Saturday, April 4, 2009

Wherever We Go...

“Home is where the heart is...

“The place where we live becomes a home when we fill it with love. We do this by being love that builds up and supports, understands and is compassionate, forgives and accepts forgiveness. We do this and even more as we live from the love of God within our hearts.” - excerpt from Daily Word, April 4, 2009

As we prepare to move north and set up a new home soon (still don’t know where or how yet), I find this writing apropos. It explains why wherever I have made my home, it has always felt “cozy” and full of warmth within its interior walls. It’s because I’ve put my spirit into it – I take myself wherever I go!

This will be the first time Rog and I choose and create a home together from scratch. I know that regardless of the material possessions we furnish it with, our next home will be an even greater welcoming sanctuary full of love than our present one. We take our love wherever we go.

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