Sunday, May 31, 2009

Cleaning Up

It’s particularly exciting around here as Rog and I clean up some sorely needed administrative tasks. Some have been needing attention for a year plus! This all seems a part of simplifying our lives, and we welcome it.

We’re sending The Universe the message that we’re ready to move on to our new life up north, and the Universe has been providing for us so that we can clear the way with ease and grace. Cleaning and clearing up physical matters surely affects what goes on in the spiritual realm and vice versa.

My shoulders feel less burdened, my spirit lighter. I think when we’ve completed the bulk of this stuff this upcoming week, the floodgates will open and our new life will really start taking off. Stay tuned...

And, thank You, Spirit!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Blessed Peace

A Prayer for Blessed Peace

In my hidden heart, I know this feeling.
Deep inside, the river flows
with the peace of the world.
This world, this place of love unbridled,
is where you and I meet.
Alone, but together,
silent, but joyful,
we share this deep peace as one.
Peace dwells within me.
Always waiting patiently,
knowing that I will return to its embrace.

I let go, I let go, I am peace.
I say yes, I say yes, I am peace.
I choose love, I choose love, I am peace.
In my heart, I know this place.
In my heart, I am peace.

- Vicky Thompson

Friday, May 29, 2009

Last Night

Last night I attended the healing service at The Little Chapel (as mentioned in yesterday’s blog). I, in fact, did receive a healing, as everyone always does whether they’re aware of it or not.

Mine wasn’t a physical one, but rather a spiritual and emotional one. The way I know I was healed is that while at the service, I empathized with others’ pain – their pain was my pain, and I cried tears for them. I was so in the Now, so wholeheartedly praying for them. When I’m in that state, I know my heart has been opened wider, that I’m feeling closer to Source and more loving of my brothers and sisters. We are truly One.

Each time my heart opens wider and wider, my capacity to love grows too. It brings me to a stronger feeling of connection to all in this Universe, and this, fills me with gratitude.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


I’m leaving soon to attend a healing service at The Little Chapel in Paradise Valley. It’s a monthly gig which I look forward to, not necessarily to receive a healing but at least to have two hours that are solely dedicated to and centered on God’s love.

This time will be more special as I’m meeting a friend’s mom there. I feel it a great service to accompany someone new to the experience, to hopefully make them feel more comfortable with an unknown. And, in this case, to connect more with someone who has basically been a passing acquaintance. This is also the last service until October, another reason I’m glad to be attending it.

I’ll get to sing a little bit, always a delight for me, and a great form of prayer.

On a somewhat emotional day, with not as much time to cultivate my relationship with Spirit as I would have liked, tonight is like a breath of fresh air – you might say, a Godsend!

And, in addition to all of the aforementioned, I might even receive a healing.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

On This Day

From my files...

On This Day

Mend a quarrel. Search out a forgotten friend. Dismiss suspicion, and replace it with trust. Write a love letter. Share some treasure. Give a soft answer. Encourage youth. Manifest your loyalty in a word or deed.

Keep a promise. Find the time. Forego a grudge. Forgive an enemy. Listen. Apologize if you were wrong. Try to understand. Flout envy. Examine your demands on others. Think first of someone else. Appreciate, be kind, be gentle. Laugh a little more. Deserve confidence.

Take up arms against malice. Express your gratitude. Decry complacency. Worship your God. Gladden the heart of a child. Take pleasure in the beauty and wonder of the earth. Speak your love. Speak it again. Speak it still again. Speak it still once again.

- Author Unknown

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Lasting Sentiment

Joy, happiness, and peace are natural results of doing things God’s way...

Acknowledging our gratitude for the blessings in our life releases the happiness that we sometimes keep hidden within our heart.

I will share happiness and my faith in God with others today.

- Based on various readings from In God’s Care and inscribed on the front card cover of the invitation to my 40th birthday celebration

It’s 14 years since I designed that invitation. The sentiment rings true to me today and I endeavor to abide by it every day.

Monday, May 25, 2009

The Dream

A Course in Miracles talks about this world as an illusion, a dream. So do Eastern traditions as well as other sources. When the individual has awakened from the dream, he/she will know true reality.

Like the alarm clock I use to awaken me in the morning, I set my cell phone alarm to awaken me from my meditative practice. This morning, when it went off, a question appeared in my consciousness: Is this the way it’s going to be when I awaken from the dream, i.e., an alarm will sound, and – poof! – I’ll be fully awaken, and Home with God in the Real World?

