Saturday, October 31, 2009

Dependence on God

A comprehended God is no God at all. – Gerhard Tersteegen

“Maybe the only thing we know about God is that dependence on this power greater than us brings remarkable changes to our life, and that ultimately those changes are for the best. That may be all we need to know about God.” - In God’s Care, October 31

There is no question that coming to believe and then depending on a Higher Power transformed my life for the better. Not only did I start having more love in my life via the wonderful people I met in 12 Step Program, but my entire perspective about people, the world, and life changed tremendously for the better.

And, it was no small feat to finally get that I was not alone, and that this power greater than myself not only was with me and on my side, but could be a real guide and help in living life peacefully and richly if I allowed It to.

I may not always, in fact often do not, comprehend God and His ways, but I sure am grateful that I “came to believe” and that I cultivate my relationship with this loving, caring, powerful Being on whom I am so dependent on.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Surrendering Once Again

This morning as I lay in bed, I started feeling anxious, which hasn’t happened in a while. It revolved around how I could start my new part-time position in Sedona on Monday when we haven’t a new place to call home yet. I was definitely experiencing a lack of faith and trust. How could God not provide a place for me to live when He so smoothly dropped this business opportunity into my lap?

So after sitting in the Silence (as best as possible), yet another morning reading focused on surrendering to God – think there’s a message here?!

“We wear ourselves out trying to control the uncontrollable, while God patiently waits to receive our burdens. All we need to do is hand them over: God’s presence is here, now.

“When we surrender all our concerns to God – both our failures and our successes – we begin to realize the breadth of God’s care and the constancy of God’s presence in our life. We have always been close to God, as close as our breath.

“Learning to acknowledge God as our protector and guide is exhilarating and eases our every step, thought, plan, and dream. We are learning that we can do nothing alone, but we can do anything if we just let God join us in partnership.

“I have God as my companion always. I’ll remember that today and be at ease.” – In God’s Care, October 30

Soon afterwards I had an email from a friend who lives a couple of towns over from Sedona offering me her place to stay short term if need be.

As Rog said this evening several times, miracles have been raining upon us. Sometimes I feel like it would be a miracle if I would surrender once and for all.

Dear Spirit;
Thank You for all the blessings and miracles you shower upon me even when I lose faith and attempt to control and figure things out. I acknowledge You as my Source, and, once again, I surrender.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Nature of a God Thought

I read a passage from Emmet Fox that was a bit of an astounding concept for me – and most uplifting.

"There is no end to a prayer. It echoes on forever in your soul. Long after the visible demonstration has been made and forgotten, the prayer that produced it continues to work for your spiritual advancement, for the creative power of a God thought is unlimited and eternal."– Power Through Constructive Thinking, Page 109

I can imagine this vast sea of God thoughts all around me and circulating in me, my soul – it’s a bit overwhelming. How powerful prayer is... Now I realize further the importance of prayer and thus have even more reason to pray ceaselessly: so that my spiritual advancement be guaranteed to continue.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Way Things Are

The way we think everything should and will happen just may not be according to God’s will of good for us. – Anonymous

There is no doubt that there have been numerous instances in my life in which I thought things should have happened in a certain way in order to be in my best interest. But more was revealed, and the way the situation unfolded turned out to be a blessing and clearly for my spiritual upliftment.

These days I’m really not clear why the unfoldment of my new life is happening the way it is, and I just want to get on with it! But I am grateful for the reminders that come my way via a person, a reading, etc. showing me that there is a Divine Plan, God is in charge, and all is unfolding perfectly.

I pray to keep surrendering to Spirit’s Plan and relax in the peace, love and joy of it.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Day's Plans

"Do not forget to include me in your plans today. When you ask me to join with you in planning your day, you open to the possibilities of having peace, joy, and grace in all that you do." – A Voice For Love

Dear Spirit;
Thank You for this day. I enthusiastically include You in my plans. Please show me what Your Will is for me, and give me the power to carry it out in peace, joy, love and grace. I leave You in charge of my day, my life, the best plan I can have.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Surrender - Again

“... turmoil... would disappear if we comfortably relied on God to take charge of our life every moment... willingness to let God have total charge of our life. If we do, we will know a new peacefulness – immediately.

