Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A Part of the Divine Plan

Yippee – Rog is home!

We’ve both been very busy today, me here in the Phoenix area and he up north around Sedona. It’s not very often that we’re away from one another for such a length of time - 13.5 hours - and we get to missing one another after a few hours apart with little interaction.

It may sound co-dependent, and that’s true to some extent. But it’s more because we’re twin flames and life is so much more enjoyable in tandem.

And, it is in this twin flameness that I also feel more connected to Spirit. For Rog and I have such a love and a compatibility that our coming together clearly had to be part of the Divine Plan.

Thank You, Spirit, for bringing Rog home safely tonight, and for bringing us together 4+ years ago.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Prime Real Estate

Many of my readings this morning were about the present.

It is indeed true that the past and the future are beyond my control: what is done is done, what is yet to be is yet to be. Of course, I have no power of this – how could I?! And, I limit myself each time I dwell upon the past or the future.

I do have the power to clear my mind and to experience the present. It’s my choice, but it does take commitment and practice. It’s been a habit, I guess, to let my mind wander away from the now, into the neighborhoods of the past and the present. These are dangerous places for my peace, especially since God is not there. God is here, now.

With God’s help, I endeavor to stay in the neighborhood of the Now where peace, love, and faith reside.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Another Way

Classified Ad for Services Needed: Removal of blockages for very gifted, spiritual husband and wife team not realizing their good. Need immediate help - miracles - for financial prosperity. Prayers most welcomed!

We know other folks too are facing the spiritual challenge of trying to figure out how to live in this world without compromising their integrity - to be in this world, but not of this world.

Today we spent a chunk of time in meaningful conversation with another gifted, confused couple. The idea arose that perhaps the days of trying to live in this world as a single person, then as a couple, no longer works. So we’re going to form a sacred circle and bring our gifts together to access the power of Spirit in a grander way. We figure four is better than two which is better than one. After all, when two or more are gathered in his name...

We’re looking for another way, a way that works on this plane where we spiritual beings have to deal with daily earthly things. Here comes another exciting adventure – count me in!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Pennies From Heaven

...159 of them! Yep, that’s right.

This morning Rog and I focused on our life plan, the plan that Spirit has in mind for us and the one we need to align ourselves with to really forge ahead. It speaks to our life in terms of God, community and friends, home, work (self-expression), health, and prosperity.

This afternoon we ran a chore and on the way back to the car, spied pennies on the blacktop drive. It sure was weird to see so many pennies. We collected them, as we cautiously watched out for cars, and were in awe at the number when counted.

I believe that God was sending us a message – Rog agrees. God is uplifting us in faith to keep moving ahead, to know that prosperity of all kinds is here, with more to come. It is a message that I welcome and am grateful for.

One penny would be a “lucky penny.” 159 of them is sheer abundance. Thank You, Spirit!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Unique Meditation

I sat in the silence this morning once again breathing in faith and breathing out peace.

When Rog and I met up for our second embrace of the day, our lips rested on one another’s and lingered. That’s when I got the idea that I could continue my mantra. So with each breath in and each breath out, I silently said “faith” then “peace” as our lips continued to cling. In the embrace of Rog and God, I was surrounded by love and at peace.

There are many ways to meditate and connect with Spirit. I smile as I think of this particularly creative one and know that wherever I am, God is, and all is well.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Friendship Anniversary

Today is the 25th anniversary of my friendship with Karen. It was 25 years ago on the very first day of a new job at American Express in New York, that I heard Karen’s laughter ripple across the 18th floor. I’m blessed to have had that joyful laughter in my life all these years since.

We of course have been through a lot and shared a lot. However, one of my most poignant remembrances is how Karen stood by me through my days as a devout, militant atheist. If we somehow dared to get into a discussion on God and religion, I was quite outspoken about my beliefs – it was not a pretty sight. But Karen stood by me. She loved me. She mentioned that she thought “the lady hath protest too much.” She accepted me and respected me.

About 6 years into our friendship I joined OA, and, through the 12 Step program, my entire outlook on God, people, and life was transformed. It’s been quite a journey. And, Karen’s been there all along the way.