No, I don’t think that’s the way it works. For me, awakening has been a gradual process although there’ve been some big “Ah-ha’s” along the path.

I look forward to when I arrive Home a fully conscious being. Until then, I’ll put one foot in front of the other, be open to God’s guidance, and seek to realize all the God-like potential that resides inside me.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


As we drill down into bankruptcy paperwork, the issue of being able to keep both of our vehicles is on the table.

If we cannot keep both, there are pros and cons for keeping one or the other.

My vehicle is a 2003 Toyota, my 3rd Camry in 13 years, and my first new car purchase. I call ‘her’ Espiritu (or Espirit II). My first one was named Spirit, but when ‘she’ was totaled in Santa Fe in 1999, I thought, "I’ve lost my Spirit" - not a very healthy double entendre. So my cars since then have been christened Espiritu, keeping to the idea that Spirit is with me as I travel. [My current license plate is GUIDEME, another reminder of God.]

So you can see I feel pretty close to my car. It is a symbol of independence, it conveys convenience, it is an asset (she’s all paid off!).

Yes, my car is a thing, an inanimate object even if I talk about it like a person. These days I am placing less importance on material things, and focusing more and more on matters of the spirit. It’s just ‘stuff’. Having, accumulating, and maintaining stuff is a burden. It takes me off track and can contribute to me losing my peace. Still, I can sometimes get caught up in this culture’s game.

And so, my morning prayer this day, as I started feeling anxious about having to possibly give up my Camry was:
May we treat our blessings as blessings, and not attachments.

Having reliable, safe, comfortable transportation at my fingertips has been a wonderful blessing. Let me remember it as such and not be attached to it. And, in the same vein, may I remember that God is the Source of all, and the sole attachment that I will truly ever want or need.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Daily Manifestation

Here’s another one from my traveling file collection (mentioned in yesterday’s blog)...

Daily Manifestation

I see my day being an unlimited flowing of unconditional love, appreciation, and joy.

I flow inspiriting life energy through me as I continually choose to fully experience profound well-being and carefreeness.

I feel a strong connection to my higher self and my guiding spirits, who unceasingly rejoice in the choices I make that support my happiness as I look for reasons to feel good.

I remain constant in the belief that everything in my life serves my highest good.

Therefore, I see those people and events in my life that prompt in me disquieting feelings as wonderful gifts that show me the good feeling I want to more strongly focus on creating.

And the good feelings that I create benefit everyone.

Indeed, I know that the greatest gift I can give to those I care about – including myself – is my love, appreciation, and joy.

Today I intend to allow my life
. to unfold with increasing grace and ease
. to be lavishly filled with love, appreciation, joy, prosperity, health, supportive family and friends
. to walk the path of All is Well; All is Perfect.

- Author unknown

Friday, May 22, 2009

The Pacesetter

In packing for our move, I’m finally getting to reread papers that I’ve held onto for years, traveling and just taking up space. My files have moved from Manhattan to Taos, several times around Santa Fe, and now have resided in the Phoenix area for almost six years.

I have much paper, for these came into my life before the computer and Internet were widely used.

It’s time to share these gems... Here’s one that can be found on the Internet.

Psalm 23: Japanese Version by Toki Miyashiro

The Lord is my pacesetter; I shall not rush.

God makes me stop and rest for quiet intervals:
God provides me with images of stillness, which restore my serenity.

God leads me in ways of efficiency through calmness of mind,
And God’s guidance is peace.

Even though I have a great many things to accomplish each day, I will not fret.
For God’s presence is here.
God’s timelessness and all-importance will keep me in balance.

God prepares refreshment and renewal in the midst of my activity, by anointing me with oils of tranquility.
My cup of joyous energy overflows; surely harmony and effectiveness shall be the fruits of my hours.

For I shall walk in the pace and dwell in God’s house forever.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


“Rog is a partner like no other, someone I'd always want on my team. His integrity is impeccable, his knowledge vast, and his organizational and HR skills strong. His love of and caring for Nature is inspirational, and his joy contagious. We who share The Journey with him, no matter the length of time, are truly blessed.”

I wrote this as a recommendation of my colleague (who is also my twin flame) for LinkedIn, an interconnected network of experienced professionals from around the world. After doing so, I got to pondering how wonderful this world would be if I were able to say something similar to this about so many others.

