Friday, December 25, 2009

For Everyone

I didn’t grow up in a religious household but I was a curious, philosophical child and briefly explored the religion of my parents. However, by the time I was 16 years old, I was a devout atheist. 19 years later I “came to believe” and thus was rekindled my conscious quest to know and be close to the God of my understanding.

In that quest, I have explored an array of ideas and have come to know the Judeo-Christian ideology to some degree. This has been gleaned mostly via the perspective of New Thought thinkers, and has pointed me towards the Bible.

And so it is now, on this particular Christmas Day, that I feel moved to express my belief that The Christ is for everyone. This belief stems not from my becoming an evangelical Christian and trying to proselytize; in fact, I still claim no religion. It just seems to me that the Christ is apart from Jesus from a religious perspective. Jesus was “The Christ” – and so am I and so are you. So what does this mean?

The word Christ is often misunderstood to be the surname of Jesus due to the numerous mentions of Jesus Christ in the Christian Bible; the word is in fact used as a title.

However, it refers to higher consciousness. The term Christ consciousness is similar to other spiritual traditions to denote the consciousness of a human being who has reached a higher level of evolutionary development and who has come to know Reality as it is. It’s called the super consciousness (Yoga), objective consciousness (Gurdjieff), Buddhic consciousness (Theosophy), cosmic consciousness, and God-consciousness (Sufism and Hinduism).

The Christ is a quality, a divine quality, that dwells within each and every one of us. It is not about religion. Christ Consciousness is about being perpetually in unison with Spirit, drawing sustenance from Spirit and operating in the physical world as if God and ‘His’ laws mattered.

As I strive to wake up more and more each day, I get closer to realizing The Christ that I am. The same applies to you.

The Christ is for everyone – it is who we are. So, Merry Christmas to everyone!

1 comment:

SpiritWorks Software Inc. said...

Great post! We had a great time with you two yesterday. Here's to a great new year filled with Christ consciousness!