I’m blessed and most grateful to have such a person in my life. Thank You, God – and Happy Anniversary to us, Karen!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Meetup Friends

Our Gilbert Spirituality Meetup has been a source of numerous new friendships with loving, like-minded spirits. And, not just for us!

We had dinner at G & D’s last night. We’ve been alternating hosting dinner at one another’s home. They’re snowbirds, and now it is time for them to head back to Oregon before the Valley of the Sun really heats up. I will sorely miss their physical presence, but I’ve no doubt we’ll continue growing our friendship. They’ll be spending about a week in Sedona when they leave the Phoenix area next month so we hope to hook up with them one last time before they are westward bound.

Today we’re ‘forced’ to meet up with G & D again to make an exchange. After lunch, they’re meeting, E, another meetup member for coffee, and I’m hooking up with M, yet another meetup member to catch up on things. I need to return D’s call – you guessed it, another member – to make plans for us to get together with him and his wife, A, who brought him into the group. They’ve expressed interest in leading the group when we move to Sedona and they’ve lived there (and want to move back), so we’ve got lots to talk about!

This meetup has provided me, inter alia, with a venue to meet and grow a rich circle of friends who are focused on their spiritual life. I am blessed, I am grateful.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Faith and Peace

In the moment, there is peace.

I breathe in faith and I breathe out peace (I do not even want to mention the word “fear” – that’s what I’m seeking to be rid of). Peace circulates throughout me and my body, as does faith. Faith – peace – faith – peace... A continuous cycle – they are present in the moment, one moment at a time, and I feel them. I so need them.

Dear God –
May I focus on the breath every instant and thus remain in faith and peace. And so it is. I am grateful.

Monday, March 23, 2009

How Do I Love?

Yesterday’s blog was entitled “Love in Action” and talked of loving everyone on my path. So how does that show up, especially with people who I find to be a challenge?

I was with someone yesterday who is bright, most generous, and has other fine qualities - and pushes my “irritation” button. Now, I know it’s really about me. But that said, how do I show up as Love even when my ego wants to fight? The words “attitude” and “act as if” come to mind.

I hold an attitude of gratitude and I act in loving ways. That translates to offering to be helpful, being a good listener...and, praying. Lots of praying! Praying for me to be loving, praying for the person’s highest good, praying for God’s help.

I cannot go through this human experience without God’s help. This is a crazy world, and I can be as insane as the next person at times. If I am to be at peace, I must love. God is the answer and the help I need to act as Love would.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Love in Action

“Extending Love to all that is becomes easy when you do not discriminate where God’s Love shall flow.” – The Voice for Love

Today –and every day – my job is to love everyone I encounter on my path. I may not like them, but I must love them.

“An act of love is an invitation to come alive. We have the opportunity to celebrate life through loving actions toward others. In so doing we celebrate our own life in God.” – In God’s Care

By loving others, I am more alive, I feel The Presence stronger. It’s win-win for all.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

In the Flow

Yesterday Rog and I spent the first day of spring in Sedona, Red Rock Country, our future home. It was a most appropriate place to start off this season of rebirth.

We are moving to Sedona in the next month or so and still await Spirit’s guidance surrounding many decisions. With a feeling of peace and expectancy, we made the 2-1/2 hour drive from Gilbert in time to attend the Text Study group at the Course Community House, dedicated to A Course in Miracles. We received a warm welcome and connected in heart to the folks there. It was a great way to start off the day.

As the day unfolded, we were both open to Spirit’s guidance and that guidance came relatively easily and clearly - we were in the flow. We met new people we were meant to meet, and had adventures we were meant to have. Synchronicity was bountiful, and I felt The Presence and knew there was a plan and a purpose. And, I know our presence was helpful to those we met and healing occurred in various ways at various levels.

When I am open, like a child, and practicing the Now, I experience more synchronicity, which I love – it’s how I “came to believe.” Spirit’s message is clear, I am at peace, and there is a smile on my face and in my energy field.