I will let God be in total charge of my life today. I’ll not be controlled by fear. God will smooth my way.” – In God’s Care, October 26

Yesterday’s house hunting expedition in Sedona held many lessons. I had been praying my butt off, had friends praying for us, and I had signed up on about five prayer sites for strangers to pray for me. So what was the prayer I was asking help with? That we find and secure our perfect home in Sedona with ease and grace in a perfect way TODAY. I felt we had to find it TODAY, because I have a position starting in a week there and we’ve no place yet to call home.

We didn’t leave Sedona yesterday consciously having our new home, and maybe one of the ones we drove by is it. But it doesn’t matter.

I realized that I had once again been trying to control things, that I had expectations (not just expectancy) that set me up for disappointment, that my ego was having a grand ‘ol time. We’d done all the footwork and though I thought I’d been leaving the results up to Spirit, I wasn’t. Finally, when tired and frustrated, I had had it, and I hit bottom and surrendered. There I found peace, and I relaxed.

It was a painful reminder again of the need to really surrender and let God unfold His Divine Plan, to let God be in charge of my life, not just in this matter, but in everything. I am not in charge, my way doesn’t work. I can set my intention and express my desire, but ultimately God will work things out that are best for me. I must trust – and let go fully.

As we go house hunting again tomorrow, I go with expectancy and hope. But if we don’t secure the place, I know that’s God’s plan, that the time is just not right, that all the pieces are not quite in place - and I’m fine with that. Come next Monday, when my new position starts in Sedona, God will have worked out a perfect plan for me. I might not know what it is now, but God does. God has been preparing me beautifully along the way and will continue to do so. I surrender to God, my Creator, my Source.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Beautiful Moments

“Open your arms to beautiful moments and they will come to you.” –

Today I open myself to the beauty of the day, to The Presence.

Surrounded by the physical beauty of Red Rock Country and the spiritual beauty of people in my life, I go forth with opened arms to receive and embrace beautiful moments, to feel the Holy Presence.

Thank You, Spirit, for this beautiful life made so by my connection to Your Presence and Your Love.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Happy Birthday, Rog!

Let God love you through others and let God love others through you. – D. M. Street
“Every person in our life is an invitation to know God better. ...emissaries of God who have been sent to teach us about love.” – In God’s Care, October 24

Rog stepped into my life five years ago this past July, and he has been loving me and I have been loving him just about since that first email.

Through his love I have had a glimmer of what God’s unconditional love is like. I’ve healed a bit from my family of origin hurts by observing Rog with his children, seeing the kind of father he is. He’s a great role model and teacher for me in many areas, and his character, spirit, and love are a wonderful blessing to me.

I’m grateful to Rog’s parents for bringing his spirit into this world, for his mom going through childbirth, and for the Great Mystery once again getting these two twin flames together in this lifetime.

Thank you, Rog, for all of your love, all that you are, and all the best that you bring out in me. Thank you for this wonderful sacred union, and for being my safe harbor where I am regularly reborn in safety and in peace.

Thank You, Spirit, for blessing me – and many others – with this loving, faith-filled man with whom I am honored to be his best friend, wife, and intimate fellow adventurer in this game called Life.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Letting God In

“I let go and let God free me for greater good.” – Daily Word

As we transition to a very different life style, I’m peeling the onion learning more about myself. My attitudes and behaviors affect those around me, especially my beloved, Rog. So I pray that as more is revealed and pain comes forth, that Spirit shows me the right way to go and keeps my ego at bay. I am open to healing, I am open to love.

I’m looking to learn my lessons, painful as sometimes they may be, so that I can move forward and enjoy a happy, joyous, and free life especially with my twin flame. Then, too I am better able to help others and be of good use to God. So I let go all the junk inside me – the fears, doubts, hurts of the past – and let God direct me to my greater good. I let God’s love come in and I find peace.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Nothing But the Best - Part II

Ah... “Nothing but the best” is what is meant for this child of God and all of us. But who determines what the best is for me? Surely with my limited knowledge, it cannot be me!

God determines what is best for me, for He knows the full plan. So while I affirm “Nothing but the best,” I must release all expectations of what that exactly means.

Dear God;
Help me to accept Your will for me, knowing that You only give me “Nothing but the best.”