Ya know, that they have integrity, inspire others, really care about other living beings, and are joyful. How many people do I feel truly blessed by having encountered them in this game of Life?

I’d say, “A lot.” I may not always realize they’re a blessing, but really, everything and everyone indeed is. Everyone is from God, of God, the Presence of God; hence, every one is a blessing. It’s an attitude, a choice to view people from this perspective.

Still, make no mistake: My honeybunch is the number one person who has blessed my life. Thank You, Spirit!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A Lord's Prayer

Years ago Rog learned The Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic, its original language. He has since interpreted it in a way that has greater meaning to him; it resonates with me too. Here it is.

The Lord’s Prayer
[As interpreted by Roger Wyer]

Oh Thou, from whom the breath of life comes,
Who fills endless worlds of sound, light, and vibration,
May we experience Your light clearly and completely.
Your perfect garden approaches again.

Let Your will be done in every vibration of the universe,
And on this dense, material earth.
Give us wisdom, guidance, and understanding for our daily need.

Detach the faults that bind us,
As we release the faults of others into self-forgiveness.

Let us not lose our self in superficial things;
Free us from what keeps us from our true purpose.

From You comes the joyful will, the lively strength to act,
The song that beautifies all and renews itself forever.

Sealed in faith and truth and gratitude, and confirmed by my entire being.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


God is with me throughout this day
The Presence guides me and paves the way

I make the choice which path to go
The voice of God, or my ego

I pray to follow God’s will today
And, thus in peace is where I’ll stay.

Monday, May 18, 2009


Several weeks ago, a friend appeared on my doorstep, after us losing touch for a year or so. It was a wonderful delight and I realized how much I missed not having her in my life.

A week ago I started culling through six boxes of documents and files spanning back more than a decade, many of which were related to my life when I lived in Santa Fe. It was a lengthy stroll down Memory Lane. The next day I received an email informing me about the death of a 12 Step friend/client from that time in my life. I thought it synchronistic.

Yesterday, I received a Facebook invitation from someone I’d known in undergrad days, more than 35 years ago. His name had crossed my mind just a day before, but it had rarely done so in all these years. I thought it weird; perhaps it was synchronistic too. As we emailed back and forth, I was amazed that so many years could have passed – how could that be?

As I pack for our move, I’m being given the opportunity to clean up and get rid of stuff – and that includes more than just the physical. Going back in time to remember my philosophy, my lifestyle, my career, etc., I’m getting to see how much I’ve grown spiritually (I was an atheist until 19 years ago) as well as how the essence of Joyce has remained the same. And, I am getting to decide what I want to keep in my life – possessions, relationships, ideas...

There really is no such thing as time, and we live in multi-dimensions simultaneously. Still, I could spend many hours living in the ‘past’ and communicating about the old times, but I don’t want to get stuck there. The present is what matters. God isn’t in the past or in the future. God is here now.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

My Buddha Wheel

When I lived in Santa Fe, I used to ride a stationary exercise bike. I got into the habit of using the time to pray continuously, specifically for people. It was a wonderful experience each morning. Not only did it connect me with Spirit, but it connected me with people who I no longer physically lived closed to and missed.

Two wonderful exercises: physical and spiritual. My spiritual mentor at the time said my practice reminded him of the Buddha wheel.

“The wheel's motion is a metaphor for the rapid spiritual change engendered by the teachings of the Buddha.
It represents the endless cycle of rebirth, which can only be escaped by means of the Buddha's teachings. And some Buddhists regard the wheel's three basic parts as symbols of the "three trainings" in Buddhist practice: The hub symbolizes moral discipline, which stabilizes the mind. The spokes (usually there are eight) represent wisdom which is applied to defeat ignorance. The rim represents training in concentration, which holds everything else together.” [From]

How very interesting...who knew?!

About seven weeks ago, I began making my morning practice an active Kundalini meditation. It consists of four stages of 15” each, with the first three set to music:
1st: Standing with feet firmly planted on the earth, I let my body shake.
2nd: Dancing
3rd: Sitting still
4th: Laying down in silence

During the active stages (1st and 2nd) I’ve worked on keeping my thoughts focused on the music or saying affirmations. But often, my mind wanders to details of everyday life, which is exactly what I’m looking to get away from. I’ve not felt this a good use of the mental part of this practice and recently asked Spirit, my angels, and all others interested in my upliftment for help. I prayed for focus and to make the best use of this time as Spirit saw fit.

