Monday, August 31, 2009

God’s Prayer

Yesterday I attended the Celebration of Spiritual Awakenings meetup. I was introduced to some interesting, talented, and simply amazing people.

One of those folks read her new poem and its sentiments resonated strongly with me.

Here it is:

God’s Prayer

As I take a look around me
I know that God is here
In the rocks, the trees, and the air that I breathe
That Presence is more than just “near”

I am a child of my Father
An expression of His Grace
As I pray my prayer to the Lord of All
I can feel Him right here in this place

God’s Life is everywhere present
I know It’s the Source of me
As I ask for my prayer to be answered
I find—in the asking—the key

When I make my request, the door opens
I can reach out and touch my desire
As I focus that feeling inside of me
It’s as if I’ve discovered fire!

My desire comes from my Father
He provides it to help us both grow
As the Source of ALL creation
Desire springs forth the Flow

As I express my desire to my Father
I come ‘round full circle, you see
I don’t need to fear that my prayer won’t be heard
Because God prays His own prayer...through me

Sandra A Daly
Copyright 2009

Sunday, August 30, 2009


“Hold my hand as we walk together in the silence of God's loving embrace, admiring the scenery, smelling the roses, and enjoying all that life has to offer, knowing that together we are in Heaven." – The Voice for Love, 08.29.09

Ahhh. The aforementioned quote makes me feel peaceful and fulfilled. I envision that it is Rog and me holding hands, walking together in the silence of God’s loving embrace.

But I think it goes beyond that. I am walking with angels and Holy Spirit and spirit guides, and all those other unseen entities helping me to be me in this crazy world.

I am being offered divine help and guidance to enjoy all of life’s blessings, but I must choose to take that offer, that hand, and walk the path. I am not alone.

I accept.

Thank You, God, for all Your helpers sent my way. Please enable me to feel their presence, hear their message, and rejoice in all of Life’s offerings.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Praying Without Ceasing

What does “praying without ceasing” really mean? Can I really pray all the time? If I pray 24/7, what else would there be in life, what else would I get done?

I think “praying without ceasing” is like the idea of always looking unto Thee. I do it the best I can, as often as I can, in as many places as I can.

For me, the practice of praying and looking unto Thee, shows up in various forms including: singing, meditating, helping others, staying conscious, and evolving spiritually for its own sake.

Dear Spirit;
Help me to pray and look unto Thee without ceasing, and thus always feel connected to You, my one and only Source.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Love for God

I’ve often wondered whether I love God, especially after hearing others passionately proclaim their love for their Higher Power. And, if I don’t love God, where does that place me, in God’s ‘eyes’ and in my own?

Well, last night I was reading from Emmet Fox’s book Power Through Constructive Thinking, getting my heart and mind tuned up to Spirit. I was heartened when I came across these words in Fox’s essay The Secret Place:

“...your love for God is not an emotion. It has really nothing to do with the feelings at all. We demonstrate and prove our love for God by praying, and by refusing to recognize error as having any power over us; by declining, out of loyalty to God, to accept anything less than the perfect harmony which is His Will.”

I don’t always refuse to recognize error as having any power over me and certainly there are times when I accept less than perfect harmony in my life. But I sure do pray. I pray a lot throughout the day, as much as I can in between the spaces of activity and oftimes during the busyness.

My intention is to connect with Spirit every millisecond that I can and to evolve spiritually. In this, I show my love for God.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


This morning, during coffee vacation with Rog, my ego got off into expressing itself, venting frustration, fear, and who knows what else. I certainly wasn’t in my right mind as I thought about my current life and what was going on in it, or for that matter, what was not going on it. I was far from being in the mode of acceptance, surrender or joy. I was in a hissy fit.

And so I had to chuckle when I listened to an audio file Rog had sent my way last night. In it, the speaker told the following story.

Edgar Cayce was asked “What is it to be enlightened?” He said, “Prior to enlightenment you would chop wood, build fire, and carry water. Then after enlightenment you would chop wood, build fire, and carry water. The only difference after enlightenment is you would enjoy the process.”

Well I certainly wasn’t thinking in an enlightened manner this morning when my ego took over. I may not always be a happy camper enjoying the process that my life is in the middle of these days. However, if I would ‘just’ stay focused in the Now, on God, I might be enlightened for the moment (my ego would lighten up). And, there I would find peace.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Today is a particularly significant day in my life.

Thirteen years ago (1996) I moved out of the Big Apple, my home town for my entire life of 41 years. And, four-and-one-half years ago (2005), Rog and I were married – the man I’d been searching for most of my life. Both were very significant events, and perhaps marrying Rog would not have happened if I hadn’t left NYC... although I suspect Spirit would have come up with another way for these twin flames to cross paths in this lifetime.