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Nothing But the Best

As a child of God – omnipotent, unconditionally loving, rich in all ways – how can I not possess and be blessed by this All That Is? It seems that early on we learn to expect the worst, rather than expect the best. Where then, does that put God?

Catherine Ponder states in Open Your Mind to Receive: “Our beliefs about God and man can either lead to a dismal existence or to accepting and claiming the best in life” (page 55).

Particularly as we seek our perfect home this day, I am re-reading and re-affirming statements that open my mind to receiving nothing but the best. Doing so is uplifting and can only bring positive results. There is no need to settle for less than the best. After all, God is my Supply, prosperity and success are my heritage, and I am the rich child of a loving Father.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A Special Lady

This afternoon I was blessed with being witness to the interaction between seven newborn pups about 10 hours old and their mom Kanaloa, a cocker spaniel, a recent addition to the family of some friends of ours.

Kanaloa is a bit young herself yet this was her third (and last) litter. She showed care and attention to her young ones very naturally, who just wanted to be close to their mom. Kanaloa is a sweetheart to start off with and stole my heart when I first met her. Seeing her take care of her pups made her even sweeter in my eyes.

If ever there was a role model for us humans, here is one. She started giving birth at 3:00 AM, without a whimper or cry, with ease, grace, and dignity. She tended to each pup as s/he emerged from their sac, and continued to clean them up and feed them. One was a stillborn, but Kanaloa didn’t linger in the past but moved forward to take care of those in the here and now. She’s a medium-sized dog and to see all those puppies around her it’s hard to imagine how she managed to be in such great spirits in the last several days of her pregnancy carrying all that weight.

And, now that she’s back to her former slender figure (not so quickly for female humans), she’s bouncing around, ears flopping, with a smile of such joy on her face.

Kanaloa is a cuddly bundle of love and joy, surely a gift from God. The father of her babies is a Labrador Retriever whose character is not known; therefore, we’re all hoping the pups have Kanaloa’s temperament. So Rog and I are thinking that we just might have two little bundles of love and joy come live with us in a couple of months. Then I’ll be blessed to be showered with God’s unconditional love on a daily basis not only through Rog, but channeled through these little pups as well.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Living Together

The Lord is the strength of my life. God will show us at any time the meaning of anything that we require to understand, will show us at any juncture what it is we ought to do, and He will furnish us with Divine strength to do it.” – Emmet Fox in his essay Light and Salvation

We are getting down to the wire to find a new place to call home in Sedona. I feel I’ve released a lot in these past months – possessions, emotions, expectations, thoughts - and I’ve still got a ways to go. Based on conditions of time, finances, and desired location, we’ve been contemplating various housing scenarios, including renting a one-bedroom house. This is a challenge for me.

Ever since I bid au voir to my studio apartment in Manhattan, I’ve always had a specific room in my home set up as my office and quiet space. That has meant at least a two bedroom layout. When I bought my home in Gilbert as a single woman, I was blessed with three bedrooms. When Rog came into my life we converted the guest bedroom into his office. He had his office, I had mine, each to decorate and do with as they pleased. This had always been my ideal: a couple shares a bedroom and have their own separate spaces. Having one’s cake and eating it too!

Living with my life partner has not meant that I still don’t want and enjoy my own private space alone. Just closing the door puts me into another world. This space not only serves as my office, but as my sanctuary to be with God in prayer and meditation. Sure, I can be with Spirit anywhere, but I love the container of my room. And, I’m just not ready to give it up - yet.

I’ve always been easy to live with. However, growing up in the family that I did, once I no longer had to share a bedroom with my twin brother, my bedroom became my sanctuary. It was the peaceful world away from the chaos of my family (except when my twin brother would blast the stereo in his bedroom next door). And during my single days I only had roommates when a friend needed a place to stay for a brief while or when I took a share in a vacation house. I had always said that I preferred living alone unless my roommate was going to be my life partner; I pretty much kept to that.

Yes, I love playing house with Rog and we do it so well. But whilst we may be twin flames soul-wise, in this physical world of illusion, we are two distinct beings. So, I still cherish my time and space alone. And oftimes, I just want to go into my cave, close the door, and be still.

