum, and is filled by abundance. And on and on it goes.

I’ve also heard that when you are in a sincere state of gratitude your energy (vibrational resonance) is one of acceptance and harmony. You resonate, and as a result, project a much higher vibrational frequency which is exactly what attracts to you the events, conditions, and circumstances that you desire. Gratitude puts you in a harmonious vibrational resonance which attracts additional energies.

What I know is that when I have an attitude of gratitude, I feel closer to Spirit. I am touched by God’s grace, and my heart opens more. And, no matter what is going on, all is well.

“Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul.” - Henry Ward Beecher

Thank You, Spirit, for this day and for Your many blessings that open my heart to feeling gratitude and receiving Your abundance.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Holy Day - Continued

Here’s another piece of the story of the magical wedding in which Rog and I officiated at April 30th (see blog of May 1st ). It’s a particularly “wow” one.

Rog came across the website of a fellow named John who also is into gardening and sacred space like Rog. It turned out he lives here in Sedona. They corresponded for a while and then made plans to meet for coffee. They did so on Wednesday, April 28th - and hung out for 3 hours! They resonated so well that then and there they made plans to meet the following week.

On Friday, April 30th John decided to bicycle over to the Stupa to videotape sacred space. He remembered from their conversation that Rog lived not that far from the Stupa and thought maybe they’d meet up. John couldn’t find Rog’s contact info but remembered his website address, so went there. He read the blog Rog had posted that morning saying we’d be marrying a couple that day; Rog didn’t say where the ceremony was being held or give the time. So John figured Rog wasn’t going to be available to meet and went about his day.

Lo and behold he bicycles to the Stupa at the very time we are there waiting for the delayed bride and groom (they were traveling from Flagstaff) – and Rog was standing alone in a different area, right where John landed up entering the Stupa. They spoke briefly and Rog mentioned why he was at the Stupa, then Rog invited him to the ceremony. With a “yes,” John became not only a ‘guest’ but the wedding videographer, and another wonderful participant in God’s plan that was slowly being revealed.

Yes, magical... synchronistic. I just love God showing Its Presence. It’s how I came to believe and it’s a way my faith gets strengthens.

Monday, May 3, 2010

The Shift

Contrary to the thoughts of those around me growing up, I believed that if there was a God, He was a loving God, not a punishing God. His love for me couldn’t be dependent on anything I did or didn’t do.

As I came to believe, I have had to unlearn what I thought were “truths.”

For instance, my happiness is not dependent upon another person, place, or toy; it is dependent on keeping in fit spiritual condition and having a strong relationship with Spirit. It means working on my insides instead of seeking from that which is outside of me.

Then there’s the idea that if I were to give of myself and my possessions, I would be losing. Now I know that as I give I receive and that the two are one and the same. It’s win-win.

How about the idea that we’re separate? Nope - I’ve come to know that we are all One.

I like this exercise, inspired by one of this morning’s readings, of digging back and seeing how my philosophy - of people... the world... life - has shifted 180 degrees since I started waking up 20 years ago. How fascinating.

Once I was lost, but now I am found. Thank You, God!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The End

It’s the end of the day, the end of a weekend. It’s hard to believe we married a couple just two days ago - it feels like weeks! This weekend has been so rich.

Not only did Rog and I officiate at a wedding, but his daughter Emily visited us for the weekend. We’ve not seen her since Christmastime. And, I finished editing a novella for a client/friend. I sang in the Mystic Choir, listened to other music, and got to hear a friend’s story of his spiritual awakening when he spoke at Unity of Sedona. I met with a new client who is on a conscious spiritual path, which is my preferred type of client. And, I engaged in many conversations, some mini-, some a bit more, but all with the result of connection and getting to know one another better and being of service. Did I mention the hugs? Lots of hugs this weekend too.

All of the aforementioned enriches my life, my spirit. My soul gets nourished via connection, especially with folks that are on a journey of waking up.

I am so grateful for the plan God has for me. I may not know what He has in mind but there is no doubt that it is rich with people.

So as I get ready to have my head hit my pillow tonight, to end this day, I thank Spirit for all the blessings It has showered upon me. I’m doing the work of being willing and open to waking up. The Universe is responding to this energy with grace and prosperity. The awakening is its own joy and gift - and the prosperity is most welcomed too.

Thank You O Great Mystery. And, good night!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Holy Day

Every day is indeed special... but yesterday was more so. I say that because Spirit’s Presence and hand in the unfolding of events was so clear.

Yesterday Rog and I were called into service to marry Alana and Matthew, a college couple who wanted a simple wedding ceremony in Sedona. They asked us to gather the two witnesses required by the state and to select a locale. We chose the site of the Amitabha Stupa, a bronze image of the Buddha of Limitless Light that is filled with hundreds of millions of prayers for peace, sacred relics, and ritual objects. It is a beacon of light and virtue and is considered a vortex of Enlightened Presence, radiating waves of compassion to all beings. And, you don't have to be a Buddhist to visit it and benefit from it.

Here the grounds have character, the vistas are beautiful and abundant. There is even a ramada to offer some protection from the elements, which was a consideration yesterday as it was blustery and there was a chance of rain.

Rog and I arrived early to go over the logistics. Over the course of time while waiting for the bride and groom to arrive, not only did the two people we’d asked to be witnesses show up, but one-by-one so did three other people we knew! When we explained why we were at the Stupa wearing our ministerial stoles, they were all intrigued. We asked if they’d like to join us in the wedding and they readily agreed.

Each of our five friends contributed to the wedding celebration both in the physical realm and spiritual. One friend led the group in the ceremonial walk of seven times around the Stupa, chanting a Tibetan prayer. Another had a video camera with him as he had bicycled over to the Stupa to shoot sacred garden space - little did he know he’d be photographing a wedding! Another had an orange and a bar of chocolate that she turned into a ceremonial offering for the wedding (she found out you’re not permitted to leave food as an offering at the Stupa) - she was also the unexpected still photographer. Another offered up words of congratulations, love, and wisdom as we toasted the newlyweds drinking sparkling apple cider in plastic champagne glasses (the bride and groom’s of course were specially decorated). And, our fifth friend provided restaurant suggestions for a romantic dinner. All contributed their spiritual consciousness.

Much of this was unplanned - well, at least by us humans. There was way too much synchronicity and “woo-woo-ness” to go into detail here, but suffice is to say that Spirit indeed had a plan. Nine beings were brought together at a sacred space in Sedona to celebrate a sacred sacrament. It was awesome.

Each ‘guest’ played a part in uplifting and supporting Alana and Matthew as they embarked on their new life. Each called themselves into service on a moment’s notice. This was a wedding that could not have been more perfect if it had been planned for 12 months, had cost $50,000, and 200 guests attended. For this perfect wedding was orchestrated by God and God needs no advance timing, money, or more people than is required to do His work.

We converged at the Stupa as if by clockwork and this coming together was not lost on any of us. I don’t think this event was just about two people entering holy matrimony. I think it was so much about God wanting to send us messages - many messages - and clearly announce Its existence. I’m still processing it all; I’m so grateful to have been a part of this extraordinary experience - thank You, Spirit!

We joked that this couple had eloped because they have big families and didn’t want to have a big wedding where most of the guests are... well, ya know, strangers. Instead they chose to be with us... strangers! But of course, we were not strangers at all. We came together as one family under God, with God’s presence shining. It was indeed a holy day to recognize God all around and in us.

Congratulations, Alana and Matthew! And, thank you for bringing us and God all together to celebrate you!