After so many years of yearning for my soul mate, one might think that our promises to one another would have been lengthy. But when all was said and done in planning our intimate, joyful event, Rog and I chose to speak these brief promises to one another based on A Course in Miracles: I promise to do my best to always see the Light in you. I promise to do my best to be your perfect shelter, where you can be reborn in safety and in peace.

Ahhhh. These promises are suffused with Spirit in their meaning and energy. It’s always wonderful to reread them and think about how I’ve fared in fulfilling my promises to Rog. I think I’ve done quite well (with Holy Spirit helping my ego), even with some of the particularly wild adventures we’ve been in.

Rog is my beloved twin flame so it’s pretty easy to see the Light in him and to be the safe, peaceful, and healing shelter. But I’m just wondering how it would be if I could make and keep this promise to all beings I meet? And, what about every being making it to all other beings?

Wowww. Ahhhh.

Happy 4.5 Wedding Anniversary, my dear Rog. May I continue to do my best to always see the Light in you and to be your perfect shelter, where you can be reborn in safety and in peace.

And, I pray, with God’s help, to apply these promise concepts to all whom I meet on my path.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


“Worrying is using your imagination to create something you don't want.” – Abraham (excerpted from the 09.05.98 Asheville, NC workshop)

Imagination is powerful, a gift from our Creator.

May I honor Spirit by using my imagination in a positive, uplifting, helpful way for others.

Monday, August 24, 2009


"In oneness do we remain.
To oneness will your awareness return."
- The Voice for Love

Sunday, August 23, 2009

The One

Good morning, God!
Thank You for this day.
May I remember that You are the One Source, the One Presence.
You are all there is and I need nothing more.
All comes from You.
And, so it is.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Following One's Heart

There are many ways that we can serve God. Some of us find that we do it best and are true to our heart (to God, to ourselves) by doing it on a solitary path. That is, we find that we simply cannot give our fullest to Spirit when involved in a committed relationship with a human being.

Others find immersing themselves in community the best way to go in order to serve God. They live with housemates, work with many colleagues, and, in general, are in the world and in many close relationships.

I recently learned that a man, who I have heard speak God’s Word numerous times and who has stirred my heart, has chosen to give up a committed human romantic love relationship. In fact, it was a marriage. It seems that he has been in multiple marriages, and all but one ended in divorce. This man finds that he can only serve God best when he is not also committed to a life partner. He’s tried it and it just doesn’t work. The human relationship divides him and distracts him from his true life’s work.

I get it. I admire this man for his courage, his integrity, his honesty, his commitment – to Spirit and his heart. His last marriage was short-lived once he confronted this nagging issue and made the decision to give his heart solely to the Great Mystery. He and his former wife love one another and are great friends. That’s just the way it is. This man helps many people as his ministry goes well beyond the walls of the physical church. He serves God best and his spirit heals and thrives as he gives of himself to the many instead of a special one.

Yesterday’s blog (What God Wants) spoke to the idea that maybe what God wants is for us to just be free of the things that come between us and God. For me, I needed to change my daily allocation of time. I made the commitment to spend more time with Spirit. How pale this seems in comparison to my aforementioned friend. Yet, what wonderful food for thought.

Spirit has given each of us something unique to share with this world. Besides knowing what it is, we need to discover the best way to go about sharing it, and then make the commitment to carry it out. I’m still working on all of this. But, kudos to those who have found their true calling, know how to administer it, and are committed to it, their heart, and God. Thanks for being such a great role model to the rest of us. God bless you all!

Friday, August 21, 2009

What God Wants

Karen Casey (In God’s Care, August 20) suggests that maybe what God wants is for us to just be free of the things that come between us and God. Hmmm.

Sure, there are things than come between me and God. And, I wonder how many of them are of my own doing? Furthermore, what is in my power to make a change?

Perhaps the biggest, most important ‘thing’ that comes between me and God, and the one that I have a choice about and power over, is taking care of myself. Not taking the time –and sufficient time– to be in the Silence impedes my spiritual condition and hence detracts from my relationship with God. That then trickles down into my relationship with others.

I can be free of this thing that comes between me and God if I make a greater commitment to us both to spend more time alone with Spirit every day, no matter where I am or what my schedule is.

Consider it done!

Thursday, August 20, 2009


I am reminding myself to –

Breathe... as I sit in the silence with Spirit
Breathe... while I do my yoga stretches
Breathe... as I deal with computer issues
Breathe... while on the Arizona freeways filled with drivers crying out for love
Breathe... as I express gratitude for all the blessings in my life
Breathe... as I go through this day, surrounded by and immersed in Spirit, the giver of Life, the giver of breath.


Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I read this prayer from Daily Guideposts and it gave me food for thought: “Lord, the greatest success I can achieve is to know You and to love You, and help others know and love You too.”

This definition resonates with me and actually shapes my daily life, for each day as I meditate, interact with others, pray, etc., I endeavor to know God more and more.

And while I have no intention to stop following this path, in a way, something else is far more noteworthy to me.

For you see, I feel that the greatest accomplishment of this lifetime has already occurred: coming to believe after having been a devout atheist for nineteen years.

If I were to accomplish nothing further in my life, having awakened to God Consciousness takes the cake - the rest is icing.

Of course, having come to believe was just the beginning. The story and my path continue as I experience ever greater communion with God and my fellows, loving God and helping others love God too.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

May You...

I received a delightful, uplifting email the other day and reread it today. This day it particularly nourishes my spiritual hunger and reminds me of the magnificence of not just me but everyone.

May today there be peace within.
May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith in yourself and others.
May you use the gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you.
May you be content with yourself just the way you are.
Let this knowledge settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us.

God is within me and within everyone. May I act in accordance with this concept this day and every day.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Looking Unto Thee

Thank You for this adventure called Life.
May I look unto Thee as I go through this day.
May I clearly receive Your guidance as minute after minute I look unto Thee.
May I easily and enthusiastically follow Your guidance as I look unto Thee.
May I be filled with love, gratitude, and joy as I look unto Thee.
And, may I go out into the world and be Your emissary of peace and Light as I look unto Thee.
- Inspired by Unity of Sedona's Rev. Mark Pope's 08.16.09 message

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Among the Irises

I attended the monthly "Garden Party" at Unity of Sedona this weekend where I was of service by helping to spruce (no pun intended) up the gardens. I've been wanting to spend more time in nature, with Nature, and this was a wonderful opportunity to do so. My soul and physical body have been in sore need of feeling Mother Earth, of letting Her soil run through my fingers.

I pulled some weeds but mostly I hung out with the irises.

Irises are widespread on the grounds and there were plenty of dead, burnt leaves to remove. The more I worked with the irises, the closer I felt to them. I apologized when I accidentally tugged on a healthy leaf, I let them know how lovely they were, I felt their cool temperature even in the summer heat. We bonded.

Thank You, Spirit for this special experience and for the very many blessings in my life, which come in many forms and numerous types of kinships.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Only Love

Dear Lord,
May this day be only of love.
May this day be full of love of self, love of others, love of You.
Let there be no fear, though even that is about love – a cry for love.
With love being the most powerful force there is, may I rejoice in it - and You.
For with You, with Love, all things are possible, and only the Real exists.
That is where You are and where I want to be always.
In Peace, in Joy, in Love.

Friday, August 14, 2009


My serenity is very dependent on my attitude.

When I hold an attitude of gratitude, I have serenity.

When I hold an attitude of joy, I have serenity.

When I hold an attitude of acceptance, I have serenity.

When I hold an attitude of love, I have serenity.

The list could go on and on, similar to when I draw up a gratitude list. And, simply going through the exercise is sufficient for me to feel serene. Ahhhh.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Three Steps

“I pray. I listen. I act.”

These three steps suggesting how to go through any situation came from yesterday’s Daily Word. However, I didn’t come upon them until I had already applied them to our surreal housing situation.

Rog and I held hands, closed our eyes, took some deep breaths, and then I said an extemporaneous, heartfelt prayer aloud. It encompassed not just the morning’s particular challenge, but expressing our gratitude, and praying for dear friends, many of whom are also facing huge shifts in their lives.

This time greatly calmed me down and I could feel Spirit’s Presence deeply. Then Rog and I proceeded to listen, and Guidance came. One step at a time, we took action the rest of the day, in a calm manner.

How blessed I am to have come to believe in a Power greater than myself that can help in all situations. With peace – with Connection – I can operate in my right mind, at peace, in this crazy world. I am grateful.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


A line from yesterday’s In God’s Care stated “We need our connection to God to maintain our perspective on life.” How true that rings for me this morning!

Early in my days of 12 Step recovery as “I came to believe” and formulate an entirely new philosophy of life, I realized that everything in this life is just a “spit in the bucket” (of eternity). The little things and the big things work themselves out eventually and hence I can be peaceful regardless of circumstances.

Circumstances are ever-changing and, in this world, usually crazy and illusionary; I often just have to laugh at it all. But Spirit is permanent, never-changing, and what is truly real.