Today I got the notion to continuously pray for my friends, family, and anyone that came to mind. And so I did. How wonderful to connect with Spirit and others in this way once more.

Looks like I’m back on the Buddha wheel again, opening up my heart, and reaching out to others through Spirit...

Saturday, May 16, 2009

No Competition

The evening sun is setting and the day is winding down. It’s time to relax and really breathe.

It was a hot day today, with temps above normal. Still, we sat outside with water misters, enjoying the company of friends who can be as woo-woo as us. Spirit is so obviously with us when we are with these folks. They are healers, and their wanting to help others is clear. We have lots of laughs whilst we catch up on our lives and share our latest learnings.

We come from eclectic religious backgrounds, but all meet together in Oneness, in God. In spirituality there is no competition, and we know that all paths lead to the same place - Home with God.

Friday, May 15, 2009

On This Path

I am excited about a possible living situation in Cottonwood we will be exploring further this weekend. I’ve been taking things one step, one day at a time.

We needed to get the bankruptcy docs signed, then the house trustee sale/foreclosure postponement fell into place. I told Rog I wasn’t going to worry about how we were going to move – the next step was to first find the place.

So if this house situation works out, then I’ll be seeking God’s guidance and help in pulling off the actual move.

Rog reminded me that "If you knew who walks beside you on this path that you have chosen, fear would be impossible" from A Course in Miracles. How true that is! And, so sweet and loving.

With more and more of the unseen manifesting in the seen world, I am getting my evidence – and my trust in God is building. Yes, I still seem to need the evidence of Spirit, that there is a Divine Plan, that God is taking care of me. I so look forward to one day real soon truly internalizing that I know who walks beside me, who is my ever-constant companion, guide, and helper. In that 100% knowing lies my true, ever-constant peace and joy.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Answered Prayers

It’s been another exciting week and it definitely seems like our prayers for business income, a home in the Verde Valley through bartering, improved physical body, etc. are being answered.

“God is always within me and those I care about as our ever-present help. ... I give thanks for the answers to prayer.” – Daily Word, May 14, 2009

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Like a Child

I was remarking to a friend this evening how I feel like I’m going back to being a child again – well, not quite “again” since I didn’t really have a childhood.

I said this because taking the focus off of money and material things has – in a way – made life simpler, the way it often is for children. It has made the truly important things in life clearer - relationships, namely. It has brought me closer to Spirit, to myself, to Rog. I’ve been more creative than in past times, and more open to possibilities – again, more like a child. And, I feel that every day is an adventure. Huck Finn watch out!

Thank You, Spirit, for child-like trust, innocence, wondrous expectancy, and joy!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Jubilant Spirit

“I value the wonderful qualities of children. As I watch a group of children absorbed in playful activity, I see that each child is intent on what he or she is doing, eager to learn and free from concern.

“Having this open, receptive, jubilant attitude is a perfect way for me to live my own life.“

- Today's Daily Word - Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Every day is a new beginning. After the signing of yesterday’s bankruptcy’s docs, I feel today is a BIG, new beginning. So how interesting to read this morning’s Daily Word (excerpted above) since I really was feeling “open, receptive, jubilant” to the myriad of possibilities on all fronts.

Soon afterwards, arriving emails revealed a number of possibilities regarding paid work. I got the go ahead from one client for a brief tech writing project, and two projects are a strong possibility with another. I also found out about a one-month assignment at a call center located nearby – and, they’re looking to hire a whopping 400 people! I suggested to Rog we both go to the job fair – it may not be about getting the job but meeting just the right person(s) we need to meet to move us forward in our life, a way for Spirit to introduce us to some new, old friends. Finally (for now), there seem to be some interesting part-time and telecommuting positions open up north where we plan to resettle.

Amid all this movement and excitment, it is important that I continue to be on the lookout for signs of God and His Guidance and note them as such too. We’ve got a lot ahead of us to address and I want to be as effective as possible with my time, and at peace too. There’s no doubt there’s a Divine Plan, but if I’m not open and receptive and mindful, I could miss the leads - and lose my jubilant attitude.

Thank You, Spirit, for my open, receptive, jubilant attitude.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Affirming Prosperity

On the occasion of us signing bankruptcy documents this afternoon, I affirm:

My thoughts are enriched by the creative spirit of God within me. I am filled with renewed enthusiasm, and my life is prospered.

I am a spiritual being, heir to the abundance of God’s kingdom. My life is prospered and enriched.