I know there is a new world coming, and living in community is part of it. And, it’s something I look forward to - so, I need to change. My perspective towards living with others needs to change. I must let go of past notions and be open to new arrangements. I must learn to feel like I’m in my sanctuary regardless of the physical layout. My sanctuary resides within me, wherever I am. It is not a physical place.

Dear Spirit –
Give me the strength to do Your Will with ease and grace, and rearrange my perspective so that I feel at home no matter where I am. Help me to be at peace and experience the Stillness in all locales. You are the strength of my life, and with You all things are possible – including changing my emotions about living space. Thank You, thank You, thank You.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Question Was Popped

Half-asleep at 4:45 AM five years ago, Roger asked me to marry him – boy, did that wake me up!

We’d been talking about whether to opt for formal, legal recognition of our life partnership or just live together. Whether we had the State of Arizona behind us or not, we were committed to one another. Since I’d never been married before, I thought it would be an interesting experience to have.

Although Rog had said he liked being married and wanted to remarry, he was still a bit hesitant. But Spirit worked on him, and when Rog heard Spirit emphatically tell him to ask me to marry him – repeatedly – Rog heeded The Voice and did so. It was the same Voice that had told Rog months before to set up his profile on, where we soon met; the rest is history.

I will always be grateful that Rog obeyed The Voice. I thank Spirit that He was clearly a part of it all, we had His blessing, and He continues to guide us on the adventurous and love-filled life we have together.

Happy 5th Engage-a-versary to my beloved husband, Rog!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Keepin' Clean With God

I can’t walk and chew gum at the same time, but I sure can wash dishes and pray at the same time. I can also shower and pray at the same time.

The quality of the physical task at hand does not suffer at all and certainly my spiritual condition gets enhanced. Perhaps water has something to do with it.... Well, I can iron and pray at the same time too, so I guess that’s not it. Maybe it’s something about cleanliness. I guess many of us have heard the expression “Cleanliness is next to Godliness;” maybe there’s something to that after all.

In any case, I’m grateful to make such efficient and effective use of my time. And, it’s a great pick me up that occurs on a daily basis (well, not the ironing!).

I know that God is available for me to pray to always regardless of the activity I’m engaged in. It’s up to me to take the imitative to do so.

Thank You, Spirit, for being accessible to me any time, all times. Please help me to remember that You’re just a thought away.

Friday, October 16, 2009

All I Wanna Do...

... is be with God.

There I am at peace and safe.

Sitting in the Silence, I feel so peaceful, protected, and cared for. And, how could I not be? For God is with me always – I could not be breathing, living now if it were not for Spirit.

My life is in the care of God, and I trust in divine order.

I will keep my thoughts stayed on Thee and be at peace.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


There is no doubt in my mind that peace within me is the most important condition I require, especially when my life is the way it currently is with huge changes and opportunities being presented each and every day.

When I’m at peace I know I’m in ”fit spiritual condition”, feeling close and connected to Spirit.

There are many ways that I can get back to that state of peace when I feel adrift. Deep breathing is a simple and powerful tool and I can do it anywhere, anytime – I just need to remember to do so.

Sitting still in the Silence even briefly is another way. This is not always as convenient a way to restore my peace. However, on more than one occasion, I have retreated to a women’s restroom, and found the privacy I needed to just be still.

Of course, my inner state of peace not only serves me well, but impacts those around me too. So when I’m at a gathering where ‘The Peace Song’ is sung, I wholeheartedly sing out the lyrics to Let There Be Peace on Earth, original lyrics by Sy Miller and Jill Jackson (circa 1955).

Let There Be Peace on Earth and let it begin with me.
Let There Be Peace on Earth, the peace that was meant to be!
With God as our Father, brothers all are we.
Let me walk with my brother in perfect harmony.

Let peace begin with me. Let this be the moment now.
With ev'ry breath I take, let this be my solemn vow;
To take each moment and live each moment in peace eternally!
Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.

It is crucial for me personally to be at peace. And, since we are all One, it is crucial for this planet as well. I strive to be in such a condition so that I am part of the solution in creating a loving earth on which we can all thrive and be at peace.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Guide Me

Dear Lord, guide me towards Your plan. – Marion Bond West

It’s been quite the roller coaster ride these past several days. We found a lovely home that needed work and the owner was open to us living rent-free while we get it back into shape. I was sort of in shock with the entire unfolding of the situation and in such a state of gratitude and faith that I kept repeating “Oh, my God”, “Oh, my God”, “Oh, my God.”