With God “all things are possible,” I am in God’s care at all times, and, in the grand scheme of things, all that matters is God.

As I strengthen my connection to Spirit with each positive thought held and each prayer prayed, I maintain my perspective on this roller coaster of life by keeping my eye staid on Thee.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Uplifting for All

I received this email over the weekend from a woman friend... a brief, uplifting prayer message that anyone can benefit from reading, man or woman.

Dear God:

The lady reading this is beautiful, classy, strong and I love her.

Help her live her life to the fullest.

Please promote her and cause her to excel above her expectations.

Help her shine in the darkest places where it is impossible to love.

Protect her at all times, lift her up when she needs you the most, and let her know when she walks with you, she will always be safe.

Love you Girl!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Ebb and Flow

As our life gets ‘cleaned up’, simplified, clarified, and more and more ‘Spirit-fied,’ Rog and I find people dropping out of our world – family and friends. We meet more spiritually like-minded people and start building relationships with them. Then, when we least expect it, the former folks come back into our lives.

In the past couple of weeks, at least four people have come back into our world. But two of them particularly seem to ebb and flow back into our life, sometimes every year or so, or perhaps every several months. Each time they seem to disappear from our lives, we think we understand why. There’s been no arguments, but it just naturally seemed time for all concerned to move away and onward in relationship. But then they come back into our lives, and that seems just as natural. I suppose it’s because we’re all changing and growing in conscious awareness.

Knowing there is a reason and purpose for every event and person in my life – even if each might last only a second – I remembered a poem I’d received a while back. After some research on the Web, I think I’ve tracked down the author who was contemplating friendship when she wrote it.

Here it is.

People Come Into Your Life for A Reason, A Season Or A Lifetime
By Jean Dominique Martin

People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.
When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person.

When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed.
They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support,
To aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend and they are.
They are there for the reason you need them to be.
Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time,
This person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end.

Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away.
Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand.
What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done.
The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on.

Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow or learn.
They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh.
They may teach you something you have never done.
They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy.
Believe it, it is real. But only for a season.

LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons,
Things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation.
Your job is to accept the lesson,
Love the person and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life
It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant

Dear Spirit – Thank You for all the people who come into my life for whatever length of time. It is always a holy encounter, and a blessing.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


Today's Daily Word - Sunday, August 9, 2009
Prayer by prayer, I enrich my life.

How do I achieve a spiritually centered life? I pray.

When I spend time in prayer, I gain a deeper understanding of my true nature. My potential for a richer, fuller life is revealed to me.

Through communion with God I become attuned to the divine presence and power within me. I am strengthened and guided to do what is mine to do.

Prayer immerses me in the love of God and opens my heart to meaningful relationships. Prayer brings me new insight so that I more fully express the love within me.

My life is enriched through the power of prayer, which gives me strength, wisdom, and enthusiasm.

"Strive for the greater gifts. And I will show you a still more excellent way."--1 Corinthians 12:31

Saturday, August 8, 2009

My Supply

God is my unfailing, inexhaustible, unlimited supply and great resources come to me today, under grace, in perfect ways, to move our life forward joyfully.

And, so it is.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Peace is for the Asking

“...We will become proficient at knowing peace – with practice.” – In God’s Care, August 7

“... World peace is simple a choice away for every individual on earth.” – Daily Word, August 7, 2009

I know that peace is up to me. Like some many other things in life, I must choose.

To walk the path of peace can be challenging, and my ego may not always want to play the game, but its rewards are delightful to my soul. I feel better inwardly, closer to Spirit, and that gets reflected in my interactions outwardly. Peace has to begin with me (as the song goes) and it is only then that there can be peace on earth.

Imagine if each and every individual focused on attaining inward peace... “What a wonderful world this would be.” Indeed, when I choose peace for me the individual, peace for the entire planet is just a choice away.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Love and Inspiration

“Just don't give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don't think you can go wrong.” —Ella Fitzgerald

I would safely say that where there is love and inspiration, I am surely on the right track. There is no doubt in my mind that Spirit is sitting right in the middle of it all, guiding me, cheering me on to do what I really want to do. When I am in such a state of joy, I am in fit spiritual condition and able to be of great service to God. It’s win – win – win.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Time For God

“God will probably not be interested in how much we included in our day, but how much of our day included him.” – Allia Zobel-Nolan from her book The Worrywart’s Prayer Book

Touché! I was up at 4:30 AM working on my website when I’d normally be engaged in some form of spiritual practice. I’ve gotten more flexible in my morning schedule and I’m okay with that, but when does it become too flexible?