I give thanks for God’s prospering ideas that inspire me to live a full, rewarding life.

I am God’s beloved creation, and I rely on God’s provision to fulfill every good desire.

The presence of God is within and around me. I am alive with creative energy, awake to prospering ideas, and open to unlimited goodness.

- From Unity on the Bay

Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Mother In Us All

I made the conscious choice to not have children in this lifetime. As I grew older and remained single, I figured that when I finally met my life partner, in all likelihood he’d have been married at least once already and probably have children. That was ok with me – I just didn’t want to raise them.

And so it was with Rog... His children were in their early 20’s when we met up in Summer 2004. Since they all lead active adult lives, I’ve not spent large chunks of time with them, although I do enjoy their company and I think they’d say it’s mutual.

It’s been almost 5 years now and I’ve never felt that I was really a mom, a step mom that is. The first time someone referred to me using that label I truly didn’t know who they were referring to! I’ve felt perhaps I was like an older sister – and, at times, when I wasn’t up to date with the latest lingo (like what “411” means), I’ve felt like the younger one!

So, Mother’s Day is not a day that is about me. Just because I’m a woman, doesn’t mean I’m a mom (as I felt that assumption was made today at church). I love to hug, and do tend to be nurturing, but hey, I’m a Cancer!

I am grateful for the women who are great moms and role models, not just for their children, but for all humanity. And, I see that Mother’s Day can be a day to celebrate the Divine Feminine in us all, regardless if we’ve given birth to a child or not.

So, whatever your gender, whatever your station in life, Happy Mother’s Day!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

God is Everywhere, Always

I’m a greeting card aficionado – I like to send and receive them, especially via snail mail, the ‘old-fashioned’ way.

This week I sent out cards to numerous friends in celebration of their being mothers. I used an online program (SendOut Cards) and selected what I thought was one with a spiritual slant. Its front cover said: “God couldn’t be everywhere, so he created mothers.” I’ve heard that before and had thought it nifty, so I wrote a personal note inside and sent it out. I actually sent several out, all specifically personalized.

I know that some moms can be pretty special including having the ability to be unconditionally loving even with the most challenging of offspring.

But I realized that to say “God couldn’t be everywhere, so he created mothers” misses the mark, that it doesn’t fit into my belief system.

And, that’s because God IS everywhere!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Thought Provoking Flowers

I am just getting to blog now at 9 PM and I really don’t know what to say...

It’s been a long day in some ways, emotionally heavy I’d say. Along with the blessing of delivering flowers for Mother’s Day and getting to experience, surprise, joy, and appreciation of the moms, I came up against some tough life situations.

Our first delivery was for three residents of a rehab and assisted living facility. Great – children sending flowers that will light up their mothers’ lives in what can be a dreary, cold environment. Turns out one of the moms was an independent living resident, and yesterday she left for hospice. Living independently one day, in hospice the next. That hit me like a ton of bricks. The receptionist was able to track which hospice this woman had been admitted to and we were able to deliver the flowers, an accomplishment I was most glad of considering this woman’s circumstances.

Some of our other deliveries took us through the poorer neighborhoods of the area. We delivered a large vase of beautiful roses to a woman not much older than myself. As she was disabled with arthritis, it took her a little longer to come to the front door, allowing me more time to breathe in the not-so-pleasant smell. In slowly handing her the heavy vase, I noticed there was no air conditioning (it was 96 degrees outside) and got a peek at her living space – a torn up sofa bed came into view. I was uplifted to see she had a pooch.

Thinking of how much her child must have spent on the Mother’s Day bouquet, I couldn’t help but think that the money could have been put to much greater use to improve this woman’s daily life. But who am I to say? Perhaps such a special gift was a far greater delight to this mom’s heart and soul than getting help cleaning her home, receiving better health care, or upgrading her furniture. Perhaps I was looking too much at the physical and not enough at the spiritual side...

Fresh flowers are wonderfully uplifting. They can temporarily take our mind off the troubles of the day and focus on the beauty around us. May 4th’s blog was about today’s upcoming adventure to earn some money in a different way and was entitled “A Bouquet of Blessings”. Who knew it would also give me such a glimpse of others’ life situations and provide much food for thought...

I’ve much to think about my own current life situation too. If I view mine and others without putting Spirit in the formula, I am sunk. God came through in the children who were thinking of their moms and they conveyed that through their gift of flowers. And, God was in each and every flower delivered. God was present in the joy expressed and in the heart of each mom. God was with each person whether they were aware of It or not, whatever their circumstances. There’s a message here for me.