Today I feel Rog and I are closer to making our relocation sooner rather than later and for it to flow easily under grace in a perfect way. Yesterday’s Sedona adventure helped bring me to that place. I am grateful.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Choosing Joy

I had an exchange yesterday with a business acquaintance on the way to a meeting which put me in a funk for the entire meeting and more. I had been a ‘good little girl’ but nonetheless had been taken to task for some action I had taken to thank the group that I had been a guest of the prior week.

When I got home I decided I’d had enough of feeling the way I did, a reaction I’m sure from something that occurred many years ago in childhood. I’d had enough and wasn’t going to take it anymore! So I retired to my cave and did some tapping, more formally known as EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique.

EFT provides freedom from negative emotions, which then allows one to blossom and rise above whatever hidden hurdles have been keeping them from performing to their capacity. It is based on discoveries regarding the connection between the body's subtle energies, emotions, and health.

In a matter of mere minutes, the yucky feeling lifted – a miracle for sure! I don’t know if it’s permanently gone since I’m a novice at applying EFT. Nevertheless, it’s a tool I can and will go back to if I need to clear this issue again or another one.

I am so grateful that I remembered that this simple tool was available to me. I’m grateful that I loved myself enough to take action, that I made a choice for me. And, I’m grateful for the results.

The cleaner my emotions are, the clearer a channel I am to know God’s will. And, moving from any form of negative emotion to joy is surely God’s will.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

What If...

As a spiritual being having a human experience I have no doubt that forgiveness is a never-ending exercise.

That said, I wonder if the last two days’ worth of synchronicity around the topic of forgiveness was not just about forgiveness. Could it be that God was sending me an extra reminder that He is present, a boost for my faith? I think so. And, I welcome it.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I'm Listening, God!

The last thing I did last night was to blog and, to my surprise, the topic turned out to be about St. Patrick, synchronicity, and forgiveness. [Such an array of topics...!] I ‘got’ that Spirit’s message was for continued work around forgiveness.

This morning, I opened my Daily Word and guess what the topic was: forgiveness! Okay, God, You’ve definitely got my attention. Is this about me forgiving myself more than it is about forgiving others? I look forward to further inquiry into the heart of this. Clearing blockages, whether within or with others, can only bring more joy and abundance into my life - I’m up for it!

“By forgiving, I'm not accepting or excusing the negative behavior of myself or others. I am offering us another chance to do better in our relationship. I let the love of Christ within me come forward, and I share this blessing with others. The love within my heart heals me as it flows out to others as words and acts of forgiveness.” - excerpt from Daily Word, March 18, 2009

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Last night I decided on the topic for the next Gilbert Spirituality Meetup – forgiveness –, wrote a little bit about it, then posted the Meetup.

Tonight I was looking online for a prayer to post on my blog since I’m tired and it is much later than I’d like it to be. I stumbled upon the story of St. Patrick, and how apropos since today is St. Patrick’s Day! But even more ‘coincidental’, is that I learned that his story is one about forgiveness.

He was actually British and when he was 16-years old, he was kidnapped by Irish pirates and placed into slavery. Years after escaping, only through the alchemy of prayer, was he finally able to transmute his hatred for his captors into eventual forgiveness. Patrick's religious experiences along the way led him toward the priesthood. He came to believe very strongly that it was God's hand that first took him to Ireland, and that God was calling him to return. So after Patrick became a bishop, he journeyed back to Ireland, but this time by his own free will, on a mission of love and mercy.

But could it also be ‘coincidence’ that the very next page I came upon was an article by Leonard J. Ross about the power of forgiveness ? I think not. Most people who know me know that it was through synchronicity that I came to believe, and I do not believe in coincidences.

Yes, I know about the power of forgiveness and I know about synchronicity being a method in which God sends me messages. So, it’s clear that my forgiveness work is still to be in the forefront of my life at this time.

So much for using someone else’s prayer tonight to post a blog!

Dear Spirit-
Thank You for Your clear messages of where I need to focus my inner work.

Monday, March 16, 2009

True Meanings

The other day I was reading Spiritual Economics: The Principles and Process of True Prosperity by Eric Butterworth, and came upon the original definitions of some important terms.