I did take some time several hours later to sit still, but in all honesty, today I made my website upgrade a god. And, I just don’t feel fully complete - it’s not rocket science to figure out why. And, it’s not surprising that progress on my work did not flow with as much ease and grace (and productiveness) as I would have liked.

So I’m shutting down for the night and am heading off to spend some quality time with Spirit. I don’t think I’m the only one smiling in anticipation...


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Signal is Out

“When you begin to understand Law of Attraction, and you understand that which is like unto itself is drawn, then it is easier and easier to understand that you are offering a signal, and the entire Universe responds.” - Abraham (Excerpted from 06.20.98 Seattle, WA workshop)

The signal I am offering to the Universe today – and since Sunday – is the very passionate desire to relocate up north, to be in community, in nature, to nourish my soul in ways unique to the Verde Valley/Red Rock Country area of Arizona. And, this desire (and perhaps my stubbornness) makes me put out to the Universe that we will be in our new home by the end of August, having gotten there in ease and grace and in accordance with God’s Will.

I do not ask of God “how” this will occur. I know that when I finally asked for God’s help to leave Santa Fe, I received it in ways I’d have thought ridiculous or impossible if anyone had predicted the “how”. But I surrendered, committed to my part, and left the big “how” to Spirit. Within six months I had relocated to the Phoenix area, far less time than the three year plan I had originally sketched out.

With fiery passion in my heart, lessons learned from the past, my life partner Rog by my side, and God’s power and grace, I move forward to realizing my dreams. I am attracting that to which I am drawn and the Universe is responding with a big time “Now”!

I am so grateful.

Monday, August 3, 2009

The Answer: Community

Our adventures yesterday up north answered my prayer to receive messages from God for our next steps.

The talk at the Unity of Sedona service was given by a member rather than the minister. He plunged right in to telling about how he had woken up one day and realized he’d had no friends. His was inspired to find a community, and here he was about a year later, sharing his insights and gratitude for the spiritual community he had found at this Unity church. The support and connection there had helped him grow tremendously in the past year, get through some challenging situations, find meaningful service work, and even meet his future wife! His gratitude was strong for the love and friendship exchanged in community.

The afternoon found Rog and me in the company of healer friends and colleagues. We had a relaxing lunch as we caught up on our lives and related our spiritual “ah-ha’s” and unfolding knowledge. Then we spent two solid hours in what turned out to be sacred, healing circle. It was a powerful experience for each of us as individuals and as a group as a whole. There is no doubt that this group of individuals (with a few missing folks) is a community.

I’ve known that community is very important to me (it’s family for me), so Spirit’s message is clear: Community is a driving force in deciding on what my life is to be about and where we are to live. Various spiritual communities await us in the Verde Valley/Red Rock Country area, and that is where we are to go make a new home. There no longer is doubt. I will leave the “how” up to Spirit as I continue to remain open to Guidance and following It.

I’m excited, enthused, and grateful that yesterday’s prayer was answered. And, I so look forward to my new home region and all that it offers my soul.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

This Morning's Prayer

Good morning, Spirit! Thank You for this day.

I enthusiastically (rooted in the Greek “from God”) greet this day and our day trip north to cooler climes and beloved like-minded spirits.

I open myself to all of Your messages and for the next steps to take in our new life. May I be alert whilst I am attentive to those with who I am in the company of. For I know that You so often speak through people and I am so eager to hear Your Voice as much as possible!

Grant us peace and safe, fun travel as we go forth today, doing Your Will wherever the adventure takes us.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

A Dialogue

After getting frustrated and feeling like I’d just been set back in moving forward on a client’s project, I had the good sense to take some quiet, alone time with Spirit.

Time. It is still such an issue with me. I acknowledge that I’m learning a lot about website design and that’s great. But there’s always so much more to learn – I get frustrated that I won’t learn what I need to in order to accomplish getting this site working right – and before next year!

But I must say, I do not regret I took the time to mostly rest these last couple of days – although I didn’t have much choice – I’d do it all again. I do not feel guilty at all for taking that time.

Good. As it should be. So what if you take longer than you planned? What difference will it really make? You’ll just go on to whatever is next after you finish it. And then the next thing, and the next...

That’s true.

And, what’s really behind the frustration?


Of course. There’s no need for that. As long as you are enjoying yourself, that’s what counts. And, if you’re enjoying yourself, then you are attuned to Me, which above all is what really counts.

Yes, I pretty much do enjoy myself... and feel close to You.

Then let it go... Breathe. All is well. Stay attuned to Me in all times; peace will slide in and move out frustration and fear. Then, of course, you’ll be in better shape to proceed... It serves no one well when you get like this.

How true, how true. Thank You. I feel better already.