May I remember that God is always with me wherever I go, whatever I am going through, and wherever I am headed. I choose to remember this is so and am uplifted and at peace immediately.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Always Available

I entered the 12 Step program in March 1990 as a devout atheist. I soon discovered that people read daily meditation books related to their specific addiction, which helped them start their day off with some inspiration and contemplation. The words “God” or “Higher Power” could be found among the passages and it took some getting used to. Nonetheless, I really enjoyed the readings and found them helpful with my addiction of choice.

Within about six months, I was solidly believing in a Power greater than myself. Lo and behold, in February 1991 a publisher of recovery material came out with a new meditation book entitled In God’s Care (As We Understand God), Daily Meditations on Spirituality in Recovery. I embraced this little book because I wanted to be more focused on spirituality than on my addiction.

I gave my first copy, filled with lots of yellow highlights and black underscores, to a dear friend who was in AA, when he became seriously ill (I mentioned Jay in one of my first blogs). He made his transition some time later and I never got it back. I’m on my second copy now, 15+ years old.

My path has taken me beyond the 12 Steps, but I never tire of this book and still find joy and inspiration from reading of it. I can even read it online when the hard copy is not nearby. So, here’s part of today’s message:

“We see things not as they are, but as we are.” – H. M. Tomlinson

...Our more positive attitude today changes our understanding of earlier experiences... If we rely on God’s help, we’ll come to understand all our experiences as opportunities for growth and fulfillment. We can trust them, live through them, and be grateful for their contribution to our spiritual development.

The attitude we harbor is powerful...God is always available to help us accept the circumstances of our life.

In the midst of our latest adventures of bankruptcy, foreclosure, building our businesses, and looking for a place to hang our hats, both Rog and I are doing our spiritual work, staying connected to HP, and keeping a positive, joyful attitude. God is always available - to guide us, help us, uplift us.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Peace Versus Suffering

"To hear God’s Voice, all you need do is ask,
“Do I want Peace or do I want suffering?”
If your answer is Peace, you have already heard God’s Voice within you."
- The Voice for Love, 05.06.09

With the busyness and priorities of the day piling up, yesterday I lost my peace. I noticed it slowly creeping in when it was 3 o’clock in the afternoon and I’d only just completed the first necessity of the day. Then, spending 1½ hours on a tech writing task that should have taken only 5 minutes, my meltdown was getting evident. Only I chose to ignore it, further eroding my peace.

By the time I ate my evening meal, stressed about what was left that I “had to” do and upset that I’d not had time to myself, I was definitely in ‘not a happy camper’ mode. Finally, after looking forward to packing up my office (“one man’s ceiling is another man’s floor”) and not having the patience for that, I called the day over.

Sure, I did pray somewhat throughout the storm. But what I really needed to do was to take care of myself and that would’ve been taking time out and sitting quietly in The Silence, where God dwells, away from my ego. For it was my ego that wanted me to stay in suffering, and its voice had managed to overshadow God’s for a time.

I must be ever vigilant and willing to take action when I start feeling ‘off the beam’. The sooner I ask myself “Do I want Peace or do I want suffering?” the better. I can catch the ego in its mischievousness, choose peace, and reunite with God.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Joyful Demonstration

Rog writes a blog called “Experiments with Joy.” I particularly resonated with today’s entry and thought I’d share it...

Joyful Demonstration
Your home is nine days away from foreclosure sale and you don’t have a place to move to. Your bankruptcy lawyer is poised to rescue your home from the sale – at least for a little while – with moments to spare before the train runs you over.

You’re living in a half-packed state as you launch your new business ideas. Friends and family are pulling up stakes and moving away ahead of you. It seems like a lot of good-byes.

Where’s the joy in that?

There’s joy in realizing your peace is growing unshakable.

There’s joy in placing your future in the hands of God.

There’s joy as old friendships renew and new ones form, as people come together to help each other.

There’s joy in understanding that healing power is strengthening.

There’s joy in the deepening partnership of a loving relationship.

There’s joy in demonstrating how our peace and joy are so independent of this world of drama.

Monday, May 4, 2009

A Bouquet of Blessings

We’ve recently been asking people for help, offering some suggestions as to the form it might take.

One idea was if they knew of a house situation in northern Arizona where we could barter our talents and services for rent. Another was to contribute to our Move Fund. And, the 3rd was to keep us in their thoughts and prayers.

