Saturday, October 17, 2009

Keepin' Clean With God

I can’t walk and chew gum at the same time, but I sure can wash dishes and pray at the same time. I can also shower and pray at the same time.

The quality of the physical task at hand does not suffer at all and certainly my spiritual condition gets enhanced. Perhaps water has something to do with it.... Well, I can iron and pray at the same time too, so I guess that’s not it. Maybe it’s something about cleanliness. I guess many of us have heard the expression “Cleanliness is next to Godliness;” maybe there’s something to that after all.

In any case, I’m grateful to make such efficient and effective use of my time. And, it’s a great pick me up that occurs on a daily basis (well, not the ironing!).

I know that God is available for me to pray to always regardless of the activity I’m engaged in. It’s up to me to take the imitative to do so.

Thank You, Spirit, for being accessible to me any time, all times. Please help me to remember that You’re just a thought away.

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