Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I read this prayer from Daily Guideposts and it gave me food for thought: “Lord, the greatest success I can achieve is to know You and to love You, and help others know and love You too.”

This definition resonates with me and actually shapes my daily life, for each day as I meditate, interact with others, pray, etc., I endeavor to know God more and more.

And while I have no intention to stop following this path, in a way, something else is far more noteworthy to me.

For you see, I feel that the greatest accomplishment of this lifetime has already occurred: coming to believe after having been a devout atheist for nineteen years.

If I were to accomplish nothing further in my life, having awakened to God Consciousness takes the cake - the rest is icing.

Of course, having come to believe was just the beginning. The story and my path continue as I experience ever greater communion with God and my fellows, loving God and helping others love God too.

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