Saturday, August 29, 2009

Praying Without Ceasing

What does “praying without ceasing” really mean? Can I really pray all the time? If I pray 24/7, what else would there be in life, what else would I get done?

I think “praying without ceasing” is like the idea of always looking unto Thee. I do it the best I can, as often as I can, in as many places as I can.

For me, the practice of praying and looking unto Thee, shows up in various forms including: singing, meditating, helping others, staying conscious, and evolving spiritually for its own sake.

Dear Spirit;
Help me to pray and look unto Thee without ceasing, and thus always feel connected to You, my one and only Source.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What if praying without ceasing has something to do with perpertual silence? Like "no thought." After all, God is probably most accessible in the spaces between the chatter.