One of my friends came up with another, this one a lead for some unusual -for us- paid contract work. With this Sunday being Mother’s Day, the florist where she works was looking for drivers to make flower deliveries; 800 orders are already in! The pay is per arrangement delivered and we could conceivably earn enough in one day that would be the equivalent of more than a month’s worth of groceries (no, the florist is not paying the equivalent of a bank CEO’s bonus – we’ve just really cut down on expenses!).

It’s appealing to us not just for the money but for a myriad of reasons: Rog and I love flowers, we can spend time together, work as a team (which we do so well), and be messengers of sheer joy as we light up people’s day with flowers and wishing them “Happy Mother’s Day!”

We’ve noticed that with our current financial condition of having less money, we’re actually enjoying it more. We’ve gotten very creative in how we spend our dollars, design our meals, trade goods and services, and now in spreading joy. What a blessing!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Toilet Tuesdays

Almost 2 months ago, I entered into my first barter agreement: I clean the men and women’s restrooms at a yoga studio once a week in exchange for attending my favorite yoga class. It’s been a fine arrangement, win-win.

This past week was the last as I needed to free up my time. I will miss this task as well as my favorite teacher and the Gentle Healing/Restorative class postures.

As my cleaning was coming to an end, I realized that I really appreciated doing the work as an exchange. I even told one of the owners that if she’d been paying me an hourly wage, I don’t think I’d have enjoyed the task as much. The reward of attending the yoga class had greater meaning to me than receiving greenbacks, and this made me more focused, strongly motivated, and full of pride too as I went about doing my job. If I’d been given a wage, it would have been far less than my usual hourly rate as a tech writer, and, in all likelihood, my ego would have felt resentful that it had to engage in such activities, and I’d have been less than thrilled with the task. That was not the case, and I was very grateful the owners had been willing to barter.

During Tuesday toilet-cleaning days, I’ve often thought about the servant leader, Gandhi. My experience made me feel a bit connected to this spiritual man. It doesn’t matter that the toilets he cleaned were far less glamorous and technologically advanced or the reasons behind his actions were quite different from mine. It was not beneath Gandhi to clean toilets and, it was not beneath me to do so either.

It’s surprising the places one can find connection, inspiration, and meaning...

Saturday, May 2, 2009

An Army of Helpers

Boy, I sure have come a long way from my atheist days!

I’ve just spent some time submitting a prayer request to a number of online sites. Not only would this have never happened when I was an atheist, but even asking for help from anyone would have been an anathema.

These days I do believe in God, and I do believe that all things are possible with God. It’s a whole new way of thinking, a whole new way of living.

Also, I have learned to ask for help from God and all beings interested in my upliftment, human, angelic, etc. I am clearly not alone and there is much power within me and around me. I just need to reach for it, to ask for help. I am grateful these days I can and do.

Friday, May 1, 2009

All I Want for Christmas...

... is my one front tooth!

I chipped my #8 tooth in my Girl Scout days (40+ years ago) and eventually landed up with a crown. Last fall, I was eating ice cream and – surprise! – I bit into a piece of Heath bar, jarring my crown. The crown not only came off, but the actual tooth came with it!

The permanent solution is a 9+ month, expensive process. The temporary solution is cosmetic only, with my dentist using some kind of super glue to anchor it as best as possible. This lasts for 4 – 12 weeks at a time; and, the crown falls out with little or no advanced notice. As you might imagine, this situation can be angst-producing. Last night without notice, my tooth came out again, only a few weeks after having it super-glued in for the 3rd time. Once again, my world stopped.

As I was engaged in this morning’s practice (it’s too early to call the dentist), my anguish came up again, mainly about how my mouth and smile look. After all, it’s right in front! Then the thought crossed my mind that this is just my tooth. I still have the use of my legs and arms – I am not incapacitated. I can still see and hear and I have my mind. I’m not in pain. I am blessed.

The worse effects of this situation is that I have a little difficulty eating (believe me, I won’t starve!), forming certain sounds is impaired, and there’s this gap right in front of my mouth, so my smile is ugly. But worse comes to worse, I can place my hand in front of my mouth as I talk so as to not gross anyone out.

Yes, I really do want my front tooth back, whole and healthy. Until the permanent solution is enacted, I will remember that I am already whole and healthy. There is Divine Order, and as usual, something to be learned from the situation and another way to grow closer to Spirit. I truly am grateful.