Sunday, June 7, 2009

Life's Upheavals

As I think of the people who’ve crossed my path recently, I see major events occurring in their world, just as there are major ones occurring in mine.

Perhaps it’s about their health, job, relationship, or home. It might appear adverse or positive, yet there’s always some kind of loss involved, even with the so-called positive changes.

I must take time to digest the change, any associated grief, and to know that God is with me throughout it all and is my strength through any rough cycle. I seize this change as a time to really reach out to Spirit, my guides, my angels, and even human beings!

Change is a particularly opportune time to grow, but I cannot do it alone. I’m grateful to have come to believe in a Power greater than myself who not only is always there for me, but helps me push my limits to grow, and makes my life and relationships rich, interesting, and meaningful.

Dear God – Please comfort those who are struggling through their life changes. May they know they are not alone and look to You for strength, guidance, love, and peace.

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