When we revisited the property and saw that it needed much too much work before we could even store our belongings there, I felt deflated. But soon I pulled myself up and stated “God just has something better for us.” We informed the owner that it was too much of a project to suit us and wished him good luck.

With time appearing to run out to move out of our current home because of an impending trustee sale that had been postponed twice before, we seriously started checking out sharing a house with someone. It would require less cash on our part, which has not yet manifested in sufficiently abundant amounts yet. We found a lovely woman with a lovely house – but we realized we really couldn’t live with someone else. With little money to rent our own place, I feel at a standstill, not knowing what to do. These days I guess you could say I'm feeling a little frustrated.

And the news today is:

I’ve found out that I’m to receive a gift check from some dear relatives. It’ll help us with our first month’s rent and other expenses.

The house trustee sale was postponed yet again, giving us some breathing space even though we need to get settled in our new community.

The owner of the house in need of repairs still seems to want us to consider living there and making renovations. He’s coming in from CA this weekend and it seems like he’s already got some plans to fix things – who knows if he’ll persuade us.

I feel like a yo-yo riding a roller coaster - what is God’s plan for me? I have a vanity license plate that reads GUIDE ME. I specifically chose it so that I could regularly be reminded of where I stand in relation to God. These days I guess you could say I'm feeling a little frustrated.

Dear Spirit – Please guide me towards Your plan about living quarters and keep me open to creative ideas, and patient with the time line. All happens in Your time. Thank You for delaying the trustee sale yet again, so that all the pieces can come together with ease and grace like a beautiful, finely woven tapestry.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Hand of Prayer

I came across this method of prayer on, a part of the Ruth Stafford Peale Prayer Power Network. It's said to be a great tool to use if you aren't sure what to pray about or how to begin your time of worship. I think it’s pretty clever!

1. Your thumb is nearest you. So begin your prayers by praying for those closest to you. They are the easiest to remember. C. S. Lewis once said, "To pray for our loved ones is a sweet duty."

2. The next finger is the pointing finger. Pray for those who teach, instruct and heal. This includes teachers, doctors, and ministers. They need support and wisdom in pointing others in the right direction. Keep them in your prayers.

3. The next finger is the tallest finger. It reminds us of our leaders. Pray for the president, leaders in business and industry, and administrators. These people shape our nation and guide public opinion. They need God's guidance.

4. The fourth finger is our ring finger. Surprising to many is the fact that this is our weakest finger, as any piano teacher will testify. It should remind us to pray for those who are weak, in trouble or in pain. They need your prayers day and night. You cannot pray too much for them.

5. And lastly our little finger, the smallest finger of all which is where we should place ourselves in relation to God and others. As the Bible says, 'The least shall be the greatest among you.' Your pinkie should remind you to pray for yourself. By the time you have prayed for the other four groups, your own needs will be put into proper perspective and you will be able to pray for yourself more effectively.

Monday, October 12, 2009

My True Home

Yesterday we thought we’d found a lovely place to live, a rustic house with a cottage and large garage on ¼ acre, in a convenient location in Sedona. It turned out the place needed work so we proposed to the out-of-state owner that we live there rent-free in exchange for getting the place up to snuff, then start paying rent. He was most open to the idea. We felt Spirit at work, manifesting our home in a way that would be win-win for all. My excitement and gratitude could hardly be contained.

In revisiting the place today and with closer inspection, we saw the place is really inhabitable. Our excitement was dashed, but we knew it was for the best. God is leading us to something better – I just wish He’d hurry (as it appears that time is running out)!

A reading this morning reminded me once again that God is always with me and within me. All things work together for my highest good and so I relax and affirm that all is well right here and now.

And, wherever I go, I make myself at home by sharing the love in my heart.

No matter where Rog and I eventually land up laying our heads down at the end of the day in our new community, home will be with me in my heart, with God.