- “affluence”: an abundant flow”
- “prosperity”: “according to hope, moving forward hopefully”
- “wealth”: “well-being”

I knew that these are not the meanings in today’s culture and this morning embarked on a bit of research with the hope of being proved wrong.

Here’s what I found:

Merriam-Webster: “abundance of property: wealth"
Encarta: “having an abundance of material wealth”

Merriam-Webster: “the condition of being successful or thriving; especially: economic well-being”
Encarta: “success: the condition of enjoying wealth, success, or good fortune”

Merriam-Webster: “abundance of valuable material possessions or resources”
Encarta: “state of having much money: the state of having plenty of money or possessions”

It is no wonder that our society is in the shape it is ethically, financially, etc. The western world especially has moved drastically away from a spiritual focus to an excessive material focus in how we live our life and conduct our relationships.

I want the peace, joy, and love, that is my divine birthright and I know I cannot experience them by following these modern definitions of “affluence”, “prosperity”, and “wealth”. I’m sticking with the practice of the original meanings in my own life – and, I’m glad to observe that more and more people are too.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Spiritual Refreshment

I’ve just come home from a Unity service. I was exhausted as I left the house, having stayed up way too late working on computer-related projects. Nonetheless, I knew that going to Unity would be a worthwhile activity as it would feed my soul (my most important need) and then even perhaps refresh my body. It did.

There, I was in the company and energy of other people seeking peace, comfort, and connection. I was refreshed through meditation, prayer, words of the lesson, and music.

Dear, sweet music for my soul. An instrumentalist, Paul McDermand, played steel drums choosing selections mellow enough for the setting. It’s unusual to not have a singer to provide the gift of music, but Paul’s music was delightful, and seeing the joy upon his face as he worked his art was an additional boost for my spirit.

And, I “lifted my voice” several times in song, my most enjoyable pastime. In so doing, I was also of service. Observing that there was no formal singer to lead the congregation in song, I decided that I would really put my all into singing and hopefully aid others in their musical expression. Besides, I was alone in my 2nd row position and there was no one sitting in the row in front of me to disturb! Singing spiritual songs with all my heart and in bold voice, I felt wonderful.

I don’t know if anyone around me heard me or was helped by me. But, I know that my idea was inspired and following it put me in a giving space and made me feel a closer connection to Spirit and the other church attendees. It was additional spiritual fuel for my soul, a surprise treat.

There are many ways to give, and it is no doubt true that as we give, we receive.

Now I’m fueled up spiritually, physically too, and ready to move forward in my day.

Thank You, Spirit, for the myriad ways I receive connection and I get to give.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Our True State

"Peace and Love are your natural state.
Only how you relate to a thought can take those away."
- The Voice for Love, March 14, 2009

How true, how true. My thoughts are powerful. And, when ego gets a hold of them, I inevitably lose my peace and giving love turns into a call for love, namely fear.

May I always remember who I really am: a peaceful, loving child of God.

Friday, March 13, 2009

The Present

A fresh, new day – yes!

My body may still be feeling groggy and sleepy, but my spirit knows it is a new beginning. And, beginnings are always lush with hope and possibilities.

As I start out and move through this day, I commit to practicing the Presence and sticking with the present. In the past lurks resentment, in the future, fear. The present is where I’ll find and feel faith.

Today is a new beginning. Now, in faith, is where I choose to be.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


I still get deeply touched by the kindness of people. I know it’s one way that Spirit shows Its love and grace. Certainly I always feel more connected to the Universe whether I am on the giving end or the receiving end of an act of kindness.

I appreciate the actual act and, maybe more importantly, I appreciate another opportunity to feel God in the midst of all.

Thank You for acts of kindness.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Two Things

Today has been an emotional day, a busy day. Throughout it all, I strived to remain aware of God’s presence and to ask for Spirit’s help.

“We seek many things that have no lasting value. If we, however, put God’s will before the rest and trust that our needs will be supplied, we will often find material possessions, good friends, good health, and good sense coming our way.” – In God’s Care, March 11

As I struggle once again to get clarity about my spiritual philosophy and how to be in the world and with people, I know that I am clear about at least two things: (1) God is my one and only Source, and (2) I must always put my spiritual life ahead of anything or anyone.

