Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Another Anniversary

Today is a special day for me: the 19th anniversary of stepping into the rooms of Overeaters Anonymous (OA).

March 10, 1990 – the most important day of my life because it was the dawning of my path of coming to believe in Spirit.

In the past, I’ve often said that the only way God was going to get my attention was to hit me over the head with a baseball bat in the form of food. Sounds a bit forceful, but I did reach bottom, so the only way to go was up. I’m so grateful for finally having the willingness to check out the 12 Step program in spite of the ‘G’-word – working it transformed me and hence my future life, and made me a better human being for my fellows.

Since that fateful day, I’ve discovered and explored other paths, some complementary to the 12 Step philosophy, some not so much, but all leading Home just the same.

These days my path is no longer focused on the 12 Steps; still, it is and will always be dear to my heart.

I will be forever grateful to Bill W. and Dr. Bob, the founders of AA, who with Spirit, started it all. And, I’m grateful for all those I’ve met along the 12 Step path, who helped me and vice versa - you are dear to me. It is a way of living and a family like no other I’ve encountered.

We are all so very blessed, one day at a time. And that is surely cause for all of us to celebrate.

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