Dear God;
Thank You for Your many blessings. I am in gratitude and awe at the unfolding of our new life plan. Please keep me patient and faithful that all is well in Your hands.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

I Can Do All Things

“This is the day when I fully release the concept of lack or limitation from my consciousness. I can do all things.” – Daily Word, October 11, 2009

And, I can do all things because I’m not alone. God is my strength through and through. With such Power, Supply, Wisdom, Love, and Peace, I can do all things.

Saturday, October 10, 2009


I nonchalantly applied for a part-time position in Sedona via Craigslist on Thursday evening and had a most enthusiastic reply email sitting in my Inbox Friday morning, before we left for a day trip to Sedona. The business owner called me as we were driving north and we set up an afternoon appointment. I was offered the position on the spot and I formally accepted this morning.

Now this isn’t just about a quick deal – this is about an easy-going interview and it seeming to me (and I think to this person too) that it was just a done deal before we really even got started. It appears to be a dream situation that is mutually beneficial. And, not only is it a worthwhile business situation, but it will help me lay down roots in the community.

It’s ‘interesting’ that the job listing got taken down earlier in the day and the business owner didn’t know why. Rog said Spirit made that happen because there was no longer a need once I responded.

I felt a bit in the twilight zone yesterday because of the speed of this all. Spirit worked quickly and in Its own way. And, without even knowing fully what an action on my part would yield, Spirit took over and provided a wondrous result that I couldn’t have fathomed.

The message I got this morning as I was working on digesting what had happened yesterday was that everything was going to happen suddenly from here on in to get our new life set up. We’ve been seeking Spirit’s guidance and help, and it feels like the floodgates have just opened.

I’m going to hang onto the reins these next few days especially as God starts putting the final pieces together for our new life up in Red Rock County. I am filled with enthusiastic expectancy to see how the details pan out. With God orchestrating it, I know that the full picture will be a delight.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Real Action

“... prayer is really the only thing that matters. The only way man in which man can improve himself or his conditions, get a better knowledge of God... is by prayer. Prayer indeed is the only real action there is; that is to say, it is the only action that makes things different.”

- Emmet Fox, The Garden of Allah

That says it all. What more need I do?...

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Dear God –

Thank You for Your many, many blessings. I know that You are my Source, my Supply for everything, everything, everything. And, I am soooo grateful.

I know that Your Supply comes through channels, but they always lead back to You, Source.

So many new channels have opened up recently for me. Via the Internet through such tools as Craigslist, Facebook, eBay, and email in general, I have newly met a wealth of wonderful people, rekindled former relationships, and strengthened present ones, business and social. When I go about the day and chores (like going into a food store, bank, or library), You have given me the opportunity to open up channels to more of You. And, attending various social and business meetings, I am exposed to even more of Your channels.

Thank You for Your channels, Your other children, through whom I am blessed with Your love, financial prosperity, and wealth of all kinds.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Outer Conditions

It is so clear: do not focus on outer conditions. They are but a reflection of what is going on on the inner plane. I cannot change outer circumstances directly – I must change what is going on within me.

Emmet Fox states in his essay Be Still, “When things are going wrong declare constantly that you are not going to be afraid or intimidated by any outer condition... God is my refuge...”

And when the outer doesn't quite match what I’d like, and inner change has not yet taken effect, I am glad to be reminded of what Florence Scovel Shinn wrote, “I am under Grace and not under Law.”

“Regardless of conditions in the world around me, I look for the good and trust God for right results.” – Daily Word, October 7, 2009

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Cries for Love

I arose from bed last night around midnight and worked on a client’s website until 3 AM. Sure, I love doing website design, but the stronger reason for following such an off-beat schedule was the barking dogs next door – and their screaming mom.

This has been going on ever since these folks moved in, but with no need for a/c these days and the windows open wide, the sound is especially loud. Part of me wants to scream above the screaming mom to stop screaming. But the spiritual, loving, understanding, more mature part of me knows better.

A Course in Miracles says that there is only Love - a person is either extending love or crying out for love. Everyone in this circus next door is living in fear (the seeming opposite of love) and crying for love.

From almost the beginning, there was no doubt in my mind that our neighbors were a dysfunctional family. It showed in the way they take care – rather do not take care of - the property, their children, their health, their plants, their pets. When Mom screams at the pooches it’s because she just doesn’t know what to do, and is projecting her fear onto them. And, the pooches are making a ruckus because they’re not comfortable living outdoors (especially in 115 degree weather), tethered, and lacking attention. Everyone seems lost.