Spirit, please remind me gently of Your Ways and align me with Your Will.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Another Anniversary

Today is a special day for me: the 19th anniversary of stepping into the rooms of Overeaters Anonymous (OA).

March 10, 1990 – the most important day of my life because it was the dawning of my path of coming to believe in Spirit.

In the past, I’ve often said that the only way God was going to get my attention was to hit me over the head with a baseball bat in the form of food. Sounds a bit forceful, but I did reach bottom, so the only way to go was up. I’m so grateful for finally having the willingness to check out the 12 Step program in spite of the ‘G’-word – working it transformed me and hence my future life, and made me a better human being for my fellows.

Since that fateful day, I’ve discovered and explored other paths, some complementary to the 12 Step philosophy, some not so much, but all leading Home just the same.

These days my path is no longer focused on the 12 Steps; still, it is and will always be dear to my heart.

I will be forever grateful to Bill W. and Dr. Bob, the founders of AA, who with Spirit, started it all. And, I’m grateful for all those I’ve met along the 12 Step path, who helped me and vice versa - you are dear to me. It is a way of living and a family like no other I’ve encountered.

We are all so very blessed, one day at a time. And that is surely cause for all of us to celebrate.

Monday, March 9, 2009


Yesterday I volunteered to help out at the Unity church I attend even though I’m not a member. I’ve really been missing being of service and here’s an opportunity to help an organization that’s right under my nose.

It was certainly no coincidence that two of my readings this morning were about giving...

Excerpted from today’s Daily Word:

I give generously from my heart.

The good I do for others makes a difference in their lives. I contribute my energies in ways that benefit people--some known and others unknown to me. By being helpful, I honor the Christ within me and within them.

When I give of myself, I am expressing consideration and generosity.

The other one was a story about an American on a train bound for a foreign town, with no one to meet him at his destination as his host had been delayed. Two strangers traveling in the same compartment help him, with one driving him to his final destination. When the American tried to pay the man for his kindness, he pushed away the money and said, “You do...” [Click here for full Daily Guideposts story.]

And, one of the prosperity principles that came up in discussion today was about giving and the law of circulation.

I have been the receiver of many gifts from the universe in recent months and have felt that I’ve not given back anywhere close to a similar proportion. Well, now I’m stepping up to the plate. It feels great!

In networking today with a group of job seekers, I told them that I’ve reduced my rates – “I need to earn some money but I really want to give too.”

True giving is a way to express love and we all ‘win’ – after all, I can’t be a giver if there’s no receiver!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Things Just Are

There is no right or wrong way about anything when you follow the Holy Spirit's way.The Voice for Love

I’m a student of A Course of Miracles (among other paths), so when I find myself in judgment mode I know my ego has stepped into the situation. The aforementioned quote for the day is a reminder that when I seek to see with the eyes of God, hear with the ears of God, etc., there is no right or wrong – things just are.

And, when things just are, everything is a blessing. That is how I want to go about my day...

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Changing Times

The times are changing, changing quickly and there is so much unknown. I do feel that a new world is dawning, one that is challenging us to wake up. These times are exciting.

And, these times can be unsettling. Prayer is a tool to help us get centered any time, but perhaps even more so during these extreme times of change.

The following prayer is based on one by Saint Ignatius of Loyola that is apropos for when one might be feeling a bit out of sorts – like I am feeling today. It is soothing to my soul.

O God,
When all is darkness and we feel our weakness and helplessness,
Give us the sense of Your presence, Your love, and Your strength.
Help us to have perfect trust in Your protecting love and strengthening power,
So that nothing may frighten or worry us,
For, living close to You,
We shall see Your hand, Your purpose, Your will through all things.

May I keep close to Spirit through these changing, exciting times.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Morning Inspiration

In the morning silence I find myself
The world is still
Surrounded by the peace of quiet
Seeking God’s will.

I know not what the day will bring
All is blessed that’s for sure
It is up to me to be the joy
To shine my light and be true.

