Monday, August 31, 2009

God’s Prayer

Yesterday I attended the Celebration of Spiritual Awakenings meetup. I was introduced to some interesting, talented, and simply amazing people.

One of those folks read her new poem and its sentiments resonated strongly with me.

Here it is:

God’s Prayer

As I take a look around me
I know that God is here
In the rocks, the trees, and the air that I breathe
That Presence is more than just “near”

I am a child of my Father
An expression of His Grace
As I pray my prayer to the Lord of All
I can feel Him right here in this place

God’s Life is everywhere present
I know It’s the Source of me
As I ask for my prayer to be answered
I find—in the asking—the key

When I make my request, the door opens
I can reach out and touch my desire
As I focus that feeling inside of me
It’s as if I’ve discovered fire!

My desire comes from my Father
He provides it to help us both grow
As the Source of ALL creation
Desire springs forth the Flow

As I express my desire to my Father
I come ‘round full circle, you see
I don’t need to fear that my prayer won’t be heard
Because God prays His own prayer...through me

Sandra A Daly
Copyright 2009

1 comment:

Rev. Sandi said...

Wow - what a gorgeous page! It looks good here - thank you!