So even though last night I gave up on getting some sleep until the wee hours of the morn, I did send loving prayers to dogs and humans alike. They’re all hurting, they’re all in need of love. I can do my best to give them that; then I release them to God.

Time and again I am reminded that the circumstances in life in and of themselves are not as important as how I respond to them. I am grateful for my awareness and for conducting myself in a loving matter.

Perhaps tonight will be the night that my neighbors feel love, settle down, feel at peace and rest in the quiet of night - I’d like to join them.

Monday, October 5, 2009


I’m on my third day of back pain, and although it’s improving, I’m still in slow gear.

I’m working on what the lesson is here for me to learn. One is that I need to rest and relax more, take better care of myself instead of putting other people or things first. I needn’t wait until I hit bottom and God gets my attention to do so.

Another lesson was revealed to me in reading today’s Daily Word. The message was: “I have the support I need to succeed. I rely on God for help, support and guidance.”

In her list that correlates dis-eases with probable causes (in You Can Heal Your Life), Louise L. Hay notes that the back represents the support of life. Specifically, lower back problems relate to “fear of money. Lack of financial support.” Her affirmations (or ‘new thought patterns’) are: I know that Life always supports me, and I trust the process of life. All I need is always taken care of. I am safe, respectively.

With the financial and housing adventures Rog and I have been going through these past 14 months coming to another milestone in the next week, it’s certainly possible (ya think?!) that I am unconsciously feeling a bit fearful.

However, it’s been true that we have been so taken care of and supported by Spirit during this time. That support hasn’t always showed up as we would have envisioned it or on our timetable, but God has certainly come through. God is my Source and I must remember that All I need is always taken care of.

Dear Spirit of the Most High –
I know that You are my Source, and You supply and support me in all of Life. May I walk in absolute faith in these days ahead and may the condition of my physical back reflect that faith in the Universe supporting me in Life’s processes and adventures.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


I love synchronicity, for it is how I “came to believe” and it continues to bolster my faith that there is a loving Something greater than myself that knows about this whole show.

That said, an email about the topic of hurrying has been sitting in my Inbox since Thursday, but I’ve not hurried to read it. How synchronistic that twisting (or whatever) my back yesterday has made me slowed down. Today, being better able to sit in my desk chair, I read it.

Here is an excerpt from my friend’s email regarding the message she received in her role as an author for the Mayan Day Keepers. To read more, you can visit her website.

I realize the message is not a new one, but I appreciate the reminder about what’s truly important.

“… never in your history has there been the need to "hurry" to do anything. What is more important is to be in joy and express love each and every moment. This entails releasing fears and habits that keep you from enjoying a passionate and compassionate life.

“Learn how to maintain a state of calm and peace no matter what storm is brewing around you. Have courage to stand in your truth, no matter who may disagree with what you say or do. Take time each day to go within, quiet your mind and set clear intentions for what you wish to accomplish. Pay attention to what is happening around you, especially in nature and be respectful to all beings who reside on the earth. Fill your heart with gratitude each moment, reveling in the beauty that surrounds you. This is your path to ascension.

“… if you still feel the need to "hurry," we would suggest your quickening be focused "inside" rather that upward. Take time to look at how you can be part of the soul-ution when it comes to creating heaven on earth.”

- Excerpt from Mayan Message, Day 19, Cauac 6

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Laughing With God

“How do you make God laugh?”
“Tell Him your plans!”

I had much to do today, but Spirit had other plans. As I was taking the butter out of the refrigerator to make some breakfast this morning, I felt a sharp pain in my lower right back. In that instance, my plans for the day, and perhaps for tomorrow, changed.

Rog helped me into bed with the hopes of relaxing my body. He brought me a client’s manuscript to read, water to drink, and a Lara bar to eat. What more could I need? Rog took good care of me, checking in periodically to see how I was feeling and if I needed anything.

With some energy work and other remedies, this physical body is healing and feeling better. I’m not sure that it’ll be in shape for a planned trip to tomorrow, one that involves loading and unloading the truck and about five hours of driving. But that’s tomorrow.