I pray to be spiritually fit
Loving, kind, not in a snit
I am grateful, happy, glad to be
In the presence of God’s company.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

A Richer Day

Today was a full and balanced day.

I started waking up with morning ‘kawfee’ (even if it's only decaf!) with my beloved and we talked mostly about things spiritual. Then I spent a few minutes reading and contemplating several passages from The Sermon on the Mount by Emmet Fox. The angels were surely with us as Rog and I had an adventurous time moving a sofa bed to a storage space, just the two of us. For what might have been an otherwise tiresome chore, I listened to peaceful selections from For God Alone by Mark Kelso while I packed some glassware for our upcoming move north, and thus felt the time doubly well used. And, this day also included some additional tweaking on the first of two new websites of mine: The Computer Spirit.

Yes, it was a varied day and Spirit was so obviously with me in books, in music, in conversation, on the Web, etc. – all around me and in me. Spirit is always with me and today I noticed perhaps more than usual, which made the day a richer one. I am always grateful for the increased awareness - Thank You.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Morning Prayer 03.04.09

Dear God;

Thank You for this day
Thank You for this life
Thank You for Roger.

Please remove any fears within me and have me know in every cell of my body that You are my Source of
everything, and all is well.

Please remove any obstacles within me that keep me from my good and being of service to others. May I be compassionate, giving, and full of only love as I go through this day.

Fill me with peace. Thank You. So it is.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Life Guidance

I’m glad to be out again studying philosophy and life with a group of people.

Last week I started a brief class on the Bhaghavad Gita and another one on Spiritual Economics: The Principles and Process of True Prosperity by Eric Butterworth.

The Gita presents, in seven-hundred verses revered as a sacred scripture of Hinduism, a handbook for Self-realization and a guide to action. In it, Krishna, an incarnation of God, instructs on the nature of the soul and its relation to God, the levels of consciousness and reality, the makeup of the phenomenal world, etc. It points the way on how to achieve freedom and peace within.

In Spiritual Economics, Eric Butterworth reminds us in straightforward, non-theological language that we have the power and the means within us to live abundantly. We can work with the flow of life instead of against it, develop a prosperous attitude about money, health and love, and maintain our inner focus on affluence.

Hinduism and New Thought literature - each fascinating, providing insight into living life, and just the kind of works I enjoy reading.

I did not receive much guidance when I was growing up, but I’ve fared pretty well in many aspects of my life and known joy. And, always I can tap into a richness of knowledge to study, and interact with people who have the learning and the experience, and are willing to share it. I am not alone. I am grateful.

Monday, March 2, 2009

The Can

I didn’t get everything on today’s ‘To Do’ list done. However, I did finish creating our manifestation can, which Rog and I both ‘got’ from Spirit that it was a high priority to complete today. A cash dollar amount for the month was set with Spirit’s guidance and we’ve now created a container to catch the prosperity and abundance that is ours by divine right.

This can is decorated with a colorful collage of graphics and words, all upbeat and meaningful to us. There are images of items such as: dogs, flowers, birds, lotus hands, hearts, and even us! Quotes include: “God is my supply.” and “Money is God in manifestation...”, and concepts like Trust, Service, Gratitude, Faith, and Love.

I enjoyed my arts and crafts session, a chance to be creative - much else on today’s list was not anywhere near as inspiring and joyful! I had a delightful time, especially knowing this activity was Spirit-directed and God was surely near.

Now to see what manifests and how – God’s work!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Nature & Spirit

I got some more exercise in today as I met up with a friend from the Gilbert Spirituality Meetup. We walked in the 90-degree heat (yep, we’re experiencing record highs today), talking about many interesting things and getting to know one another better.

It’s quite clear that physical exercise can be accomplished alongside other activities. Today’s not only was a fine opportunity to help blossom a budding friendship, but to be in a unique setting amongst the subdivisions of single-family homes.

The Riparian Preserve is an environment dedicated to conserving valuable natural resources, so as we walked and talked, we were surrounded by plants, trees, and ponds. We even came upon some geese!

Nature is another venue in which to feel connection to Source and this place is a real find - what a blessing!