Wednesday, February 17, 2010


“True prosperity is about spiritual wealth. It's about knowing that my true source is not my employer, my partner or my parent. God is the source of my greatest good.

“When I am aware of the ever-flowing wisdom and grace of God's spirit, I cannot help but create prosperity in all areas of my life--in my relationships, my health, my wealth. As I focus on the Truth, abundance flows. I am rich in all ways, and I am grateful.” – Excerpt from Daily Word, Tuesday, 02.16.10

Once again it is written that God is to be the focus of my life. And why not?! If Spirit is the One Source and One Presence, surely It is worthy of my attention! More specifically, I am really nothing without God - literally, God breathes life into me.

When I keep my thoughts staid on Thee, life flows and, with it, abundance. Prosperity shows up in many forms. I must remain open to receiving God’s blessings, I must surrender my ego at the door.

May I keep my thoughts staid on Thee as I walk through this day of distractions of all sorts, which are ego’s attempts at keeping me separate from You and my fellows. Regardless of appearances, You are my Source and prosperity abounds. Thank You, thank You, thank You. And, so it is.

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