I’ve had to let go not only of my plans, but other things as well today. As an adult I’ve not been one to be sick very often or laid up in bed, out of commission. And those few times I have been, I usually handled it alone. Having Rog administering to me has been such a treat; I am grateful for his being here, his calming help, his love. A channel of God's.

Rog’s aid brought up old childhood memories of feeling like I was a burden to my mother. Before I had my tonsils and adenoids removed, I frequently got sick and the school would call home for my mom to come and pick me up. I’m giving that one up to Spirit too!

I’m sure it’s no coincidence I’ve been reading about receiving and the difficulty many people have with it. So, I’m releasing any issues about receiving, and enjoying all that Rog is giving to me.

I’m letting go of the past, being prepared for something big I feel Spirit has in mind for me with the historical world changes coming. I’m letting go of my little plans and looking to God for His. Yep, God’s going to have to find something else to laugh with me about!

I am open to receiving. I am receiving now. I am receiving all the wealth that Spirit has for me now. Thank You, thank You, thank You. And, so it is.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Life as Prayer

Today's Daily Word - Friday, October 2, 2009

As I turn my thoughts to God, my life becomes a prayer.

I do not need to go away to a mountaintop or seclude myself in a sacred place to spend time in prayer. I need only to turn my thoughts inward and open my mind and heart to God. In this way, I make whatever I am doing a prayer.

As I prepare a meal, I am grateful for the food, and as I clean my house, I am grateful for the restful haven it provides me. As I walk in the park, I feel a sense of oneness with all life in the world around me. As I go through my workday, I am God's instrument of good in the world, and what I do and say is an expression of God.

The more I turn my thoughts to God, the more my life becomes a prayer.

How convenient that wherever I am, whatever I am doing, talking to Spirit is just a pause away. I simply stop and refocus my attention inward.

My intention is to be in prayer more and more each waking moment, to walk consciously with Spirit 24/7. As I do so, my life is a prayer, full of gratitude that my Higher Power is with me always.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Care of the Soul

“I used to think you had to be poor to be a genuine seeker of truth. Now I know that’s just not so. You can be a seeker of truth while looking through the windows of your own jet plane, or while enjoying a luxurious hotel suite.” – A famous actress quoted in Open Your Mind to Receive, by Catherine Ponder.

During an interview this same actress was asked, “How can you talk about spiritual values when you’re surrounded by so much beauty?” She replied, “Beauty and luxury are a part of God’s kingdom so why not have the best? The important thing is that you do not sell your soul for such blessings. Instead, it is through spiritual growth that these blessings can best come to you and permanently remain with you.” [Ibid, page 2.]

The important thing is that you do not sell your soul for such blessings.

There are too many people doing just that, selling their soul by working in a j-o-b strictly for the money. In the meanwhile, they do not enjoy the work, they are treated as machines rather than sentient beings, and they don’t have time to enjoy friends, family, themselves (!). - they are killing themselves on numerous levels (physically, mentally, spiritually). How can this be the way Spirit intended us spiritual beings to have a human experience? Surely this way fosters a shrinkage, not an expansion of energy, consciousness, love, peace, and joy. And, when the individual (micro-organism) is shrinking, inevitably the culture (macro-organism) is as well. It is no wonder the world, particularly the Western world, is in the shape it is these days.

I’m pretty much unemployable now for I will not sell my soul for an unsatisfying job just so that I can “earn” money to keep the house bills paid, food on the table, clothes on my back. I’m willing to do with less on the material plane if need be, in order to have more on the spiritual and emotional plane. Hence, I have my own business, and even whilst it is not currently very financially lucrative, it has afforded me prosperity and abundance in other ways.

Mostly, it has made my time my own to do what I want with. That means Rog and I can enjoy coffee vacations in the morning and afternoon, we can go for a hike in Sedona any day of the week we like, we can connect with friends, family, and clients often. I can spend time in meditation, and maybe even more than once a day! I am freer than I’ve ever been before. I am so grateful that my spirit has been willing to shed attachments and blockages that have kept me from this abundance of blessings.

My soul/spirit is my most precious being. By taking good care of it, by nourishing it, I am a better human being to my fellows and to be of service to God. Opening my mind, heart, and spirit to receiving, the results of prosperity show up are in accordance with my spiritual growth. Thank You, Spirit!